September 07, 2020

Yesterday in a Dem-ruled city, BLM thugs chased outside diners out of restaurant

Now at this point a lot of whites are probably thinking "Why are these thugs incredibly "woke", virtuous blacks screaming at the people who are just enjoying what WAS a peaceful dinner?  What do they think that's accomplishing?"

What are the diners doing that the thugs find offensive?

Ah, I see you just arrived on the planet.  For the answer we turn to the founder of  BLM, Patrice Bullshit, who helpfully tells us:  "The answer is...Food is raaaacist!"

[quiet conference off-screen]

"Uh, wait:  What we meant was, Dining outside is RAACIST!"

[conference off-screen]

"Uh, what we really meant was...White people are all raacist white supremacists!!  And we have the absolute right to run you off from a pleasant dinner cuz what WE want is far more important than you being able to enjoy a pleasant dinner.  And we've intimidated all the Democrat politicians into not stopping us from chasing you off.  And you can't stop us, because we outnumber you!"

Welcome to black-run America.  Enjoy your stay.

And by the way, vote Democrat.  Cuz if Trump defeats Harris the thugs will never, ever, let any of you have a pleasant meal at a restaurant.


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