November 11, 2019

Democrats and the left are far, far better at motivating their voters. Here's how...

In watching American elections for many years it seems to me that Democrats and Leftists are not only way more determined to win elections (power) than conservatives, they're also much better at motivating people to vote for them. 

I think this is probably due to two factors:  First, virtually the entire Mainstream Media supports the Left, so will eagerly, instantly echo any meme Dem strategists want to publicize.

Second, seems to me that Dems and leftists play to several way more powerful emotions in their base:  they tell their voters--with the huge help of the mainstream media--that certain doom will happen if...fill in the blank.  If we don't ban carbon fuels the whole planet will DIE !!.  If we don't let everyone on Earth enter the U.S. at will, innocent children will DIE!!!

Unless we give free medical care to everyone--including illegal aliens undocumented residents, innocent people will DIE!!!

If we don't give every drug addict person exercising personal choice of chemical pathways a free home or apartment, the homeless will DIE !!!

Putting thieves entrepreneurial redistributionists in jail will ruin their chances of getting a scholarship to Harvard, so we simply MUST make it legal to steal, as long as it doesn't exceed $1000.  Or peoples' lives will be RUINED!!!

You get it.

The common link with all these claims is that each one plays on the listener's compassion and desire to help others.  No one bothers trying to answer the broader question of "Is this a good, workable idea?"  So for example, when the Left and Democrats demanded that biological males really REALLY TRULY become authentic females simply by declaring themselves women, did any of the Dems think ahead to the inevitable conclusion that these "women" would demand to compete in womens' sports?

If any Democrat did anticipate this, does anyone think they'd have mentioned this as a caution?

Hearing these claims, it seems clear that the Left takes winning far more seriously than conservatives do. 

Long before Trump even announced his candidacy, the Left and their allies in the Mainstream Media have been depicting even mild-mannered GOP candidates as inhuman monsters. By contrast, the Media portray radical socialist Dem candidates as simply "compassionate, "moderate."  Thus when Democrat heart-throb and media darling Beto snarled "You bet we're gonna take away your guns" not a single media outlet printed a critical or cautionary word. 

As the Mainstream Media tells it, every Dem candidate is a reasonable moderate.  By contrast, Republican candidates are portrayed as paranoid extremists for thinking that we need to limit immigration to legal avenues.

Each election, Democrat voters march to the polls convinced that their very lives and souls are on the line if the Republicans win.  Liberal pundits repeatedly tell black voters the return of SLAVERY might be only one election away.  Even "moderate" Joe Biden told an NAACP audience that Republicans “gonna put y’all back in CHAINS!”

The media constantly sow doubt about Republican candidates.  They constantly tell GOP voters "The Republicans constantly sell you out.  Why not show the GOP leadership your anger by voting for a 3rd party candidate?  Or why even bother voting if you don’t like the GOP candidate?"

Why indeed.


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