September 29, 2020

Half of the donations to Democrat party's "ActBlue" money-machine came from allegedly "unemployed" donors

As most rationale adults know, no system devised by humans is invulnerable to hacking by other humans.

So...the people who devised the reporting system for political donations required alleged donors to declare their employer.  The idea was to detect any case where a corrupt employer instructed his/her employees to donate to one party.  Cuz if 99% of employees of a company donated to one party, that would be...well, sort of unusual.

But again, every system devised by humans can be defeated by humans.  So, cunning scoundrels (Democrats/socialists) quickly found a way around the "safeguard:"  Simply claim to be unemployed.

Cuz, like, who's gonna check, eh?

Hey, ain't that cool?

Of course the Federal Election Commission keeps track of donations.  And would you believe that in 2019, half of all donations to the Dems' bag-organization "ActBlue" came from people who swore they were...unemployed.

Wait...what percentage of all Americans are unemployed, eh?

Oh, maybe ten percent.

So that would make it a bit...odd...that half of all donations to the Dems were from people who claimed to be unemployed.

Oh, by the way:  Before Emperor Obama won, he got two BILLION dollars in credit-card donations from sources who refused to state their zip code.  

You're like, why is that required?   Ah, because the credit card system was programmed to require users to state their zip code, as a default.   But organizations receiving donations could change the default requirement that donors state their zip code.

And Obama's organization did just that.

Gee, why would they do that, eh?

Because declaring the zip code would make it far, far easier for investigators to find that no donor with the name of X lived in zip code Y.

But of course that would make it far more risky to accept donations from foreigner sources.  So it's no surprise that Emperor Barack the First's lackeys would overtly, deliberately disable the default requirement that donors declare their zip code.

Of course the Democrats got away with that scam in 2008 and again in 2012, so it's not a bit surprising that they'd keep doing it as long as possible.

Gosh, you'd think that some agency would take a look at this, eh?  But admit it:  you never even heard about any of this.  Because the Lying Mainstream Media didn't--and doesn't--want you to know.

But hey, citizen:  These are just trivial, unimportant, niggling requirements, and no one needs to be concerned that one party doesn't obey 'em.  I mean, who really cares about trivia, right?



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