November 09, 2019

ABC reporter got Epstein story three years ago, but ABC refused to air it, instead fires alleged leaker

If you've just arrived on this planet you may have heard that the Lying Mainstream Media totally LOVES whistleblowers.  Leakers.  Employees who call out their powerful company or government agency for wrongdoing.

Ooooh, wait.  Looks like they have...wait for it...a double standard about whistleblowers:  The love the ones who can help them hurt Trump and conservatives.  But when one of the own employees rats out corporate corruption, that's...a whole different story, sparky.

For example, a top-tier reporter at ABC got the whole sordid story on the Epstein sex scandal three years ago, along with pictures and names.  But instead of running the story, ABC sat on it.  Never has aired it.

The reporter spilled the entire story on-camera.  She wasn't being broadcast to civilians, but the vid was being transmitted to all the affiliate stations.

Last week an un-named source at ABC leaked a tape of that incident.

ABC immediately began trying to find the leaker.  But the person they suspected of leaking the tape--a 26-year-old female--had quit ABC and been hired by rival CBS.

Now you'd think ABC would have let it go at that point.  After all, if a leaky staffer was working for CBS, why would ABC care, right?

Ah.  Well.

ABC refused to let it go.  Instead an ABC exec phoned CBS and told 'em about the suspected leaker.  CBS promptly fired her, without telling her why or giving her a chance to defend herself against the bogus charge.

Cuz, see, she wasn't the person who leaked the tape.

Naturally the rest of the Democrat-loving Mainstream Media immediately rallied to defend the brave whistleblower against this grave wrong.

Except they didn't.  No Mainstream outlet has said a critical word.  Cuz...reasons.

So let's review:

1 ABC sits on the Epstein story for three whole years
2 ABC goes apeshit when video leaks of their reporter griping about ABC refusing to air the story
3 ABC hunts down suspected video leaker, now at CBS
4 CBS fires "leaker"
5 ...who wasn't the leaker
6  Entire mainstream media: *crickets*

But you really do need to trust the Mainstream Media, right?

H/T Iowahawk.


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