September 08, 2018

Obama praises Dem proposals of "medicare for all" and "debt-free college." Wait...

Back when Democrats were trying to pass Obamacare, many conservatives warned that this was merely a "feint," and that this was merely a first step toward the real goal of government control of all health care--something the Dem cunningly named "single-payer," because that made it impossible for regular citizens to understand what the name actually meant.

(By the way, that is an absolutely standard Democrat tactic, like Obama calling his illegal decree giving amnesty to young illegal aliens brought into the U.S. by their parents "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.") 

(Ah..."childhood arrivals."  Sounds perfectly legal and reasonable, eh citizen?) Obama has admitted--on video--that the real goal was indeed government control of all health care.  Except he didn't say it in those words.  Instead he said "Medicare for all."

This is classic Barry Soetoro.  He didn't say "free medical care for all" because Americans with an IQ over room temperature are smart enough to realize that there ain't no such thing as "free."  Someone has to pay for it.  And that would be taxpayers.  So he avoided "free."

Similarly, he didn't say "socialized medicine."  Which is what it really is, of course.  But he didn't want to say that, because every country that has socialized medicine has crappy health care.  For example, even in relatively modern Canada citizens have to wait six months for even a simple MRI.  Same story in the U.K.  And in socialist paradises with government health care like Cuba, you can't get an MRI unless you're a member of the nomenclatura.

So Barry carefully didn't say "socialized medicine."  Instead he said "Medicare for all."  Because Medicare has been around for ever (as far as young people know, anyway).  So it isn't scary.  And best of's FREE!!!!

Well, that's a lie, of course.  But low-information people believe it, and that's all that matters to Barry and his Dem followers.

Oh, in the same speech Barry also threw out one more golden "freebie" to his idiot followers:  He said--totally approvingly--that Democrats are proposing the fantastic idea that young people should graduate from college "debt-free."

Wow, isn't that fantastic?! is that supposed to happen?  Are the Democrats proposing that college professors and administrators work for free?

Is he proposing that the only people who should go to college are kids whose parents can pay for it?

Wait, I've got it!  He knows that the armed forces have some sort of program that helps pay for college for people who serve five or six years in the military.  So he's really saying that if your parents can't pay for college, you should volunteer to serve in the military, which will then...

What Barry Soetoro really means is...YOU must pay for college for other peoples' kids who want to go.

Wow, that's a fantastic idea!  How can anyone not support that, eh?

But notice how cunningly he worded his (and the Dems) idea:  "...should graduate debt-free."  Cuz, like, who could possibly be against that, eh?

You need to watch these socialist bastards carefully:  They promise things that sound absolutely wonderful, and that buy them votes.  But no reporter ever asks them how they plan to pay for those "absolutely wonderful" things.  (Interestingly, one incautious reporter asked Barry about how Obamacare would manage to give *free* medical care to the 30 million people Barry told you couldn't afford health insurance, and STILL somehow manage to lower the cost of health insurance to everyone else in the country. 

Barry replied that this would happen by "bending the cost curve" due to greater efficiency.

Of course the reporter didn't have the faintest idea what that meant, or how it could work, but he wasn't about to press the questions.  He had what looked like an "answer," and that was the end of it.

If you never heard this, google "bending the cost curve."  (If Google hasn't deleted all the vids.)

Lying, lying, lying rat-bastards.  Coupled with a totally Dem-supporting media.  So when they say something is FREE, you can believe them.  Cuz dude...has the Media ever lied to you before?


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