September 15, 2018

Leaked vid shows Google execs wailing about Trump win. Yet they claim "no bias"?

Wanna see how utterly seamlessly the Lying Mainstream Media work to feed you lies and keep you in the dark about what's really going on?

Actually if you're like most Americans, you probably don't.  Cuz knowing the truth makes you angry at how you've been played. Which brings us to the question, Is it better to be angry, or blissfully unaware?  I know which one I'm choosing, but your mileage may vary.  In any case...

Anyone with a functioning brain knows that the social media companies--Fakebook and Twatter--are insanely Left-slanted.  They shut down accounts of conservatives, supposedly on the grounds of "hate speech."  But of course the definition of "hate speech" is, uh..."fluid."  Short answer is, it's whatever they don't like.

The same outrageous left-wing/Democrat bias, and against conservatives, is true of Google.  Google has been caught numerous times "rigging" its search engines to either not find conservative articles, or else the top 200 returns are pro-left and pro-Democrat, with conservative articles pushed way down.

Google knows people simply won't dive down thru 200 articles to find a dissenting voice.

Of course Google (like Fakebook and Twatter) vehemently deny that they have ANY bias at all.  Not a smidgen of bias!  No sir!  We is all jus' totes objective and neutral!!

Last month, after Trump tweeted that Google had "rigged"search results against him, CNN propagandist Chris Cillizza dismissed that  as a "conspiracy theory."  "What the President is peddling to his 54 million Twitter followers is an anecdote hung on a flawed analysis of media partisanship," Cillizza wrote on Aug. 28.

In other words, CNN's leftist staff claims Google is not biased against Trump or conservatives.

Well...last Thursday a leaked video surfaced, of Google employees literally crying and wailing about president Trump's victory in 2016.  Now it wouldn't be alarming if this had been a few employees in the privacy of someone's home, but it happened in a meeting of top execs that was televised company-wide.  So the execs are open and proud to display their support for Hilliary and their hate for Trump to all employees.

Think there might be some barely-subliminal message there as preferred policies?  And thus to what kind of decisions would win employees a promotion?

So this was proof that Google execs were biased--and were communicating their huge pro-Left support to all rank-and-file employees.  Should have been huge news.

So how do ya think CNN reported it?  How would they spin it to make it a nothing-burger?

Answer: The Daily Caller News Foundation couldn't find any mention of the story by CNN, either on the air or on its website.

CNN propagandists like Cillizza, Oliver Darcy, and Brian Stelter also totally ignored the damning, incontrovertible video on their twatter feeds.

So...anyone who gets relies on CNN to attempt to learn what's really happening has no idea the video exists.  So when Google execs piously claim to be neutral, folks that rely on CNN will believe that claim--even though we now have even more proof than before that it's utter horse-shit. 


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