November 11, 2019

California pols have figured out how to game the system

Someone noted that the Democrat pols who have ruled California without interruption for decades have figured out how to game the system so they can make dumb rules with little consequence:
  • Ban construction of new oil refineries.  Then to satisfy the demand of the state's drivers for gasoline, demand that other states ship you as much gasoline as you need. 
  • Rule that utilities and volunteer crews can't clear brush in forests and around power lines.  Then when high winds (which have always existed in Cali) cause power lines to spark and ignite huge, destructive fires, claim the fires were due to "global warming."
  • Decree that no state or local law enforcement official can honor ICE detainers, as part of "sanctuary"policies for illegal aliens.  Then when illegals commit more violent crimes, blame inequality. 
  • Pass laws making theft of anything under $1000 a simple misdemeanor.  When such thefts go exponential, but aren't reported--because why bother?--use the smaller number of reported crimes to claim that crime is down because of your brilliant policy.
  • Force utilities to shut down perfectly good nuclear and coal-fired generating facilities, and dismantle perfectly good hydroelectric dams.  Then import electric power from surrounding states to meet demand.
Amazing.  And from the standpoint of pols wanting to stay in office forever, very effective.


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