July 24, 2020

One state's Republican party issue platform opposing "SOGI" laws. Dems scream. Governor apologizes

The gay/tranny mafia--supported by the Democrat party without a single reservation--has rolled another nominal Republican.

A few weeks ago Republicans in North Dakota voted on a party platform.  Along with dozens of uncontroversial planks (personal freedom, limited government, encouraging personal responsibility, lower taxes and so on) was a provision opposing what are called "Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Anti-Discrimination" (SOGI) bills.

Hey, how could anyone be opposed to something named an "anti-discrimination bill," eh?

That's because the Democrats have done what the always do: they gave this class of laws a totally misleading name, precisely to hide the REAL effect from normal Americans.  Cuz among the many things that "SOGI" laws have done in other states is to make it a hate crime to refer to a male with a male pronoun if he claims to be female.  Or female claiming to be male.  Or "non-binary." 

Note that these laws say you don't have to be speaking TO the snowflake to be charged with a "hate-crime."  Instead you can be charged if you merely use a person's "non-preferred pronoun" in conversation with someone else. 

These grossly-misnamed laws would also add trannies to the long list of what are called "protected classes" in the law.  Members of one of these special "protected classes" have special status under the law--status which allows them to sue you for deciding not to hire them because you don't want them representing your company, or deciding you'd rather not do business with them.

Examples are everywhere:  Several bakeries have been sued into bankruptcy for declining to make a cake celebrating homosexual marriage, or tranny marriage. (Search "Masterpiece cakeshop")

Of course you can't believe that in America--where the First Amendment to our great Constitution states that we have freedom of speech--any law criminalizing use of an obvious (if non-preferred) pronoun could withstand a legal challenge.  Unfortunately these laws are already on the books in shithole cities like NYC, and haven't been struck down yet.

Further, a bill already introduced a year ago by Pelosi's Democrat majority in the House added the phrase "or gender identity" to the end of every list of protected classes in the Civil Rights Act.  This bill was the first one introduced by Pelosi after the 2018 mid-term election.  It passed in the House, exactly on party lines, but the majority-GOP senate ignored it.

If the Democrats pick up just 2 net senate seats in November, flipping the senate, this bill will pass, and go to the president for signing or veto.  If Biden is elected, which do you think he'd do?

In any case:  Whined at by Democrats and the Lying Mainstream Media, the nominal Republican governor of North Dakota quickly apologized for the party's opposition to giving special status to more classes, under the guise of "non-discrimination," and promise to remove the points the Dems didn't like.  Yay!!


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