September 18, 2020

How the Dems could steal the election without creating any fraudulent votes

You're not gonna like this one.

There's a way for the Democrats to steal the election OTHER than vote fraud.  It's much easier, and doesnt involve the minor risk of being charged with vote fraud.

Works like this: The governors of Democrat shithole states won by Trump simply refuse to certify their state results, claiming that they believe there was fraud.

There is NO mechanism to force a state to certify its results, and it's at least plausible that if the governor of a state claims fraud, they wouldn't certify that Trump.had won their state. 

Now: There are 538 EVs. .Supose the EV's are 260 D to 250 R, with 28 total EVs from 3 states still not counted-- because their corrupt governors wailed that they couldn't certify the results (despite a convincing Trump win in votes). At that point the Supreme Court would declare that the Dems had won, because they had a majority of the EV's actually certified.

This is actually close to the margin in 2016, where a *total* of something like 140,000 votes in 3 states would have tipped Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin to the Dems. All those states are Democrat-ruled. 

My guess is that at least one among the army of lawyers already on payroll for the Dems has already hit on this strategy..

The problem is that there is NO mechanism to force a state to certify its results if the state simply *claims* vote fraud. Note they don't have to prove it, just *claim* it. And there's not enough time between the election and inauguration to investigate thoroughly anyway.

I think this is a VERY real possibility. And if the Dems decide to do this I'm damned if I know how to prevent it. And think it's been amply demonstrated that they'll do absolutely anything to win the presidency.


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