September 08, 2020

Democrats are openly laying the groundwork for another coup attempt

As I noted two days ago, Democrats and their Mainstream Media allies are openly discussing how they can get Harris/Biden declared to have won the election even if they lost.  Seriously.

This can be shortened to "executing a coup."  Given the nightly rioting and daily assaults by BLM and Antifa mobs you might have missed their open discussion of a coup, but it’s happening.

It started fully two years ago, with sneering, anonymous stories that Trump was unhinged.  Here's CNN from 2018:
Damaging portraits of President Donald Trump are drawing new attention to the options available to military commanders who feel they have been given an illegal or seriously ill-advised order by their commander in chief.

A New York Times op-ed penned by a "senior official" and excerpts from a new book by Bob Woodward portray Trump as erratic, impulsive and dangerously incurious on matters of national security. The publications illustrate how some of Trump's top advisers believe the President of the United States is unfit to be the most powerful man in the world and have sought to circumvent or undermine his demands.
Defense Secretary James Mattis is among those top officials, according to confidential background interviews [i.e. no sources named, meaning fake] conducted by Woodward, who writes that the defense secretary reportedly made disparaging comments about Trump and military actions he sought to take against Syria and North Korea.
Gee, leftist Woodward hates Trump?  Who would have guessed!  But you can totally rely on his anonymous sources, eh?
Woodward depicts a furious Trump demanding that his military officials have Syrian President Bashar al-Assad assassinated after his regime was accused of conducting a chemical attack against civilians in April 2017. And after a charged meeting about South Korea, during which Trump wondered why the US backs Seoul, Woodward writes that Mattis says Trump understands issues at the level of an elementary school student.

So two full years ago CNN and the Left were claiming our nation's top military officers—including President Trump’s own first Secretary of Defense—had quietly signaled lower-ranking officers that they should not follow orders from Trump. 

Rational adults would consider this banana-republic stuff.  The president is the commander-in-chief, and any general or even Defense Secretary who orders subordinates not to follow a legal order from the president should be tried for treason and executed.  And I say that as a former Air Force officer.

(Of course the catch is that our military is instructed in training that they are not to carry out illegal orders.  Question is, what constitutes an illegal order?  Hilliary and Obozo ordering the Air Force to bomb Libya, which had done nothing to us?  Bill Clinton ordering the bombing of aspirin factories to distract from Monica?  Or the bombing of Serbia, which was an ally?  These things CNN ignores.)

Then as nationwide riots and arson rose sharply in early June of this year, the Secretary of Defense himself publicly told the president not to invoke the Insurrection Act.  His implicit message was: "If you order that, we won’t obey, and you know what happens after that.”

Then last week a law professor wrote an opinion piece published by the Washington Post, describing a panel she'd convened to look at possible post-election scenarios.  Her panel was composed of Democratic officials, anti-Trump RINOs, journalists and other ruling class apparatchiks.

One possibility they considered was a clear Trump win. In the panel's war game Bill Clinton's former White House Chief of Staff, John Podesta, playing Joe Biden, refused to concede. Instead he pressured states won by Trump to send Democrat electors to the formal Electoral College vote, meaning he was pressuring states to NOT cast their electoral votes for Trump!  This is open treason, but that's what Podesta--playing Biden--did.

The leaked report from the "war-game" exercise darkly predicted that what would follow the November election would be “a street fight, not a legal battle."  And if the Harris and the Democrats do as Podesta recommended, that's exactly what will happen.

Analyst Michael Anton offered two more data points:   Recently two former Army officers wrote an open letter to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs saying that if Harris won, the Chairman should order the Army's 82nd Airborne Division to drag President Trump from the Oval Office at precisely 12:01 PM, January 20, 2021.

About a month later Hillary Clinton publicly declared that Joe Biden should not concede the election “under any circumstances.”  Refusing to concede to a Trump win would give the Democrat mobs official permission to keep rioting, with even more violence.

Why are the Democrats openly talking about ways to steal the election if Trump should win?

Because they know that in order for them to succeed in this, they have to plant the idea in the public mind before the election that a) Trump can't possibly win fairly; and b) that if the vote does show him as having won, it's not just totally reasonable but actually righteous to drag him out of the White House and install Harris and Biden as the rightful prez and VP..

A vital part of the plan is to delay the official vote count for as long as possible, since that will both increase the insanity of the Dem mob, and give the Dems more time to create enough bogus ballots—mysteriously "found" in trunks of cars or in closets—to tip close states to their side.

There have actually been two recent cases of this:  In the 2008 Minnesota senate election, after a legal battle lasting over eight months Democrat Al Franken--who had initially lost--demanded a recount.  The Dems kept "finding" ballot boxes, and Franken was eventually ruled to have won by 312 votes.

The moment the tally swung to the Dems, they went to court to demand that no further recounts be allowed.  It was classic Dem lawfare.

Same thing happened in 2004 in the governor's race in Washington state:  Democrat Christine Gregoire initially lost, but after two months of miraculously discovered ballots the courts finally awarded her the win, by just 130 votes. 

The media are already prepping the public for the possibility that it may take two months to determine who will be declared to have won the presidency.  Part of this is that some states have ruled that mail-in ballots will be counted even if not received by election day, as long as they're postmarked by then--raising the specter of hundreds of votes being mysteriously found weeks later, all seemingly postmarked by election day.  It's also crucial to note that there's no postmark on the ballot itself, so once a ballot is removed from its envelope there's no way to determine when it was postmarked--thus no way to know if it's fraudulent!

And the Democrats well know all this, and have pushed for all-mail voting.

There have been streams of stories and social media posts explaining that even though on election night it might look as if Trump won, close states will tip to Biden as all the mail-in ballots are eventually received and counted.

The Democrats' third tactic is to get their huge propaganda machine to declare that Trump lost--regardless of the truth.  Once half the public believes Harris and Biden won, they'll support any move to drag Trump out of the White House.  And if that happens, it's all over:  that video will be stamped into the public's mind and the mob won't tolerate any attempt to investigate fraud, period.

Let me say that again because it's so crucial:  If any government entity drags Trump out of the White House--even if he actually won the election--the public will never support an investigation of massive vote fraud that could return him to the presidency no matter how strong the evidence is.  That is, the coup will have succeeded.

So if Trump wins the vote, can the Democrats get some agency to drag Trump out of the White House?  The only likely players are the military and the Secret Service. 

You might think that because Trump has strong support among members of the military, the armed forces would support Trump, but there are reasons to think the military may actually back the Dems.  Reason is that junior officers and enlisted men can't make a move unless ordered by higher-ranking officers, and Obama carefully purged the highest ranks of the officer corps of generals who didn't totally support him, promoting only those who were solid Democrats.

Since the military's action depends on orders from the top, and the top generals are probably split about equally between conservatives and Obama loyalists, it's impossible to predict how the military would react.  The most likely scenario is that the coup plotters will assume that the top military leaders will NOT resist a coup.

Could the Dems get the Secret Service to drag Trump out?   Certainly if they believed he had lost and was refusing to leave, they would probably remove him.  So the call comes down to whether the plotters can convince the SS that Harris and Biden had won—which amounts to an article of faith.

One of the critical elements to the success of a coup is the ability of social media and the Mainstream Media to shut down Trump's ability to communicate with the people.  Once the plotters commit to the narrative that “Trump lost,” all the president’s social media accounts will be suspended.  Similarly, the Mainstream Media will refuse to air any interviews with him or his team.  Count on it. He’s going to need a way to talk to the American people and he has to find the means, now.

For the rest of us, the most important thing we can do is raise awareness that it's likely that the Dems will try this.  Which is why they’re telling you about it now, to get the public ready for it so they're more likely to accept it.



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