November 11, 2019

Who's running your kids' schools?

One of the stated goals of communism, decades ago, was to try to gain control of school boards.  Control of school boards would allow selection of superintendents, textbook approval and curricula.

While schools in much of flyover country are still decently run, many public schools in the U.S. are now cesspools of socialist teaching.  For decades a huge swath of America's public K-12 schools in liberal states have been controlled by socialists.  And one of the goals of the socialists has been to turn American students against our heritage, our nation and our history.

A side "benefit" (from their standpoint) is dumbing down the education your kids get.  I've been teaching at a large state university for 35 years, and have seen numerous students who can't divide 24 by 8 without a calculator.  Students who have no idea what the Bill of Rights is, or the meaning of the Tenth Amendment.  Students who believe a Democrat president can (and should) ban guns by executive order, the Second Amendment notwithstanding.

For young Americans who've never been taught even the basics of our Constitution and the American system and don't know how things work or are paid for, ghastly proposals by socialist politicians sound attractive.  Healthcare woes?  Declare that health care is a "basic human right," regardless of cost.  Solution must be "Medicare for All," no matter that it would cost more than the entire current federal budget.

Homelessness?  Simply declare that affordable housing is a "basic human right."  College graduates struggling to pay off $150,000 loans to get that degree in "gender studies"?  Declare that they don't have to repay such loans, because...wait for it..."going to college is a basic human right.

Too many minority high school grads who can't read or do basic math?  Teach students that math is a tool used by whites to oppress minorities.

There are lots of smart, dedicated teachers in public schools.  Unfortunately in far too many cities they're forced to teach a socialist-controlled, anti-American curriculum.


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