Kamala Harris is an authoritarian. If you're a young American unfamiliar with that term, it means she thinks the president should be able to dictate policy via executive orders, regardless of the law.
Now: Harris knows that every voter thinks drug prices are outrageously high. Solution? Seize the patent rights from the company that researched and developed a drug, and license the rights to make the drug to other companies that didn't spend money on research and lengthy, costly testing, so can make a profit at a fraction of the current cost.
Harris tells her audience about using presidential powers to to make drugs cheaper.
If they resist: “I will snatch their patent so we can take over.”
Someone in the audience asks “can we do that?”
“Yes, we can do that! We just need the will to do that.”
Of course you can't believe she really said that, right? I mean, it's so totally against the rule of law for the gruberment to take property from anyone without compensation, right? Well...here's the quote from a f'n communist "journalist" from the WaPo. Read 'em and weep, libs:
So is WaPo "journalist" (propagandist) Dave Weigel lying? He's totally in the tank for Democrats, so unless he's trying to sabotage Harris to boost his favorite candidate, why would he invent this? Plus, Harris is polling something like 3 percent favorability, so it would be a waste of time to do a hit-piece on her.
She said it, Weigel approves it, and the WaPo approves him tweeting it. Why? To push Dem voters into accepting the idea that the government not only
has the power to do as it wants, but
should do whatever a Democrat president wants to do, regardless of law.
But only a Dem. Weigel demands that any Republican president do as the law demands.
Here's how another Dem-loving website, Politico, described the Harris plan:
[On July 19th, 2019], Kamala Harris announced a plan to reduce prescription drug costs and rein in pharmaceutical companies, including linking the price of drugs to their prices in other countries.
What would the plan do?
If elected president, Harris said she would have the Department of Health and Human Services set a “fair price” for any prescription drug whose price increases annually by more than the cost of inflation — or which is sold for less money in any comparable country in the 36-member Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Any profits pharmaceutical companies make from selling a drug above that set price in the United States would be taxed at a rate of 100 percent, with proceeds going directly to consumers as rebates.
In other words, if the company that developed a wildly popular new drug sells it at a price higher than Kamala thinks is "fair," she'd seize all profits above the so-called "fair price." So where's the incentive to develop new drugs?
Hey, who cares, eh citizen? The supposedly-great socialist economist John Maynard Keynes claimed businessmen would continue to produce and innovate no matter how much the government penalized that activity (!).
This idiotic viewpoint has been embraced by every totalitarian since. And it's amazingly stupid: Do they really think that more than a tiny percentage of business people will invest their time and their families' assets for no profit? Certainly a tiny few will, but most...won't. But of course Kamala (and other pols who have never held a private-sector job in their lives) don't believe this.
They're terminally stupid. Which is okay, except that they're now demanding that you live with the results of their stupidity.
Harris said she would also work to close a tax loophole for pharmaceutical companies’ direct-to-consumer advertising expenses.
"...would also work to close a tax loophole..." You probably hate ads as much as I do, but the tax code considers advertising as a legitimate business expense, thus deductible from income. Harris wants to close this "loophole." Uh-huh. And of course if congress [spit!] won't do it, she will...by executive order:
Harris said that if Congress does not act on her proposal within 100 days of taking office, she would take executive action to investigate price gouging and would appoint an attorney general who will prioritize investigations of abusive drug pricing.
Remember, the source of this report is a 100%-Democrat -supporting outfit.
In egregious cases and if other efforts to control prices fail, Harris said she would use the government’s “march-in rights" to license a drug company’s patent to a lower-cost competitor.
"...to license a drug company's patent..." This is nothing less than seizing property rights.
comments to the Post's propagandist were...interesting. Here are a few:
Every violation of law and rights starts with an act of will.
This is not a case where price controls work. Price controls do the same thing here as in every other case: they lower supply. In this case, that means fewer life-saving drugs are developed.
The Dems won't stop at drugs. They'll seize EVERY PATENT on anything they want!
ie: "We will dictate the price a company can charge for any product. If they don't like our price, we will take their product from them." This sounds familiar somehow. Oh yeah: "Atlas Shrugged."
But lest you think Americans aren't impressed with Kamala's dictatorial side, there are always a shitload of communists who are--like this jerk:
Abolishing intellectual property rights, combined with "Medicare for all," combined with breaking up hospital/provider monopolies, and abolishing medical guilds, would lead to a reduction in healthcare costs by at least 66%. If Harris ran on all that, she'd win the nomination and all 50 states in the general.
I'm curious: What the hell is a "hospital/provider monopoly"? Every city larger than 100K people has more than one hospital. Where's the monopoly? Oh wait...I get it: The monopoly is that companies run 'em, not the generous, altruistic, all-powerful gruberment. [Look it up.] So yeah, we see where ya got that, commie.
There are some lessons to be learned from Atlas Shrugged.
Harris also stated several times that Trump should be banned from Twitter. If you can "snatch" property rights, snatching someone’s First Amendment rights is no big deal to her either.
"Triumph of the Will."
If you're a college-age American you almost certainly don't understand the reference here, so let me help: In 1935 Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler was surrounded by adoring supporters, among whom were many brilliant propagandists. One was a female film-maker named Leni Riefenstahl--who directed perhaps THE classic Nazi propaganda film, "Triumph of the Will." Look it up. It'll chill you. And this is what Harris (and other Dem presidential candidates) admire, and want to emulate.
Ahh seizing the means of production. Just like Stalin......
Harris: 'Hey, if the communist Chinese can do it, why not us?'
If she does this, where's the incentive to research and develop new drugs? But of course no Dem will ever connect the seizing of intellectual property rights to the drastic drop in the discovery of new drugs.
You know who else seized patents and factories? Adolf Hitler.
A lawyer and former attorney-general of f'n California proposing to seize intellectual property rights.
She read "Atlas Shrugged" and thought it was an instruction manual.
Here's Harris, appearing in Muscatine, Iowa, yesterday:
Harris said that companies charge Americans more for drugs than the charge for the same drugs in Canada.
Harris said she has “a career of working on things and getting things done” and took the companies on while the top prosecutor in California.
“My plan as a candidate for president on these drug prices is as follows: We are gonna set drug prices based on fair market. Essentially what we’re gonna do is set drug prices so American consumers are going to be charged for drugs that’s the average price of drugs around the globe,” she said.
If people don’t want to cooperate with that, I’m also going to do the next thing, which is this: A lot of drugs, prescription medication, was born out of federal funding for the research and development of that drug. Your taxpayer dollars.”
“So, for any drug where they fail to play by our rules, and if that drug came about because of federal funding...I will snatch their patent. So that we will take over. And yes we can do that,” she continued, repeating that it could be done several times.
“The question is, do you have the will to do it? I have the will to do it.”
"Adolf Hitler, call your office."
Of course that's not legal--at least not now. Harris and most of the other Dem candidates want to change that, cuz hey, any means are fine if you have "good intentions," eh?
These are the people who want to run this country. If you have an IQ above room temperature you won't let them.