Could this explain the insane ferocity of the BLM/Antifa mob?
Psychologists have long noticed that children think differently than adults. One of the stages of development that children pass through is a phase called “egocentric thinking,” named for the fact that the child lacks the ability to see an argument from any perspective other than their own.
With experience most people get past this phase. As adults learn to reason, they learn to at least see the reasoning behind someone else's position.
Antifa and Black Lives Matter are remarkably uninterested in the viewpoints of others. Their movements occurred only after a couple of generations of our public educational system telling students that it's perfectly reasonable for them to define their own truth.
For those who believe this, there's no need to sit down and have a debate about ideas and policies, any more than you would negotiate with evil. The only thing that matters is who has the power to force society to accept one group's version of "truth.".
There's no discussion of ideas, it’s simply a power struggle, in which the other side is viewed as evil.
Our educational system has produced a generation of people who lack, even detest, the ability to see any argument from any perspective other than their own. When the mob doesn't get what it wants, it burns cities.
The Left wants socialism, and it wants it now. Anyone who knows anything about the world knows socialism produces horrifying results.
If your ideas are horrifying, you have to train your followers to disregard the ideas of anyone else.
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