September 12, 2020

Obscure Leftwing German think-tank publishes bullshit scare story about Sturgis; Lying Mainstream Media pushes it

About a week ago the entire Lying Mainstream Media ran a hair-on-fire piece about a public-health DISASTER!  It was supposedly the big annual motorcycle rally in Sturgis, South Dakota that was attended by somewhere around 300,000 bikers.

According to the Mainstream Media a "research institute" published a "report" titled "The Contagion Externality of a Superspreading Event: The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and COVID-19,” which claimed that “large crowds, coupled with minimal mask-wearing and social distancing by attendees” turned the rally into a “superspreader” and "led to" 260,000 people being infected.with the dread Chinese virus! Or about 88 percent of the people who were there!  

A "super spreader."  Ooooh!  Sounds like another hundred-thousand deaths coming!

Note the use of the past tense "led to."  Not "might" or "could" or "worst case," but "led"--as in, already happened.  Keep that in mind.

But the Lying Mainstream Media had even worse news: they claimed the cost of all those cases was a staggering $12.2 BILLION.  And note the past-tense again: "was."  As in, already happened.

Turns out the entire thing was a hit-piece--not research at all but simply wishcasting designed to keep worried Americans scared to death.  

Why would the Media do that?  First, it makes more Americans willing to vote against Trump, because the Narrative is that he "bungled" the response to the virus.  Second, it makes voters more willing to accept extensions of the ghastly, economy-destroying, education-wrecking lockdown imposed by Democrat governors until hell freezes over.

Here’s a partial list of the Mainstream outlets that eagerly, breathlessly echoed this bullshit story--with links so you can see how loudly they were screaming about dose awful, AWFUL right-wing nuts who ride motorcycles and are undoubtedly White Supremacists and Trump voters:

Yes, even Kaiser Health News, which should have been skeptical of the fake "research.".

Plus Fox News, The Washington Post, New York Times.

The so-called "study" was such obvious crap that “no medical journal would touch it.  Instead, the story was posted on the website of an obscure leftwing German thinktank, the Insitute of Labor Economics.

The entire piece was pure speculation.  But that didn't stop the Lying Mainstream Media from pushing it.  Cuz they figured it would damage Trump.

This is what the Mainstream Media does every single day.  Most people can't tell they're being lied to.



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