November 10, 2019

Video from Death Valley. Wait, maybe that isn't it. Metaphor alert.

This video looks like a tourist's look at Death Valley or something similar.  But as the graphic shows, it's actually Mars. 

This is what an advanced society can do.  But if the forces now trying to destroy America get their way, fifty years from now no one in this country will be allowed to build something as simple as an automobile--let alone a rocket and vehicle able to land on Mars, then roam the surface of that planet and send videos back to Earth.

Think about that for a bit.  Obviously a video of the Martian surface has little tangible value, but the point is that history tells us that societies have an arc:  they rise from simple beginnings, and some eventually develop almost unimaginable sophistication.  But then...something happens. 

What the "something" is--what makes a society collapse--is still a mystery. There's still no concensus on why the Roman Empire collapsed.  One theory is that most non-elites got addicted to "free stuff", and eventually there weren't enough producers to make the equation balance.

Of course liberals don't want to believe that, so they've advanced another theory:  That lead seals on wine jars leached lead into the wine, essentially dumbing down the population.

Yeah.  Seriously?

Point is, you've got a choice to make:  You can either vote for the party that demands open borders, demands that you pay for medical care for anyone who sneaks into this country illegally; demands that you give people who smoke and eat junk food and shoot up meth free medical care for life ("Medicare for All"), and the whole panoply of liberal "free shit."

Is there some middle ground, some compromise?  Beats me.  But history is pretty clear that any government determined to give the masses "bread and circuses" (for college-age Americans, that's an old Roman cliche) is doomed.


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