September 14, 2020

Members of Mueller's "special counsel' team erased the data on 30 government phones before turning them in

Does the name "Robert Mueller" ring a bell?

That's the guy who was named "special counsel" to investigate Democrat claims that the Trump campaign "colluded with Russia" to help them win the 2016 election.  

The steam behind this claim was the fact that right after the election the FBI wiretapped phone calls between Trump's pick to head his national security team (General Mike Flynn) and the Russian ambassador.

What the media never told you was that top officials from major powers chat with each other all the time, to help determine and avoid possible points of conflict.  Nothing unethical or disturbing was recorded, but the FBI launched a vast probe into dozens of members of the Trump team, looking for evidence of "collusion."

They found nothing.  But under a constant media barrage of false claims of "collusion," congress appointed Mueller as special counsel and gave him a blank check to investigate what the FBI had already been investigating, without finding anything amiss.

Mueller assembled a team of 19 Democrat attorneys--including FBI agent Peter Strzok, who had texted his mistress Lisa Page "Don't worry, we'll stop [Trump from winning the presidency]."

Later, when the FBI's own Inspector General published that text message and hundreds of other damning texts between Strzok and Page, Mueller belatedly fired Strzok.  But think about it:  Mueller had been Director of the FBI for a decade.  Does any rational human think he would have tried to uncover wrongdoing by that agency?  Of course not.

Ultimately the two-year-long Mueller probe found nothing.  But now, as Bill Barr is looking into the FBI investigation started (ie.corruptly), and the basis for congress appointing Mueller's team (i.e. corruptly), a funny thing has happened:  Mueller's team had a number of government phones.  After the team finished work, each member was required to turn in that phone.

Virtually every one of the 30-some phones returned had been illegally wiped clean of all data.

The excuses for how that happened are hilarious (see the link) and utter bullshit.  The phones were wiped because they would have proven the corrupt origin of the entire "collusion" claim.

Oh, you say you don't believe that?  That the idea that Mueller's attack dogs would erase the data on all their phones as an investigation of their own corruption closed in is just ridiculous!  Absurd!  And if that isn't enough to make this story fake, if it WAS true you would have heard about it, all over the news, right?

I mean, how would the media have reacted if 30 members of the Trump campaign staff had erased their phones as the Mueller investigation was ramping up, eh?  The media would have screamed bloody murder!  Huge scandal!  But you didn't hear squat about the story I just posted until now, right?

The media is lying, every hour of every day, to elect Harris and protect Democrats.  The 30 wiped phones is a huge smoking gun, showing the utter corruption of the entire Democrat case.  But the Media will bury it.



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