November 12, 2019

Why "feedback loops" are important, and why destroying them destroys society

What do you know about "feedback loops"?

Broadly, they're a kind of "course correction:"  A system or organism does something, evaluates the results and usually takes the next step based on its evaluation of how well or poorly the first act accomplished the desired result.

Learning to walk, ski, land a jet fighter on a carrier, play an instrument--all are totally dependent on getting feedback.  Without it, the chances of getting the desired result are virtually zero. 

The same is true of personal behavior:  Everyone knows that if a kid learns that pitching a screaming fit produces the desired parental result, that behavior is reinforced.  Should be obvious.  By contrast, in normal kids swift punishment for bad behavior normally reduces that behavior.
Premise: Virtually every problem in our society can be traced to the elimination of feedback loops.

Think about it:  Big Dem-ruled cities, liberal prosecutors have announced that they will no longer prosecute theft under $1000 or so.  Result?  An explosion of such crimes.

Junkies inject drugs in the warm corridors of BART stations, and no one bats an eye.  With no disincentive--no negative feedback--the walkways have quickly become packed with junkies on both sides.

In feces-rich San Francisco the new District Attorney--son of two unrepentant revolutionary bomb-detonators--announced his office would no longer prosecute public urination.  Another feedback loop gone.  Any guesses as to the result?

In Portland, Oregon, Antifa thugs beat people up while the cops stand around watching.  No feedback, no disincentive.  Thugs immediately notice.

The same problem afflicts government at all levels.  Pols are rarely prosecuted even for heinous corruption, eliminating a disincentive for such behavior.  In the ultimate con, they push through policies that push the costs onto future generations.  Because those beings can't vote, there's no feedback, no disincentive.

California's Dem rulers (Democrats have ruled the Assembly for at least four decades) flushed $60 billion down the tubes on a "high-speed train" that was ill-planned.  But not one pol was voted out of office.  The public simply shrugged.  No feedback.

Out society used to have feedback loops, that reduced bad behavior.  In most of the above cases those feedback mechanisms have been deliberately destroyed--by liberals, like the new San Fran DA.

Unless you're actively working to destroy this nation you should be mad as hell about that.


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