September 23, 2018

French judge orders leader of opposition party to submit to mental evaluation, for...

Back in the darkest days of Joseph Stalin's reign as dictator of the Soviet Union, the communists routinely used a cunning tactic on "dissidents" and political opponents:  They'd haul them into court, and the judge would find that they showed "anti-socialist" behavior and order that the defendant be examined by a psychiatrist.

Not surprisingly, the government-paid shrink would always confirm the court's findings, whereupon the judge would order the defendant committed to a "treatment facility."  Which meant that every media article on the person would include "found to be mentally ill" and "committed to treatment."

The only way to be released was to publicly renounce all of one's earlier beliefs, admitting that you only believed those things because you were mentally ill. 

Cunning scheme, eh?

The fact that everyone who knew you knew the truth didn't matter, because everyone was forced to pretend to believe the communist-contrived "official" story.

[For my college students who think the foregoing is simply conservative (thus anti-socialist) propaganda, read "The Gulag Archipelago."]

Fast-forward:  The cunning pro-Muslim socialists who now control France are using the same scheme, but with a twist:  They're now using the scheme to accuse anyone who opposes Muslim butchery of being mentally ill.

In France a judge has ordered the leader of the conservative party in France, Marine Le Pen, to be examined by a psychiatrist to determine if she "is capable of understanding remarks and answering questions."  This, of course, is simply a cover story.  The court will choose the psychiatrist, and the result of the "examination" has already been written: mental illness.

And what moved the judge to order this mental exam?  Why, Le Pen showed anti-social behavior.

And what, pray tell, was that?  Why, she tweeted gruesome pictures of people who'd been beheaded or otherwise burned or fatally tortured to death by the Muzz terror group ISIS.

That would be the terrorist group that Obama sneeringly dismissed as "a JV team."  The group that managed to take over two-thirds of Syria.

In March a French court charged Le Pen "circulating violent messages that incite terrorism or pornography or seriously harm human dignity."  That crime is punishable by up to three years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros ($91,000).

So for tweeting pics that tell the truth about the brutality of ISIS, she's been ordered to submit to a mental-health evaluation.  It's right out of the old Soviet playbook, and it will destroy her credibility with the average French person who never heard of the scheme and thus doesn't realize it's a deliberate move to discredit her.

In France today--as in ALL of western Europe, and the U.K.--telling the truth about Islamic terrorism will get you fined or jailed or--as in this case--branded "mentally ill" and committed to an asylum for "treatment."  Other European "dissidents" have been fined tens of thousands of euros and imprisoned for up to three years.  Yes, already.

And if you don't think that's coming here--thru the increasingly-powerful mechanism of political correctness--you don't understand what you're seeing.


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