November 07, 2019

Wow: lib TV host tells Dems they should NOT promise to confiscate guns, then DO IT after you're elected

Communists, socialists, Democrats and other assorted leftists want to disarm Americans.  If you don't believe that, listen to any of the dozens of vids of Beto or Kamala or Elizabeth "Lie-a-watha" Warren saying exactly that.  And note the screams of approval from their audiences.

But for some bizarre reason a lot of Americans aren't enthusiastic about that idea.  Something about not wanting to give up the ability--and the RIGHT--to defend ourselves and our families from thugs and tyrants.  But of course the Left doesn't want you to have that ability--because it's easier for them to run things if you're disarmed and helpless.

In any case...Beto was the most aggressive in saying he'd confiscate semi-automatic weapons, adding the chilling twist that if anyone refused to surrender their weapon, he'd send cops to your door and take it.

Well isn't that special?

To the surprise of few, Beto's campaign promptly crashed.  And now leftist waste-of-air Joy Behar has some advice for other Democrat candidates:  If you want to confiscate guns, don't tell voters you plan to do that.  Instead, win the election first and THEN confiscate.

Wow, that makes SO much sense!  And I expect future candidates will do just that.

Of course you think this is fake news--that someone just made that up to make Democrats or Behar look bad.  Nope, she really said it.  On live national television.  See for yourself.  I've spared you a ton of idiotic whining by cutting to the chase: The blonde is talking about Beto wanting to seize AR-15's when Behar makes her comment.

This is the future of the Democrat party.  The radical base will demand that candidates pledge to seize 'assault weapons," so it will be almost impossible for anyone to win the Dem nomination without pledging to do that.  But if the Dems use their usual cunning, a candidate favored by the Mainstream Media could


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