The continuing saga of Democrat tricks trying to sink Kavanaugh continues...
The absurd travesty in DC over the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court continues. The evil Democrats have trotted out a woman who can't remember when or where, but nevertheless claims she's sure when she was 15, 17-year-old Kavanaugh briefly threw her on a bed and jumped on her at a party. Nothing past that. But of course the Dems are claiming this should disqualify him from the court.
And if it happened, it might. Except...through her 3 high-powered attorneys the accuser is refusing to testify under oath before the Senate judiciary committee UNLESS she gets to set special conditions: through her attorneys she demands that a) Kavanaugh testify FIRST (really? that never happens in the law cuz the person being accused doesn't know the details of what they're being accused of); b) that Kavanaugh not be present when SHE testifies; and c) that the committee not allow anyone but senators to question her.
When the committee said they were planning to have a female who is experienced in sex-assault cases question the notoriously screwey accuser, the accuser's counsel screamed bloody murder. Here's her counsel Michael Bromwich:
So why would the accuser's attorneys bitch about that?
Because they wanted to ensure their client (the accuser) would only be asked softball questions. Because they know the Repubs are scared to death of being accused of "being mean" to a "tragic victim of a vicious male's assault."
It's brilliant. The Dems are certainly good at playing all the angles.
One of which was, they suckered the Repubs into "taking the poisoned pill." Let me explain: Crooked commie bitch senator Diane Feinstein got the accuser's anonymous letter months ago, but deliberately said nothing until the two weeks of hearings on Kavanaugh were completed. Then about two days before the committee was slated to vote on the confirmation, Feinstein produced that letter and wailed that the committee could NOT possibly vote on the confirmation without investigating these AWFUL, SERIOUS, DISQUALIFYING claims.
The Repubs KNEW this was a ploy to delay the vote until after the November elections, but because they didn't want to appear to be ignoring the claim--i.e. in the interest of being totally, totally fair--they agreed to postpone the vote until Blasey-Ford testified.
So they invited Blasey-Ford to testify, on a specific date. Whereupon the cunning Dems began offering one excuse after another as to why she couldn't possibly make THAT date, but could appear a few days later. These excuses included that she was "afraid to fly," "didn't know what to wear," and now that the mean ol' Repubs have selected a female sex-crime prosecutor to question her.
"DAT's NOT FAIR!!!!!" they screamed.
The Dems wanted to delay for three reasons: First, it gave them more time to have their media allies run more bullshit stories designed to peel off Repub votes to confirm; second, it increased the chances of delaying the vote til after the elections--after which six Dem senators running for re-election wouldn't feel pressure to vote for confirmation; and third, it gave Democrats time to manufacture more false claims of some type of misconduct by the nominee.
And amazingly, the Dems managed to find another accuser. Except ALL the new accuser's friends--including her best friend for decades--say she's lying. Interesting.
And if it happened, it might. Except...through her 3 high-powered attorneys the accuser is refusing to testify under oath before the Senate judiciary committee UNLESS she gets to set special conditions: through her attorneys she demands that a) Kavanaugh testify FIRST (really? that never happens in the law cuz the person being accused doesn't know the details of what they're being accused of); b) that Kavanaugh not be present when SHE testifies; and c) that the committee not allow anyone but senators to question her.
When the committee said they were planning to have a female who is experienced in sex-assault cases question the notoriously screwey accuser, the accuser's counsel screamed bloody murder. Here's her counsel Michael Bromwich:
In our view the hiring of an unnamed ‘experienced sex crimes prosecutor... is contrary to the Majority’s repeated emphasis on the need for the Senate and this Committee’s members to fulfill their constitutional obligations.Since the accuser is claiming she was assaulted, I think most rational adults (i.e. not liberals or Democrats) would find it quite reasonable for the committee to select an experienced sex-crimes prosecutor to question her. And the choice of a female ensures the questioner won't have an anti-female bias.
It is also inconsistent with your stated wish to avoid a ‘circus,’ as well as Dr. Blasey Ford’s repeated requests through counsel that senators conduct the questioning. This is not a criminal trial for which the involvement of an experienced sex crimes prosecutor would be appropriate.
So why would the accuser's attorneys bitch about that?
Because they wanted to ensure their client (the accuser) would only be asked softball questions. Because they know the Repubs are scared to death of being accused of "being mean" to a "tragic victim of a vicious male's assault."
It's brilliant. The Dems are certainly good at playing all the angles.
One of which was, they suckered the Repubs into "taking the poisoned pill." Let me explain: Crooked commie bitch senator Diane Feinstein got the accuser's anonymous letter months ago, but deliberately said nothing until the two weeks of hearings on Kavanaugh were completed. Then about two days before the committee was slated to vote on the confirmation, Feinstein produced that letter and wailed that the committee could NOT possibly vote on the confirmation without investigating these AWFUL, SERIOUS, DISQUALIFYING claims.
The Repubs KNEW this was a ploy to delay the vote until after the November elections, but because they didn't want to appear to be ignoring the claim--i.e. in the interest of being totally, totally fair--they agreed to postpone the vote until Blasey-Ford testified.
So they invited Blasey-Ford to testify, on a specific date. Whereupon the cunning Dems began offering one excuse after another as to why she couldn't possibly make THAT date, but could appear a few days later. These excuses included that she was "afraid to fly," "didn't know what to wear," and now that the mean ol' Repubs have selected a female sex-crime prosecutor to question her.
"DAT's NOT FAIR!!!!!" they screamed.
The Dems wanted to delay for three reasons: First, it gave them more time to have their media allies run more bullshit stories designed to peel off Repub votes to confirm; second, it increased the chances of delaying the vote til after the elections--after which six Dem senators running for re-election wouldn't feel pressure to vote for confirmation; and third, it gave Democrats time to manufacture more false claims of some type of misconduct by the nominee.
And amazingly, the Dems managed to find another accuser. Except ALL the new accuser's friends--including her best friend for decades--say she's lying. Interesting.
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