September 15, 2018

If Venezuela's starving millions didn't make ya reject socialism, maybe this will

Most Americans don't have the vaguest idea what the hell socialism really is, or what it does.  All they've heard is that it'll give you "free stuff," like free college, free medical care and free housing.  And for many Americans--particularly young people--that's all they need to hear to vote for it.

The Lying Media could do a LOT to eliminate this ignorance, of course, by telling you what's really happening in socialist "paradises" like Venezuela.  But with only a few exceptions, the media have ignored the human catastrophe there--and will continue to do so...because they don't want you to know.

They don't want Americans to know about the true nature of socialism because in the last two years a large number of Democrat pols--including their last president and the party's two most recent presidential candidates--have now openly embraced full-on socialism.  Two Dem candidates for congress (spit!) are actually members of the Democratic Socialists of America, and have won the party's nomination.  And barring a miracle, these two will win in November because they're running in vast-majority-Democrat districts.

In the last four years I've posted a dozen articles on the unfolding human tragedy in Venezuela. (If you're interested you can find 'em by googling "+sfsays +Venezuela")  But a story just out may make more of an impression than the hundreds of stories of human misery caused by socialism.

Maybe--just maybe--what I'm about to write will wake a few Americans up.  Because if you don't wake up very soon, it'll be too late.

As Venezuela’s economic crisis--caused by outrageously dumb socialist policies--has worsened, Venezuelans are being forced to abandon their beloved dogs.

One woman and her husband had been struggling to feed their beloved schnauzer.  Due to inflation soaring above 80,000 percent per year, the combined salaries of the couple – hers as a schoolteacher and his as a nurse – were the equivalent of $10 a month, barely enough to cover meals for themselves and their two children.

Finally their budget was so tight that they were forced to cut back to feeding their loved pet just once a day.  By June his only was a few leftover vegetables from the family table.

“I looked at the dog and couldn’t sleep,” Lema said.  So she took a step that is becoming increasingly common in this collapsing nation: giving up the family pet.

If life in Venezuela has become hard for humans, it's become even harder for pets. With inflation at 80,000 percent and rising fast, millions of Venezuelans are starving, and can no longer afford dog food or veterinary care.  A kilo of dog food – 2.2 pounds – now costs nearly three weeks’ of wages for a minimum-wage worker.

Americans are accustomed to seeing stories about human misery around the world--so often that I suspect we tune most of it out.  But maybe the story of starving pets will reach people who would otherwise be unaware of what's hppening there.  And the real tragedy is:  All that misery would have been avoided if the Venezuelan people hadn't elected their first socialist dictator (Hugo Chavez) as president.  Cuz once he was in, that virtually ensured that socialists would stay in power until overthrown by civil war.

Oh, and if you think that's hyperbole, and could never happen in an advanced nation like ours?

The Democrat party, and several influential magazines, have already called for eliminating the electoral college system, and for choosing the president by popular vote.  This would ensure that Democrats would win every election, since there are so many more Dems then Republicans. (Which will only get more lopsided as the huge internet giants teach kids that only liberals can be "cool.")

Cunning, conniving Democrat strategists have actually passed laws in about 20 states--not merely proposed laws, but actually passed them--committing their states to cast all their electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote when states totalling a majority of electoral votes have passed such laws.  Which is another way of abolishing the electoral college.

You should know that the Electoral College system is written into the Constitution.  It should take a Constitutional Amendment to eliminate it.  But the cunning Democrats have found what they believe is a way to accomplish the same thing without the annoying difficulty of trying to amend the Constitution.

We are perilously close to our unique, beloved nation being taken over by socialist Democrats.

Next time you hear a Democrat praise socialism, think of the poor, starving dogs in Venezuela.

For Lema, the teacher, saying goodbye to her beloved pet was one of the most traumatic experiences of her life.  On a morning last June, she walked out of the house holding Sheldon, accompanied by her two children, as representatives of an animal aid group arrived in a car to pick up the dog. The three of them were crying.

Lema gave the aid workers the dog's pillow, his little red quilt with polka dots, and the dog.

She kept his dog tag.  "We miss him every single day," she said.

I can't read those last paragraphs without getting emotional.  Maybe it's just because I've loved and had to say goodbye to so many dogs (and cats).



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