November 13, 2019

Grab-and-run store thefts skyrocketing in California after stealing is changed to a mere misdemeanor

Five years ago California's Democrat-majority voters had yet another GREAT idea to improve life in what was once a delightful state:  Pass a ballot proposition de-criminalizing theft under $1000 or so.

Skeptics warned that the inevitable, unavoidable, totally predictable result of such a law would be an explosion in theft, when thugs realized there was no meaningful penalty for stealing less than $1000 of loot.

But Cali's Dem rulers were all for the proposition, and enthusiastically supported it.  After all, it would reduce prison overcrowding, allowing the pols to avoid spending tax dollars to build more prisons.  Also, they knew the number of *reported* crimes would drop, which would make them look good to voters, eh?  And it passed, and is now state law. the surprise of no one, skeptics were right:  California has been experiencing a huge wave of broad-daylight grab-and-run thefts from stores.  Groups of thugs walk in, scoop up whatever they want and just walk out, knowing that in the hugely unlikely event they're caught, they won't go to jail.

In fact, since district attorneys won't prosecute these crimes anymore, cops are reportedly being told not to even bother reporting such crimes.  So the Dem pols were right about one thing: the number of *reported* crimes have dropped--since many are no longer being reported.

In Redlands, California, two days ago, five thugs strolled into a Nike store, grabbed as many boxes of high-dollar shoes as they could carry, and ran out.  Video below.

Of course liberals will claim "Why get upset?  After all, this is a victimless crime, like smoking dope or using heroin or urinating in public.  Insurance will pay for it.  So chill, dude!"

How do you even begin to reason with people who think like that?


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