Staffer for Democrat candidate for Florida gov wrote Trump "You need to be executed"
How about using social media to write to the president "You need to be executed"?
Isn't that precious? I'd say this bodes well for the future, wouldn't you?
The leaders of the Democrat party have decided we don't need honest elections. The motto of Virginia is "Sic semper tyrannis," and it shows a pic of Lady Justice standing on a dead tyrant. A fair translation is "Death to tyrants." Of course that was then. We're...more evolved now.
"NO ZEROS- LOWEST POSSIBLE GRADE IS 50%."The teacher thought this only applied to a case where a student turned in garbage, and said said she asked the "administrators" what score should be given to a student who simply refused to turn in anything. She says they told her “We give them a 50.”
In our view the hiring of an unnamed ‘experienced sex crimes prosecutor... is contrary to the Majority’s repeated emphasis on the need for the Senate and this Committee’s members to fulfill their constitutional obligations.Since the accuser is claiming she was assaulted, I think most rational adults (i.e. not liberals or Democrats) would find it quite reasonable for the committee to select an experienced sex-crimes prosecutor to question her. And the choice of a female ensures the questioner won't have an anti-female bias.
It is also inconsistent with your stated wish to avoid a ‘circus,’ as well as Dr. Blasey Ford’s repeated requests through counsel that senators conduct the questioning. This is not a criminal trial for which the involvement of an experienced sex crimes prosecutor would be appropriate.
Your existence is a crime. Hence we say land or death.— Lindsay Maasdorp (@Lindsay_BLF) September 15, 2018
Labels: Venezuela
Dr. Ford was reluctantly thrust into the public spotlight only two days ago.I'll BET reluctantly: She wrote an anonymous letter to crazy fruitcake Diane Feinstein, hoping to torpedo Kavanaugh while staying totally anonymous. Cuz justice, comrade. She
She is currently unable to go home, and is receiving ongoing threats to her and her family's safety.Really? So I assume you've reported those "threats" and recorded 'em, right? But that's odd--if you'd done that, the TV would have been replaying those threats 24/7, since the Lying Media is totes behind the Dems on this issue.
Fairness and respect for her situation dictate that she should have time to deal with this. She continues to believe that a full non-partisan investigation of this matter is needed and she is willing to cooperate with the committee."And she is willing to cooperate with the committee," eh? But just not willing to testify, even in a closed-door session. Hmmm.... This must be a new definition of "cooperate."
"The rush to a hearing," eh? Let's see...the guy's nomination was announced months ago. You had ages to come forward and make your case, but you waited til one week before the vote to confirm was scheduled. So you waited til the last minute, and now complain that the senate wants to move forward. Sounds like bullshit to me.
However, the committe's stated plan to move forward with a hearing that has only two witneses is not a fair or good-faith investigation. There are multiple witnesses whose names have appeared publicly and should be included in any proceeding..
The rush to a hearing is unnecessary and contrary to the committee discovering the truth.
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"Montana Malik Barronette" |
Kavanaugh’s former law clerk Zina Bash is flashing a white power sign behind him during his Senate confirmation hearing. They literally want to bring white supremacy to the Supreme Court. What a national outrage and a disgrace to the rule of law.— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) September 4, 2018
We are aware of the offensive video on twitter - the Coast Guard has identified the member and removed him from the response. His actions do not reflect those of the United States Coast Guard.— U.S. Coast Guard (@USCG) September 15, 2018
The “OK” hand gesture [meme] originated as one of these hoaxes in February 2017 when an anonymous 4channer announced “Operation O-KKK,” [writing] “we must flood Twitter and other social media websites…claiming that the OK hand sign is a symbol of white supremacy.” “Leftists have dug so deep down into their lunacy,” wrote the poster, “We must force [them] to dig more, until the rest of society ain’t going anywhere near that s***.”
Labels: Venezuela
As everyone probably knows, Haley is our ambassador to the U.N. and was appointed by Trump. The ambassador has an "official residence" in NYC, and the story was about that residence getting an astonishingly expensive set of curtains. Next to the story was a pic of Haley--who, again, was appointed by Trump.Nikki Haley’s View of New York Is Priceless. Her Curtains? $52,701
The letter... seemed timed to do more than simply derail Francis’ uphill efforts to win back the Irish faithful... [i.e. hidden agenda, thus untrue]
Its unsubstantiated allegations and personal attacks amounted to an extraordinary public declaration of war against Francis’ papacy at perhaps its most vulnerable moment, intended to unseat a pope whose predecessor, Benedict XVI, was the first pontiff to resign in nearly 600 years.
When I was in school the devil was presented to us as a myth, a literary device, a symbolic manner of signaling the presence of evil in the world.
There was a time, not long ago, when people said our democratic norms, our proud history of freedom, would protect us from such a slide into tyranny....But believing such a thing today requires willful blindness. ...
We’re currently sitting on a knife edge. If we fall off in the wrong direction — specifically, if Republicans retain control of both houses of Congress in November — we will become another Poland or Hungary faster than you can imagine. ...
We’re suffering from the same disease — white nationalism run wild — that has already effectively killed democracy in some other Western nations. And we’re very, very close to the point of no return.
Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, the authorities, the powers of this world's darkness--against the spiritual forces of evil.Or if you prefer, the forces of "memes."
I askedIt is not entirely clear what Booker was referring to. A clause in the Constitution--called the "Speech and Debate clause"--does say members of congress can't be arrested on their way to congress, and "in going to and from [session] … shall not be questioned in any other Place." The prohibition against "questioning" lawmakers on their way to session, however, has always been interpreted to apply to law officers, not reporters.@CoryBooker if his remarks in committee were a stunt. He told me I violating the constitution by being in his way.
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Democrat "senator" Corey Booker--demagogue who knows nothing about the Constitution |
The leaders of the Democrat party--and their followers--couldn't care less about all the crimes that ILLEGAL immigrants commit or how many people they kill. All the Dems care about are the votes they'll get if they ram amnesty and citizenship down America's throat for these criminals.
Another deportee illegally entering the U.S. a second time. We desperately need a stronger deterrent to make second offenders pay a higher price, otherwise they will continue to re-enter dozens of times.
Leftists will jump to cover the shooter's legal fees to get him a more experienced lawyer than the public defender. That will win him a minimal sentence, just like the 7-times-deported illegal who shot Kate Steinle on a pier in San Francisco. Got off with two months.
Liberals don't give a damn about how bad life in America gets due to illegal invader crimes. All they care about is getting more votes--and more power.
Democrat leaders support Pablo's "right" to vote in our elections.
Democrats will wail that it's not Pablo's fault, because:
- Shoplifting isn't illegal in Honduras
- Americans shoplift too
- Trump is president, and is identical to Hitler
- This is only a story because the shooter is brown
- He meant to pay but didn't understand English
- He was just doing the jobs Americans won't do
- He was looking to assimilate but didn't know how
- It's the 2nd Amendment's fault, cuz if the store owner hadn't had a gun this couldn't have happened
Pablo was just following Mad Maxine's instructions to harass Republicans when you see 'em in a store. He just thought the owner was a member of the Trump administration.
Pelosi and the other leaders of the Democratic party remind you not to believe this story. These "undocumented Americans" are all helpless, innocent refugees who don't commit crime at any greater rate than citizens. They ask that he be released immediately--without having to post bail--so he can vote in November.
Democrats wail that they jus' wanna give all the world's immigrants a new life in the U.S. cuz Dems are so compassionate. That sounds so much better than admitting the secret, real reason: cuz they know "immigrants" tend to vote 95% Denocrat.There were a lot more comments but you get the idea. Unfortunately only a tiny percentage of Americans will ever see this story--the ones in the immediate area of the event. The mainstream media will ignore it, cuz "only of local interest."
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Illegal invader Pablo Quintanilla |