A Cardinal claims the highest levels of the Catholic church are promoting "evil"
If you're not a Catholic you probably missed a major bombshell a few weeks ago, when Archbishop Carlo Vigano
--the Vatican's former ambassador to Washington--wrote a long, detailed letter claiming high officials in the Church had been protecting and promoting sex abusers
within the Church.
The letter described a left-wing, homosexual clique at the top levels of the Church--including Cardinal McCarrick and even the Pope! Clearly, if these allegations were true, they would be devastating.
Now In every previous sex scandal involving abusive priests and bishops, the Mainstream Media--which is totally anti-Christian-- has gone into full screaming condemnation. But this time something very interesting happened: the response has been...different: The normally scathing media gave the claim almost NO press. In fact the NYTimes claimed--astonishingly--that Vigano's charge was just "politics," implying his claims weren't true. Here's the Times:
What we're seeing right now is nothing less than a war, between the kings of the Left and "ordinary" Americans. And interestingly, the same war is also raging throughout Europe and Australia, as those nations fight savage, bloodthirsty invaders--and so far they're all losing.
The letter described a left-wing, homosexual clique at the top levels of the Church--including Cardinal McCarrick and even the Pope! Clearly, if these allegations were true, they would be devastating.
Now In every previous sex scandal involving abusive priests and bishops, the Mainstream Media--which is totally anti-Christian-- has gone into full screaming condemnation. But this time something very interesting happened: the response has been...different: The normally scathing media gave the claim almost NO press. In fact the NYTimes claimed--astonishingly--that Vigano's charge was just "politics," implying his claims weren't true. Here's the Times:
The letter... seemed timed to do more than simply derail Francis’ uphill efforts to win back the Irish faithful... [i.e. hidden agenda, thus untrue]
Its unsubstantiated allegations and personal attacks amounted to an extraordinary public declaration of war against Francis’ papacy at perhaps its most vulnerable moment, intended to unseat a pope whose predecessor, Benedict XVI, was the first pontiff to resign in nearly 600 years.
How...interesting. Without a single exception, for the past 30 years the Mainstream Media has been totally contemptuous of all religion except Islam. So why would the biggest liberal media paper suddenly be publishing articles trying to debunk the bombshell claims that the highest level of the Church were staffed by homosexuals?
The leading theory is that the Left hated John Paul and Pope Benedict, who were relatively conservative. By sharp contrast, Pope Francis is a leftist/socialist, so the Mainstream Media supports him..
Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles Robert Barron has
a theory. He suggests that the Church -- and perhaps the whole world -- is now struggling not just against a few depraved human beings,
but against a more powerful
"demonic element." He writes,
When I was in school the devil was presented to us as a myth, a literary device, a symbolic manner of signaling the presence of evil in the world.
But later, Barron began to believe that this teaching itself was false--a lie designed to make people believe evil (or the devil, or whatever you wish to call it) didn't actually exist. Looking around at some of the clearly "demonic" "humanoids" in the world convinced Barron.
"Demonic elements"? Come now, citizen: This is the 21st century. "Enlightened," educated people long ago rejected the idea that the devil really exists! You must be superstitious. Unenlightened. As our wonderful Hilliary Clinton put it, a deplorable. A dummy!
Okay, Elites, just to please ya let's throw out "demons" and instead substitute the social-media concept of the 'meme',
a word coined by Richard Dawkins' in the 1976 book "The Selfish Gene." Dawkins defined a meme as "a unit of cultural transmission, a unit of imitation and
replication ... [like] melodies, fashions and learned skills."
Memes are information objects that can morph and become sufficiently viral to
take over a society. Just
as a song becomes so popular that a phrase or two becomes a buzz-phrase used endlessly by the "in-crowd," perversions can similarly reproduce. They would act
like Barron's demonic elements, turning "seminaries into 'cesspits'" or converting
ancient universities into foundries of civilizational destruction.
With the above points in mind, consider an article in the
NYT by moronic leftist Paul Krugman, who warns the left--with its thousands of "wonderful" memes--might actually be in danger of losing power:
There was a time, not long ago, when people said our democratic norms, our proud history of freedom, would protect us from such a slide into tyranny....But believing such a thing today requires willful blindness. ...
We’re currently sitting on a knife edge. If we fall off in the wrong direction — specifically, if Republicans retain control of both houses of Congress in November — we will become another Poland or Hungary faster than you can imagine. ...
We’re suffering from the same disease — white nationalism run wild — that has already effectively killed democracy in some other Western nations. And we’re very, very close to the point of no return.
uses the term "white nationalism" (a.k.a. Nazism) not because it has
explanatory power, but because it's a dog-whistle for his Leftist believers. To Leftists, President Trump's decision to actually (gasp!) enforce valid U.S. immigration law by deporting illegal invaders is "white nationalism."
But never fear, citizen: the kings of social media have found a way to counter this awful epidemic of lawfulness. They've simply deleted all search results that support conservative goals; deleted or "shadow-banned" conservative accounts; deleted posts the Left regards as "hate speech" while leaving up threats to assassinate the president.
That may not strike some of you as a big deal, but all those things make it impossible to find ideas the Left doesn't like. If no one can find explanations of those ideas, and reasoned debate about them, they can't get any publicity. The result--intentional--is that no one will hear about them. Meaning they don't generate any support.
It's brilliant. Devilishly clever.
Some little-known book put it this way:
Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, the authorities, the powers of this world's darkness--against the spiritual forces of evil.Or if you prefer, the forces of "memes."
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