Has the U.S. reached "peak insanity" yet? Umm...apparently not quite
The creature below describes itself as a "tranny satanist anarchist." (Okay, he actually uses the term "transexual" but at least until the next Democrat takeover I can use a slightly dismissive term for that condition without getting jailed or fined. For now, at least.)
The tranny satanist is in the news because it ran for sheriff of some hapless county in the deluded state of New Hampshire.
You might wonder why an anarchist satanist tranny would run for sheriff. The question is even more relevant when you learn that the creature's campaign slogan was “F*** the Police”--which cleverly appears on its campaign poster above.
It also says it wants to "destroy the system." Wow, who could have guessed that one, eh?
Ironically, the creature won the GOP nomination--because it was the only GOP candidate. It didn't run as a Dem cuz the Dem is very popular and is running for a 5th term as sheriff.
Now, the point of this story was NOT to lampoon tranny satanist anarchists. Those jokes write themselves so I don't need to. Rather, the point was that 4,200 morons in New Hampshire voted for this creature.
Wow. What does that tell you about the intelligence or common sense of lotsa voters?
Source: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/transexual-satanist-anarchist-picks-up-gop-sheriff-nh-county
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