September 18, 2020

Fakebook "flags" accurate conservative ad stating that Biden supports a bill allowing males to compete against females in sports

If you pay attention to the Left's war on American culture you may have heard that men claiming to be female--trannies--have been competing against biological females in highschool sports. 

If this doesn't outrage you, you should probably stop reading this blog.

No school official tried to stop this because in the Democrat-ruled shithole states the top education officials all support the tranny lobby.  And several school systems officially RULED that letting men compete against women was now official policy.

But out in flyover country a lot of sensible people were outraged, and one state legislature actually passed a law saying biological males couldn't compete against biological females.

Of course you can already guess what happened, right?  Sure you can:  A corrupt federal judge RULED that the law just mentioned was unconstitutional.  The judge's "reasoning" was total crap, but as you may have noticed, judges make crap decisions all the time, and those crap decisions are still legally binding.

Great system, eh?

All that's background:  Now, the Democrat party is totally in love with the tranny mafia, as evidenced by the ORDER issued by Obozo's Department of "Education" (Indoctrination) that all schools in the entire nation were to allow trannies to use whatever bathroom and locker room they wished.  

One major retailer--owned by leftist Democcrats--loved that idea and made that their policy in all their stores.  Their sales dropped ten percent, but no matter:  They were standing up for Obama's policy.

In any case, the Democrats were concerned that other states might pass laws barring males from competing against females.  Of course they could still get their judicial friends to rule those laws unconstitutional, but they recognized that this would increase backlash in flyover states.  

So the first bill introduced by Nancy Pelosi when the new congress began in Jan of 2019 amended Title IX of the Civil Rights Act to add "gender identity" to every sentence that listed "protected classes," like race, creed, sex or "sexual orientation."

Seriously, they added "or gender identity" to every sentence listing protected classes. 

And in classic Democrat fashion, they named their new bill something no one could possibly object to: "The Equality Act."  Cuz, everyone is for equality, right?  

You may wonder how a bill that will have the intended effect of allowing males to compete against females is ever remotely fair.  Tough.   Cuz Dems believe it's more fair to allow men claiming to be women to compete as women.  So shut up.

Joe Biden supports this bill.  Which brings us to the point of this post (all the preceding being necessary background to understand what's next).

A conservative organization paid to run an ad on Fakebook stating--quite correctly--that Biden supports the so-called Equality Act.

Fakebook "flagged" the ad, putting a warning on it saying the ad was "missing context and could mislead people."   Really?  How's that?

Fakebook cunningly dodged responsibility for this decision, instead crediting one of its so-called "fact checkers"--all of which are left-wing organs.

Wake up, people:  If you're a hard-working American, trying to keep a roof over your family's head, trying to raise your kids right, Fakebook is your enemy.


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