September 17, 2018

Leftists (helped by idiot Mainstream Media) believe the "OK" sign is really...a "white-power" symbol!!

How insane and unhinged are the Left and Democrats?  Here's episode #463,067:

If you followed the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings you might remember an "OMG!" media-created “controversy” about a Republican operative (Zina Bash) who was sitting behind Kavanaugh. Bash was resting one hand on her leg, and curled it into the well-known "OK" position.

Democrats and their media allies--and particularly members of the #Resistance--went nuts.  You may well wonder why--as the rest of us did.

Why, you're just a closet racist and hater, citizen!  Cuz the media and the Left are absolutely certain the OK symbol 👌 is really a symbol of...wait for it... “white power.”

I'm not kidding.

And fuelled by the media (and tweets), the absurd idea that Bash was flashing an insider “white power” symbol--like a gang symbol--spread like wildfire.

Eugene Gu, a member of the so-called #resistance with a large following on Twitter, tweeted unequivocally that he believed Bash was flashing a white power sign. 👌

Think this is too crazy to be believed?  Well Gu's tweet has now been retweeted more than 15,000 times and liked more than 20,000 times.

And it's not just room-temperature-IQ morons who're believing the meme: In a now-deleted tweet, liberal activist and author Amy Siskind actually claimed Zina Bash’s hand in the "OK" pose was enough to disqualify Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court.  Seriously!  That's how crazy these people have become (or more likely, always have been).

Other liberal activists joined the howling mob echoing this insanity.

It's hard to believe that Leftists actually believe this goofy, paranoid, insane theory--that the decades-old "OK" sign is really a white-power symbol--but it doesn't matter:  the Left's strategic "thinkers" jumped on the meme and the media has uncritically promoted it, in its zeal to defeat whites and conservatives and Trump, and in their hope of defeating Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

Rational people likely think that no one in their right mind could possibly believe the decades-old, universally-used "OK" sign actually represents "white power," but the pencil-dick cowards running many government agencies--like the Coast Guard--aren't taking any chances.  They're eagerly sucking up to liberal crazies by punishing anyone who uses the ""OK" sign.

Think I'm kidding?  A couple of days ago, while the moronic leftist channel MSNBC was doing a broadcast of the Hurricane Florence response team, a U.S. Coast Guard member in the background had his hand resting against his head in what looked like the "OK."

The Coast Guard removed him from the response team, and tweeted their groveling apology, affirming that the agency bought into the Left's idiot claim that the OK was an "offensive" sign.

Okay (ha!), now it's time to tell ya where this idea really started:  The Anti-Defamation League noted that the meme was started as a hoax on the 4chan website, designed to get the left to fall for it.
The “OK” hand gesture [meme] originated as one of these hoaxes in February 2017 when an anonymous 4channer announced “Operation O-KKK,” [writing] “we must flood Twitter and other social media websites…claiming that the OK hand sign is a symbol of white supremacy.”  “Leftists have dug so deep down into their lunacy,” wrote the poster, “We must force [them] to dig more, until the rest of society ain’t going anywhere near that s***.”
So the entire "OK is a white-power symbol" meme is a hoax.  But that didn't stop several media outlets from running with the story, claiming with certainty that the Coast Guard member flashed a white power symbol.  NBC News jumped on-board, running a story with the headline: “Coast Guard member flashes white power hand signal on TV.”  Only at the very end did the story admit that the "OK-is-a-white-power sign" thing was an online hoax.

And the commander of the Coast Guard response team--buying the hoax--essentially confirmed it by tweeting that it was an "offensive" symbol that didn't represent the views of the Coast Guard.

And as noted earlier, influential Leftist author Amy Siskind was among many leftists who fell for it.

Unfortunately for the creators of the hoax, most of the left still think it's true.  To the Left it's as real as when Sarah Palin went on Saturday Night Live and said "I can see Russia from my front porch!"--a statement instantly cited as evidence that Palin was unsuited to be VP.

Oh wait...Palin never said that.  Or anything close.  It was a great impersonation by leftist Tina Fey.  But to this day most leftists over 30 believe Palin actually said it.


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