November 12, 2019

"Epstein didn't kill himself" goes viral

If you've been off-planet for the last month you may have missed the explosion of repetitions of the meme "Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself." 

The popularity of the phrase suggests that LOTS of Americans don't believe the official Narrative that Epstein killed himself--at a time when all the surveillance cameras had mysteriously stopped working and the guards who were assigned to regularly walk the halls were supposedly asleep.

See, echoing the meme is an inside joke, that people enjoy repeating because everyone knows the official Narrative is total bullshit.

The fact that lots of "normal" Americans don't buy the bullshit cover story is actually very encouraging.  It suggests they're getting tired of a system in which the "elites" can easily get away with crimes that would quickly land us "deplorables" in jail for decades.

Kinda like objecting to two sets of laws.

I mean, "Two Sets of Laws" is right there in the Constitution, right?  The Founding Transgenders knew that some people were intrinsically wiser than others, so it was only right to cut the smaht ones more slack in what they were allowed to do, eh?

I mean, isn't that the entire legal basis for "Sanctuary States," in which illegal aliens are quietly released at 3 a.m. to avoid being caught by the feds and deported for murder.  It's only fair, right?

Even the Simpsons were in on the joke.


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