June 21, 2024

Lying Mainstream Media will do anything the Dems want

Hey Democrats, think the Mainstream Media is telling you the truth?

Suppose a white male raped and strangled a 12-year-old girl.  Think the Media wouldn't have told you every possible allegation in the first story?  Of course they would have--including that the accused was white.

But in the case of the 12-year-old girl raped and murdered in Houston you probably haven't heard much.  That's because the case is SO outrageous: two illegals, identified, from Venezuela, recently waltzing across biden's open southern border, "apprehended" by border patrol and then immediately released within 24 hours to do whatever they wanted. 

Think the Media has told you about this?  If it had, you'd be able to tell us:

What's the 12-year-old victim's name?
If you don't know, you've proven my point.  The Media carefully hid every detail of this story--to protect the Democrats.

June 20, 2024

12-year-old Houston girl murdered by...um...two "people." NPR and lib sites carefully omit...

If you're a Democrat either you don't believe the Democrat party has allowed 11 MILLION illegal, unvetted invaders not only to enter the U.S. but to go anywhere they want with no requirement for tracking or identification, OR you're fine with that.

Democrat: "Yes!!  Dis guuud, citizen!  All deez pipo jus' wantin' ta feed dere famblies!  Or dey beez po' persecuted transgenders or gays, so dey had ta flee to duh U.S. to live!"

Oh you bet, sparky.  And how's that working out?  Well, in Houston another American girl--just 12 years old--was murdered by two...um..."people."  Two "individuals."  Here's how Houston's NPR affiliate "reported" it: (To Leftists the term "reported" means bleated pro-Democrat bullshit propaganda.)

>>Houston police on Thursday filed capital murder charges against two people suspected of strangling and killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

21-year-old Johan Jose Rangel Martinez and 26-year-old Franklin Jose Pena Ramos were seen with Nungaray hours before her death. The men walked with the girl to the bridge where she was murdered and left in a shallow creek below.

The mother of the murdered 12-year-old told reporters “She was so young, just 12. They took my baby away.  Now I have to tell her brother his older sister is dead.”

That story was "updated" today at 3pm.  But somehow the story managed to overlook reports that the two alleged killers not only raped the 12-year-old, but were also...wait for it...*illegal aliens allowed into the U.S. by the biden regime.*  The sons of bitches were "apprehended" by biden's border patrol just two weeks ago, and promptly released in 24 hours.  Is that cool or what?

How the hell did other news media find this info, but the NPR/PBS affiliates all missed it?

Easy: They simply ignored it...because it would cost biden votes in November.

Own it, Democrats.  Be proud of what your vote created--because that's exactly what it did.  

By the way: The ghastly shithead Joy Reid sat down with the communist Seattle congresswhore Pramila Jayapal and the two *laughed* that after biden announced amnesty for a minimum of 350,000 illegals, Fox ran the story about the 12-year-old raped and murdered by two illegals.

Laughed.  They called it "fear-mongering."

"Fear-mongering."  I'm guessing that as the 12-year-old girl was being strangled to death by the two illegals, she was in fear.  Of course Joy Reid would sneer at that.  "Her death is sad, but it's more important that voters know that the border is, like, *totally secure."*

Of course if you're a Democrat, you don't believe ANY of this.  "It all beez FAKE NEWZ!," eh?  Take two minutes of your precious Democrat time to read the fucking links.  This is just exactly like the Media lying that Hunty biden's laptop was fake..."Russian disinformation," eh?

12-year-old rape victim murdered by illegals released by biden orders

You people are SO stupid and lazy, and as a result you totally deserve everything that's now been set irrevocably into motion.  While some of the awful outcomes could be eased a bit, the main results are no longer avoidable.

Wanna know see how thoroughly "your" beloved, trusted, oh-so-truthful Mainstream Media has protected you from the knowledge of what you've done?  Easy:  If you saw the story...

...what was the murdered 12-year-old's name?
You have no idea, because the Lying Media is hiding this crime to help biden.  Thanks, Democrats.   

Here's the Daily Mail's version:

And here's how Houston's NPR affiliate covered for biden:

Here's how the leftist HuffPost covered for biden:

Starting to understand yet?

No, you're not.  Because if you understood you'd be sobbing for your role in the murder of this 12-year-old by the illegals.

For Democrats who don't believe Democrat states threatened docs who prescribed an approved drug to treat covid

This is for all the terminally naive, unaware Democrats who simply DO NOT BELIEVE that any Dem-ruled state would threaten to fine doctors for prescribing a drug to treat duh Chyna virus that had been APPROVED FOR HUMAN USE DECADES AGO BY YOUR OWN DAMN FDA.

For the terminally stupid, since 1980 or so in this nation, doctors had been permitted to prescribe drugs APPROVED FOR HUMAN USE to treat diseases the drugs were not specifically approved to treat.  That's so well-known it even has a shorthand term: "Off-label use."

Ohhh, but dat wuz befo' duh Plandemic, before the biden regime ordered that every American who worked for a company with 100 or more employees had to take the jab or be fired.  It was before the biden regime bowed to the notoriously pro-Democrat teachers' unions and ORDERED that every child HAD TO take the jab to be allowed to go to school.

See, if there was an effective drug to treat duh Chyna virus, the whole scam would have collapsed.  No $50 BILLION to Pfizer, eh?  No tens of millions donated by Big Pharma to the Democrat party.  

Oooohh, can't have THAT, eh?

So read the letter below.  Letitia James is utterly, totally corrupt, just like former governor Andrew Cuomo and his brother Chris...who, by the way, now says he's taking...wait for it...ivermectin.


See, you don't believe any of this because the Lying Mainstream Media never told ya.  So as far as you know it's not true, didn't happen.  Which is exactly how most people think...as the biden regime well knows.

The "reasoning" in the letter above is total bullshit--propaganda.  "Duh FDA hasn't approved dis drug to treat covid, so yew cain't prescribe it."  That's contra to U.S. law.  And about six months ago, after three doctors had their licenses revoked for prescribing it, and SUED the fucking FDA, that agency quietly admitted they acted improperly.

Ah, how kind of yew assholes.  Damage is done, perhaps half a million are dead who could have been saved if you hadn't been lying, corrupt scum.  But who cares, eh?  See, members of congress and FDA and CDC employees could get Ivermectin, just you and your loved ones couldn't.

If I'd lost a loved one to covid after these corrupt scum BANNED "ordinary Americans" from using it, I'd be out for blood.


June 19, 2024

Graph shows an uncanny correlation between CO2 level and temperature

Just ran across this gem: It graphs CO2 levels, measured from air bubbles in Antarctic ice cores, against local mean temperature, as determined from those same ice cores, for the last 450,000 years.

Note the amazing correlation, citizen!  How remarkably temperature change follows changing CO2 levels!  It's uncanny, eh?  Of course mere correlation doesn't prove causation, but it's absolutely clear that temperature follows CO2 levels!  Doesn't take a PhD to see that, eh citizen? 

Just kidding!  The graph shows no such thing--no correlation at all between the two.  But I'm sure AOC will be along any minute with a totally persuasive explanation debunking the four papers that produced this graph.  And of course all Democrats nod thoughtfully at whatever AOC says, cuz her degree in atmospheric physics makes it hard to disagree with her, eh?

June 18, 2024

The Media screamed Trump would trigger global chaos. Instead it's all happening under biden

Way before the 2016 election of Donald Trump, the Mainstream Media and late-night talk shows were shrieking that "the international order" would not survive his presidency.  They warned that Trump was too chummy with dictators and too mean to Europeans and the United Nations.

He doesn't listen to the experts, they gasped. Didn't he understand Iran and the Palestinians had to be appeased?  They bleated that World War III was just around the corner.

Oh, you didn't see any of that?  Here are some typical headlines and comments from duh so-called "experts:"

"Hillary Clinton Is Right: Donald Trump Threatens World War III"
   --Daily Beast, July 29, 2016

"Is This the Start of World War III? That's What People Are Worried About"
   --USA Today, April 17, 2017 

"some are wondering (seriously) if this is the start of World War III."

"How US and North Korea Could Stumble Into World War III"
   --Politico, Jan. 6, 2018

"The world is sure to be stabilized by Biden's steady hand."

"Biden Prioritizes Experience With Cabinet Picks"
   --Associated Press, Nov. 25, 2020  (sub-head: "Competence is making a comeback.")

"Biden has rolled out a team of careerists with bursting resumes and little need of a learning curve.    Experience is indeed the coin of the realm on Biden's burgeoning team."

Experience in what?  Sucking cock?  Buttigeig--with no experience whatsoever in transportation--as Sec of Transportation?

Jenny Granholm--no experience whatsoever in ANY type of energy--as Sec of Energy?

Jenny promptly picks a cross-dressing crazy who steals womens' luggage at airports to head the nuclear waste division.  Now *that's* experience for ya.

Corrupt former congresswhore Xavier Becerra--no experience at all in health--as Sec of Health and Human Services?

Becerra appointing a tranny as the assistant secretary for Health?  Sure, cuz if you're looking for advice on mental health the first person you'd consult would be a tranny, right?

"'America Is Back'--Biden Touts Muscular Foreign Policy in First Diplomatic Speech"

    --Reuters, Feb. 4, 2021

"Biden's speech on Thursday was a full-throated attempt to vanquish those doubts, and convince Americans of the value of a forceful international approach."

"Biden's Message to Vladimir Putin: 'The Adults Are Back in Charge'"
   --CNN, June 16, 2021

"While Biden didn't seek to fully explain what it was he came to do, the evidence was everywhere in his answers:  Make clear that the traveling circus of the Trump presidency was over--and that the adults were back in charge.  Pragmatism over pomp. Total frankness over Trumpism.

You can NOT POSSIBLY be serious. 

"Now they're screaming that Trump would plunge the world into chaos.  Instead we have the peaceful orderliness that Joe Biden has brought us."

None of the endless disasters the Mainstream Media screamed would happen under Trump happened...until biden was installed.  Now, having watched biden's incompetence for over three years, our enemies are emboldened and our allies doubt our competence and commitment.  

What we're seeing today is the world the media predicted under president Trump.  Instead it's all happened on biden's watch.

Source: Ace of Spades (near end)


Top govt intelligence oversight agency goes all in for pRide month

The "Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) is the agency in charge of "overseeing" the entire U.S. "intelligence community, including the CIA, FBI, NSA and others.

These are reeeally serious pipo, who work tirelessly to determine how our enemies are stealing U.S. secrets!  Well, except for a few days during pRidemonth, when they'll be doing more important work for the biden regime, like having transgender flags painted on their nails and attending briefings on the importance of teaching children about the evils of the cis-patriarchy.

Of course you think that's satire, eh?  Nope.

The Office of Transgender and LGBTQ Support issued a three-page document listing  nine different Pride Month activities held by the ODNI.  From that doc:

For nail painting we’ll have our pro team of artistes ready to decorate you for Pride Month, with the option of either "pride" or trans flag colors.  What better way to show your allyship to the community?”

Not the "intel community," but the gay mafia community.  And rest assured, attendance will be noted, as will failure to attend and have your nails painted.

All nine of these special pride-month celebrations will be held during working hours of America’s top intel directorate, since apparently none of the employees have anything better to do--although later they'll all get merit raises for their vital work defending the nation.

Employees working on mission-critical items, like ferreting out Chinese spies in our nuclear weapons labs or performance numbers on low-altitude hypersonic missiles can request an appointment to get their nails done at a convenient time.

One employee said "It's a matter of priorities.  We all know how important it is to the president and Kamala and Susan Rice to show total support for the multi-gender movement.  National security can wait a few days."

The nail painting event took place on June 4.  One of the speakers at that even appeared on a YouTube channel aimed at K-3 students, called “Queer Kids Stuff.”

The same speaker also supports other forms of radicalism such as a "fund that invites all "settlers" (non-Native people) who wish to acknowledge the legacy of theft and genocide that comprise the history of New York City and the United States,” and another group dedicated to "organizing Asian and migrant sex workers."

The ODNI document encourages agents to write blog posts for the “Why I’m an Ally” series, which is run by the Pride Employee Resource Group.”

Then there’s ODNI’s “Pride Ally Challenge,” which began on June 3 and takes intelligence agents on a “guided journey to learn more about the LGBTQ+ community and empower you to become a better, more well-informed ally” across 20 different daily activities.

ODNI is also hosting a “Walk with Pride” event later this month, inviting intelligence agents to “celebrate Pride and show your support for the LGBTQIA+ community.”

At the end of the month the agency will host a “Pride Summit” in which everyone is invited to speak for a few minutes on how much they love and support the LGBTQ+ community, and how much they loved taking part in the month of faaabulous activities instead of spending that time on silly "national security" stuff.

One DEI newsletter published and distributed by ODNI included an article from a U.S. intel  agent who claimed crossdressing made him a better agent.

One of the organizers of ODNI's pride month celebration said the White House had specifically approved these activities because sources in Kamala Harris's office said their sources in China and Russia had said both those countries were taking the month off to celebrate their own versions of pride month, meaning nothing bad would happen as long as Trump was kept locked up.

The source added “You’ve got the FBI director saying we’re opening a new counter-espionage case against China every 12 hours, and that just seems *so* over-the-top.  The White House has assured us that China is our friend.  And Russia is still bogged down in Ukraine.

The editor-in-chief of the ODNI newsletter also celebrated that employee resource groups within the intelligence community “have been particularly successful in creating a new framework and language guidelines for how we talk about the People’s Republic of China.” The new guidelines prohibit referring to China as an "enemy" or as having "hostile intent."

Instead there seems to be a growing competition between U.S. intelligence agencies as to which is doing more to support the LGBT community.  For example, the National Security Agency (NSA) published a "DEI glossary" that included terms like “white fragility,” “transmisogyny,” “settler colonialism” and even the hip gender-neutral pronouns “ze” and “zir.”



Anyone remember FDR?

If you're over a "certain age" you have at least a vague idea of who FDR was.  When he died he'd been president for 12 years.

An old, respected president.  A savvy, energetic leader, now understandably tired, in old age but unable to retire due to leading the nation through WW2, finally cut down by a stroke.

Any idea how old FDR was when he died?  Take a guess, then highlight the line below to show the answer.
He was 63.

When the frail FDR died of a stroke he was 18 years younger than Porridgebrain.

As polls show Trump leading in swing states, Dems ramp up production of fake ballots

As polls show former president Trump continuing to lead in almost every "swing state," Democrat strategists admitted the party will need even more fake ballots to win the election this year.

"We've got to double our target number of fake votes this year," said a Democrat insider under the condition of anonymity. "In 2020 we only needed 45,000 fake votes to win, but this year it looks like we'll have to increase our production of hijinx and substantially raise the output of malarky."

White House insiders are beginning to worry that there may not even be enough recently deceased people casting votes to overcome the deficit.  "It's risky when someone who died 20 years ago votes.  To avoid being too obvious we need ballots from people who just died recently," said one insider.

Democrats in swing states have been told to ramp up ballot production.  "It's not hard," said one Democrat worker.  "You just have to know how many ballots are needed." 

Hat tip: The Babylon Bee


June 17, 2024

White House press secretary: "Those videos were deep fakes. Even the right-wing admitted it"

Hey citizen!  Remember that video of Porridgebrain with the G7 leaders, watching a precision skydiving demonstration, then wandering away from the group, as shown below?  And Italian premier Georgia Meloni walked over and gently returned him to the group?

Looked like ol' Sniffy was having a bit of...um..."OH, a shiny thing!" eh?

WELL, if you saw this video and were a bit...concerned...you'll be relieved to know that press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has assured you "All those videos were deep fakes!"

Yes, deplorables, that's right!  Diversity hire assures you that what you saw was NOT what actually happened.  Nope nope nope.  She says if you keep watching you see that Porridgebrain is NOT just wandering away.  Instead he walks closer to a member of the ground crew of the jump team.  So there ya go, citizen.  Nothing to be concerned about.

Wow, "All those videos were deep fakes," eh?  Now is that DISinformation or MISinformation?  Hard to keep those definitions straight.  Maybe Kammi knows.

Chances of an economic hit this fall? High.

In trying to predict the result of the November elections, one tries to forecast what's likely to happen to the economy.  Here ya go:

At the end of the fourth quarter of last year the FDIC had 52 banks on its stress watchlist. At the end of the first quarter of this year that total rose to 63.  Those 63 banks are sitting on "unrealized losses" of $512 billion.  Any economic drops would likely push many of these banks into insolvency.

The assets comprising these unrealized losses fall into three categories----commercial real estate, residential real estate, and US Treasuries.  Let's start with commercial real estate:

As everyone knows, the Great Covid Lockdown demanded by Dem governors pushed workers out of the gleaming offices into working from home.  Once the plandemic vanished, companies realized they didn't actually need pricey downtown buildings, and that not renewing leases would save millions.


The sharp drop in rental income for owners of the gleaming office buildings meant owners couldn't make mortgage payments.  Increasing numbers of owners of commercial buildings have chosen to default because they can't cover the loan payments.

Billions of dollars in buildings have gone into foreclosure, with virtually no buyers.  But the banks have to continue to pay for security, utilities for a few remaining tenants, and...taxes.  Oh yes, cities aren't about to waive taxes just because banks are having problems.  So the banks are hit with a double: no income from defaulted loans, and having to pay new, unexpected costs.

Similarly, malls have been dying everywhere. This means rents are down—disastrously.  As the $1.2 trillion in notes come due, borrowers are forced either default or roll the loans over at higher interest rates--which the banks are happy to do.  But unless things change radically, this just postpones the inevitable default.  

When enough borrowers default, banks become insolvent.  Rather than declare that, and have to pay depositors, the FDIC has routinely looked the other way on many banks, hoping the economy will recover.  But it's hard to imagine this continuing for much longer.  The FDIC has a mere 2 cents for every dollar their "insurance" has pledged to cover.

Residential real estate:
  Except for the real-estate meltdown of 2008, residential real estate has long been a reliable cash cow for lenders.  Problem here isn’t lack of occupancy, but rather that except for "price-inelastic" markets like NYC and similar high-end cities, home sales are way down, due in part to high interest rates and an uncertain economy.  So people with low-interest loans aren't selling, and few are buying at the higher interest rates.

Why don't mortgage lenders knock a bit off the interest they demand for new loans?  Cuz that locks in lower income for up to 30 years.  "But isn't making a few more loans at a fractionally lower rate better than fewer loans at a higher rate?"  Um...nothing to see here, citizen.  Move along.

Both types of real estate are starting to push the 63 at-risk banks closer to insolvency.  The question is whether the FDIC will be forced to play by the normal rules before the election, or will avoid taking over technically insolvent banks before the election to protect the Democrats.

Can the Democrat party replace Porridgebrain as their nominee?

Most observers say it's too late for the leaders of the Democrat party to change candidates, and that they're stuck with Biden.  But after watching the leaders of the Democrat party for the past four years (not to mention for the last 40 years), does anyone believe that?

People who're willing to use massive vote fraud to steal presidential elections are never stuck with anything--because they know they'll never be prosecuted.  Silly things like "laws" and "rules" don't matter if you have enough power.

If you doubt that, ask President Trump, or Steve Bannon, or Peter Navarro. Or, if you can get a visitors pass, ask any of the J6 political prisoners.  Did you ever imagine Americans could be arrested and jailed for just walking past the capitol building?

One thing seems certain:  no matter how many votes Trump gets, the Democrat party will find a way to prevent him from being declared to have won in November.  It doesn't matter a bit if a thousand precincts report ten percent more votes tallied than eligible voters.  It happened a dozen times in 2020 and they got away with it.  What's changed to prevent the same outcome this year?

While we can speculate on how the Dems will do it, the end result is already determined.

There are dozens of "universal constants" in life.  One of those is that Marxists--like all totalitarians--have a constant lust for power, at any cost.

Employees of coffee shop DEMAND the right to unionize. Owner closes the business.

Unions are powerful.  And from what I've seen in decades on the planet, the bosses are almost always corrupt, taking ever-increasing salaries.  The scam works because employers--business owners--are scared to death of crossing the union, which can essentially force members to go on strike.

When that happens, the owner almost always caves in, because it's that or be forced into bankruptcy, because you have continuing costs but no income.  Simple.  And obviously the unions know it.  It's like "negotiating" with a gun at your head.

Thus I was tickled to see a story from Philly--once the birthplace of freedom, now a sad Democrat-ruled shithole.  Seems the employees of a successful coffee shop business that had been open for a decade demanded to unionize.

The owner thought about this for a second.  He'd worked his fanny off and didn't like being threatened by union thugs, so he just said "Goodbye."  Closed all three shops!

That alone is fabulous enough.  But it gets better:  The now-jobless former employees were absolutely incensed!  "How dare he close 'our' business?" they bleated.  "Dis' not FAIR, comrade!"

"Dis' not FAIR, comrades!  We DEMAND dis owner keep his bidness open!

 The business owner generously volunteered to keep paying their health insurance for three months, but of course the former employees are demanding severance pay!  Wow, that's ballsy.

NOW: because biden's department of "labor" does whatever joe's handlers order, biden's department of "Justice"--civil rights division, of course--will sue the owner for millions.  Of course you don't care cuz not you, right?  Sure, makes perfect sense.  Except for one thing not one of you has considered:

Lots of smart, energetic people--people who might be inclined to try starting a business--saw this story, and how the regime sued the owner after he said "I'm done here."  They'll look at this and think "I mortgage my home and borrow money to start my business, work 80 hours a week to get it going, obey the thousands of chickenshit regulations, pay my taxes, and suddenly...the union strikes and the Democrat regime sues me?  Go fuck yourselves."

And they don't start the business.

Now imagine ten-thousand would-be business starters doing that.  Think the economy might suffer?

Now, the beauty of a free market is that if a business owner doesn't offer employees enough money for what he's asking 'em to do, they're free to find work somewhere else.  Eventually the owner is left with not enough employees.  How does he respond, eh?  Sure.

But one group isn't satisfied with that system, and demands the right to put a gun to the head of owners.

That's a hallmark of communism.  To their credit, most communist governments noticed their nations weren't nearly as prosperous as freer nations.  But Democrats and union bosses like their version.


June 16, 2024

Do black kids in anywhere in the U.S NOT know the word "computer"? Dem pol said that was true

You pay attention to news, right?  So...who said this?

"Right now we have young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don't even know what the word 'computer' is."

Sure:  A Democrat female, right?  A governor--of a long-Democrat-ruled state.

Kathy Hochul.  Who later said she "misspoke."

The Mainstream Media didn't pay any attention.  But people who get their news from the Internet heard about it.

So tell us, Democrats: what do you think your brilliant governor *meant* to say?  What word or words can you change in her statement--quoted above--to make that statement NOT racist?

Uh..."Young white kids growing up in the Bronx."  Yeah, that's what she meant to say.  

Wait..."Young white kids growing up in Westchester County..."  Yeh, dat's it.

Wait..."Young black kids growing up in Haiti don't even know..."  Yeh, dat's probably it!

Just tell us, Democrats: What did she *mean* to say with her comment to make it not raaaacist?  Take your time.

Connecticut bar association warns members not to call Trump conviction 'partisan'

Sub-head: You must not claim this case was a "political prosecution"

Last week members Connecticut Bar Association got a letter signed by that outfit's president, president-elect and vice-president warning members not to criticize the obviously partisan political prosecutions of former President Donald Trump as either partisan or political.

While the letter doesn't directly say the bar association will consider such criticism "unethical conduct," it says criticizing the prosecution as political "has no place in the public discourse," and the executives call on members to publicly support the prosecutions as being totally unbiased.

In case that was too subtle for some to grasp, the letter warns members that "some comments will be viewed as cross[ing] the line from criticism to dangerous rhetoric."

"Dangerous rhetoric," eh?  Sounds like if you said it was political you could easily lose your license to practice law, eh?

According to the rulers of the CBA, it's now "dangerous" to make analogies to Soviet show trials, or to ask how judge Juan Merchan-- whose daughter has helped raise $93 million for the Democrat party--could be allowed to hear this case without recusing himself.

Totally reasonable question, eh?  But if you're an attorney in CT, you can't ask it.

Oh, you thought there was freedom of speech in this country?  Not if you're an attorney in the Dem-ruled cesspool of Connecticut.

The CBA is careful to assure lawyers that they're totally free to criticize, but quickly adds that criticizing the ethics of the judge or the clear political motivations behind the prosecution cases "is dangerous and could spark violence."

If you're a student of history you may have wondered how, after the Bolshevik revolution, perhaps 15% of the population could have so totally subjugated the other 85%.  You see the answer here: The communists had millions of informers, and anyone who complained was quickly arrested--and often executed.

Earlier this year a totalitarian Dem law prof at Georgetown declared, "When the mob is right, some (but not all!) more aggressive tactics are justified."  

Wow.  Perfect fit with the communists--and with today's Democrat totalitarians.  Free speech?  Nah.

The informers/enforcers quickly learned that the Party would reward them for enforcing its policies, for telling Party "political officers" names of those who didn't totally support the Party.

So... in their zeal to prevent any criticism of judges, did CBA officials warn members not to support Democrat attacks on conservative justices on the Supreme Court in which Dems called the justices "partisan hacks" or even "insurrectionist sympathizers"?  Of course not.  Liberal activists have been calling for stopping conservative jurists "by any means necessary."

Even high Dem officials have called for attacks on judges.  For example, Connecticut Democrat senator Richard Blumenthal warned conservative justices to rule correctly or face "seismic changes."  That direct threat didn't worry the heads of the CBA a bit.  Same story when Democrat senate majority leader Chuck Schumer declared--in front of the Supreme Court--"I want to tell you, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price."  No reaction from the CBA.

But NOW, when a clearly biased hack having presided over a clearly sham political prosecution of the Republican presidential candidate, suddenly the enforcers at the CBA are outraged.

My Democrat friends preciously, naively bleat "Dere no pressure here!  Duh CBA jus' wants ta' proteck our precious judicial system!  An' dear leader Schumer, and Blumenthal, nevah sed doze things you claimed!  Nope nope nope!  Duh alleged 'video' of dem sayin' dat is FAKE!  Done by 'AI'!  Joe Scarborough and Rachael Maddow said so!"

SOoo precious.  And you begin to realize how easily a million dumbshit informers can enable 15% of the population to subjugate the other 85%. 



June 15, 2024

biden's "insurance policy" against impeachment has become an anchor dragging him down

Once again Karma has shown up at the Democrats' door.  And it's a thing of beauty.

Kamala Harris was biden's insurance policy against impeachment.  The plan was that no matter how many brazenly impeachable offenses biden committed, the Repubs would never impeach him, because it the extremely unlikely even the senate convicted him, Kammie would be president.

But now, with biden looking extremely frail, this brilliant insurance policy (and it was) has become an anchor, because everyone know a vote for biden is precisely, unequivocally a vote to make Kamala president.

The Dems could fix that if they could bribe Kammi to "decide to spend more time with her family."  Yeah, right.  Does anyone think she'd do that?  

Yeah, didn't think so.  So as more voters begin to connect the dots--that if biden wins, Kamala will take over as president--think that might reduce the Dem vote a bit?

Of course the Dems can easily compensate by having their paid ballot-scanners scan the same stack of ballots another few dozen times at each scanner.  What could be easier?

Think poll watchers can deter that?  Nah, bro: corrupt cops in the big Democrat-ruled cities will just push 'em back too far to see.  Or maybe outside, and put cardboard over the windows, like they did in 2020.  Cuz once the results are announced, Rule Number One says no one is allowed to challenge 'em, eh? 

biden's "relaxed" interview with Time magazine

"Your" preznit, recently sat down for a relaxed, no hard questions interview with the Democrat fellating editors of Time Ragazine.  The result:

When Putin decided to go into Russia—I mean, he’s gonna go from Russia into Ukraine.  Trump—what he never understood—which is that Russia, he wasn’t just going into Moscow, I mean from Russia into Ukraine.”

Yes, Democrats, that was "your" preznit.  If a foreign head of state heard that gibberish, would he think the man who uttered it was even remotely competent?

Take your time, Democrats.  Convince us that this response was due to a) the high pressure on him; or b) the fact that he was appearing after his usual "lid" at 1pm; or c) the fact that he hadn't gotten enough sleep the night before because he was drafting a ceasefire deal in Gaza.  Take your time.

The interview was designed to showcase corrupt Joe's faaabulous foreign policy achievements...but then he promptly confused Iran and Iraq, Russia and Ukraine, South Korea and Taiwan, Putin and Xi.  Of course he would never make those mistakes when speaking with foreign leaders, right?

Time wrote a story about the interview, erasing all the fuckups--they said it was "lightly edited"--but then to prove they didn't fake the results, they also published what they claimed was a transcript.  It's notable for its incomprehensibility.

The same magazine and political party that constantly mocked ‘Bushisms’ has given us a president whom even his own supporters can’t understand. At times even the people who had the tape to re-play couldn't decipher what biden was saying, being forced to mark sections ‘unintelligible.’  Other times they published sentences in which the words were real but made no sense.

Most rational Americans would think that’s a problem when speaking on a world stage.

For example, he was asked about whether the U.S. would defend Taiwan if China attacked.  See if you can decipher the following:

"It would depend on the circumstances. You know, by the way, I’ve made clear to Xi Jinping that we agree with—we signed on to previous presidents going way back—to the policy of, that, it is we are not seeking independence for Taiwan nor will we in fact, not defend Taiwan if they, if, if China unilaterally tries to change the status.”

Mainstream Media Democrat: "Makes perfect sense!"

This is the kind of horseshit biden and his handlers do, as when Iran threatened to fire missiles into Israel.  Biden said one word: "Don't."  Iran did it anyway.  The Media ignored the direct fuck-you from Iran to the vegetable.

Thanks, Democrats.  Pat yourselves on the back for doing such a faaaabulous job sending the U.S. into the crapper, courtesy of a stolen election.



Media talking heads praise Porridgebrain as he does typical biden stuff

You have to watch this three-minute clip of biden playing a dementia patient, with an audio track of  Mainstream Media talking heads praising him as "totally sharp."  Devastating.

If you're an American who loves this nation, the Mainstream Media is your enemy.  And is a tool of the larger enemy: the corrupt, authoritarian Democrat party.   Don't believe it?  Want more proof?  Take a look:

Is it possible some Democrats have good intentions?  Beats me.  And at this point I don't really care.  They've shown their true colors by eagerly supporting a party that has unquestionably destroyed what was recently the greatest nation on Earth.  I don't recognize this country anymore.

They support open borders.  The sexual mutilation of children as young as ten.  Forcing citizens to take an ineffective experimental drug or be fired.  Forcing children to take the same experimental drug even though all data showed children were virtually unaffected by the Chyna virus.

The supported forcing members of the military to use "preferred pronouns" or be punished.  They loudly promoted trannies to command positions and brazenly praised them.  Meanwhile service members who refused the experimental drug were discharged.

They ORDERED all schools that received any federal money to allow men pretending to be women to be allowed to use girls' locker rooms, and to compete in girls' sports.

They sent a dozen Trump supporters to prison for "contempt of congress"--refusing to obey a congressional subpoena.  But now that Attorney-general Merrick Garland has refused to comply with a subpoena from the House, and the House has cited him for contempt, the DOJ says it won't prosecute its own chief.  Two sets of laws, comrade. 

I could go on for another thousand words.  The evil that this party has done to the U.S. in almost incalculable.  Thanks, Democrats.

NY Times "opinion piece" explains why so many liberals aren't eager to have kids

Wanna know what the "cool kidz"--the self-declared "elites"--think about having kids?  The NY times ran an "opinion piece" titled

"The success narratives of liberal life leave little room for having children."

The authors of the piece--Anastasia Berg and Rachel Wiseman--have also written an entire book called “What Are Children For?: On Ambivalence and Choice.”  Here's the opening line:

For young, secular, politically progressive men and women, having children has become something of an afterthought.

 Wow, who coulda predicted that, eh?

Liberal wisdom encourages people to spend their 20s on journeys of personal and professional self-discovery and self-fulfillment. Children are treated as something to get to only after getting a degree, establishing a satisfying career, buying a house, cultivating the ideal romantic partnership.

[For liberals,] the standards of readiness for family are so high that it’s hardly a surprise when people fail to reach them, and the data suggest that people are having fewer children, and later than they used to.

No, the data don't just "suggest," they're absolutely unequivocal--among white women ONLY.  Question is, why?  Just kidding; you already know.

For progressives, waiting to have children has  become a kind of ethical imperative.  Gender equality and female empowerment demand that women’s self-advancement not be sacrificed on the altar of motherhood.

Securing female autonomy means that under no circumstances should a woman be rushed into a reproductive decision — whether by an eager partner or tone-deaf chatter about ticking biological clocks.

See, dat "tone-deaf chatter about ticking biological clocks" haz NO basis in Science, comrade!  It beez a "right-wing conspiracy story," so yew will ignore it!  Dere iz NO scientific basis for dat "tone-deaf chatter"!

Unreserved enthusiasm for having children can come across as essentially reactionary.

You hardly ever see the word "reactionary" in western writing.  Surely you know what it means, but your college-age kids almost certainly don't.  It's a term frequently used by communists, as an epithet, applied to anyone suspected of not totally supporting the Revolution.  Hmmm...surely they don't mean...yes, they do.

We’ve interviewed hundreds of young Americans about their attitudes toward having children. These conversations revealed that the success narratives of modern liberal life leave little room for having a family. Women who want kids often come to that realization belatedly...

Hmmm, didn't y'all just get thru calling talk about a "ticking biological clock" "tone-deaf chatter"?  Why yes, you did.  But just three 'grafs later it's NOT?  Hmm...contradictions?

If they're lucky their partner (if they have one) will fall in line. If they are not, they face a choice of returning to the dating pool, freezing their eggs (if they haven’t done so already), single parenting or giving up their hope of having kids of their own.
   The logic of postponement promoted by liberals and progressives robs young people of their agency. How many children they have, and even whether they have them at all, is increasingly a decision made for them by circumstance and cultural convention.

That's certainly true for indoctrinated liberals.  And the indoctrination continues full-throttle today:  Libs bleat that having kids is killing duh Erf.  Oh, and is "a tool of duh Patriarchy."  And "oppression."  "Female subjugation."  And I've probably missed a couple of other pejoratives.

There is nothing inherently unprogressive about embracing the prospect of children.  While certain conservative visions of family life —such as “trad wives” and Silicon Valley pronatalism—have little to offer those on the left, our fellow progressives need to stop thinking of having children as a conservative [ideal].
   The family — recognized as the seat of customs and traditional values — has long been central to the appeal of conservatism. Yet it wasn’t that long ago that Republicans and Democrats fought over who could rightfully claim to be the party of “family values.” Bill Clinton, while campaigning for president against George H.W. Bush in 1992, assailed the Republican Party’s commitment to families as little more than hypocrisy.

Ah, dat's duh ticket!  See, duh Rethuglicans don't reeeeally like families, dey just claims to!  Really, NYT?  As long as I've been on the planet conservatives have urged black males to be in-the-home dads.  That didn't work because Democrats arranged for taxpayer dollars--and "Democrat guidance"--to replace black fathers.  But hey, whatever makes you feel guud about yourselves, eh?

Bill Clinton--"Mister Family Values, eh?--went on to announce a 14-point “American Family Values Agenda.”

Say, any of you Democrats recall what those 14 points were?  Did your party work to implement any of those?  Oh wait...like the southern border, you'll blame "Republican obstructionism."  Yep yep yep.

But in time, liberals and progressives came to shy away from publicly embracing the American family as a symbol and an ideal.

You don't say!  You do NOT say!  How could we have missed that?

After Mr. Clinton was impeached in the wake of his own family-values hypocrisy and George W. Bush was elected with the help of evangelical voters, family-friendly rhetoric became anathema to liberals—perceived as phony, intrusive and toxic. (The notable exception was gay marriage, whose legalization was won with the help of arguments that promoted the virtues of families.)

"See?  SEE?  We Democrats actually love "family values"!  Well, at least when the family consists of two gay moms or dads.  We are SO into those kinds of family values!"

Today the left proudly defends the sacrosanct right to abortion and "reproductive justice"...

If you have kids, ask 'em what they think "sacrosanct" means.  Yep, "extremely sacred or inviolable."  For those who aren't religious there's "above or beyond criticism, change, or interference."  And after Roe was reversed the Dems lied that conservatives had "taken away a woman's right to choose."  That, of course, was a lie, but it produced lots of votes for the party.

The polarization of discourse has [increased] the left’s wariness of children, both privately and politically.  Members of the ecological activist group BirthStrike, founded in 2018, declared that they were protesting climate inaction by refusing to have kids. The following year, shortly after proposing legislation for a Green New Deal, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez broadcast progressives’ hesitancy to reproduce in the face of climate change to her 2.5 million Instagram followers when she said, “It does lead young people to have a legitimate question: Is it OK to still have children?”

If you're a "progressive" the answer is "definitely not."  It's un-cool.  It'll kill duh Erf.  See, having kids is for people who don't burn carbon fuels or use resources, like the Chinese or Africans.  It's fine for them cuz dey don' make CO2 or cut down trees.  Yep yep yep.

The Supreme Court’s decision overturning the constitutional right to abortion in 2022 has also made liberals and progressives more uneasy with the idea of starting a family.

Oh, I can't wait to hear this "logic," eh?  The authors have now spent 2,000 words explaining the faaabulous reasons Dems, liberals and "progressives" didn't want children before the court overturned Roe, but now they're saying overturning Roe made 'em "more uneasy with the idea of starting a family."  Wow.

A "reproductive-rights journalist" wrote that she had been contemplating having children before the Court’s decision.  ["Contemplating," eh?]  “I have never been sure that I desire to be a mom, let alone that I desire it enough to assume the risks. These days, however, that door is shut.  I choose myself.”

Excellent decision, "reproductive rights" pyrsyn.  Seriously, you would have been a terrible mom.  You made the right choice.

That choice is not uncommon. In a recent study, 34 percent of women ages 18 to 39 reported that they or someone they know had “decided not to get pregnant due to concerns about managing pregnancy-related medical emergencies.”

Ah yes, the fear of being unable to get an abortion in the event of a life-threatening medical emergency.  That's what the proggies have told girls and young women that the court did.  Okay, brilliant feminist authors, name a state that bans abortion to save the life of the mother.  Take your time.  Just one will do.
    Y'say you can't find even one?  Seriously?  So how do you suppose all these millions of young women got the idea that states wouldn't allow  abortion in case of a medical emergency?

Indeed, of the women who said they were forgoing having children because of the Dobbs ruling, about half lived in states where abortions [were unconstrained by Dobbs].  One can’t help noting the irony: In permitting the conservative movement to alienate them from the question of whether they want to have and raise children...

Ah, here it is even more blatantly:  "I din' wanna have kids before, and now that decision is your fault, deplorables!"

But the partisan framing of the issue is flawed at a more fundamental level.  In deciding whether to have children, we confront a philosophical challenge:  Is life, however imperfect and challenging, worth living?

I think the decisions of Democrat/"proggie" women directly answer that question:  For them, it's not.  They've taken the joyless burden of existentialism to the next level: they've convinced themselves it's not worth reproducing.  And I think for them that's the right  choice.

Certainly having children isn't the only way to address this question. But...the perpetuation of human life is the condition of possibility for every other thing we care about.

Hey, let's not get carried away by emotions here, pyrsyns.  We might think you might be verging on becoming..."reactionary."

But after 2,000 words of "We shouldn't have children," in the last two 'grafs of the piece the authors go way out on a limb (for proggies) and very indirectly admit that maybe having children isn't an entirely bad thing.  But you get the sense that they're not eager about that thought, since accepting that would discard the last 30 years of feminist indoctrination.

Update:  If you want a good look at the sick, twisted insanity infecting Times readers (and virtually all liberals), click on the link below and READ THE DAMN COMMENTS.  They're all horrified that any white American would want to have kids, cuz killin' duh Erf.  But they're all absolutely delighted for other races and other nations to have kids, cuz...reasons.  Really, take ten minutes and read some of the comments.  You'll be shocked at the lunacy.

Source: NY Times


biden regime has the fix for losing support with young voters: Hire "influencers"

For months, biden's handlers--all hip, cool professionals-- have watched as Trump's supporters have flooded the zone with an endless stream of memes, videos and posts sneering at biden's ludicrous tales.  They see they're losing the young vote.

Of course they'd never admit it, but now Porridgebrain's handlers are working furiously to counter the losses by persuading--*and in some cases paying*--"influencers" to sing Mr. Biden's praises to their followers.  And the Dems are finding that young Americans aren't as stupid as the Dems thought.

For those over 40: "influencers" are people who make a great living getting companies to give 'em stuff in return for the influencer praising the "client."  If you wanna get a faaabulous review of your new hotel in Polynesia, give me a first-class ticket to your place, and a free week with all meals and drinks comped, and you'll get a great review to my million followers.

Of course you're "cool" so you already knew all that, eh?

If you're too old to be an influencer you can make millions by start a business that connects influencers with paying clients eager to tap that market.  They'll tell you "It's clear we have to use influencers to reach the future of the progressive movement!"

Does that sound faaaabulous?  That's the co-founder of a group that connects Democrats with Gen-Z voters.  So if ya wanna connect with young voters, hire him, eh?

But it doesn't seem very likely that influencers will be seduced by a White House dinner.  Ooohh, what to do, eh?  Easy: pay 'em. One big Democrat "political action committee" (Priorities USA) has said it will spend at least $1 million on influencers.

Hey, paying for a favorable comment or review is a time-honored tactic in movie reviews, so this is just the same, eh?

In April the Biden campaign--which has bleated that it does NOT pay influencers--paid almost $2 million to an "influencer agency" called Village Marketing.  But you must believe biden's handlers that his campaign does NOT pay influencers!  See the difference?  Not the same thing at ALL, citizen!

Polls suggest biden is losing support among younger voters.  A recent NBC poll claimed Porridgebrain "holds a commanding advantage among voters who regularly consume traditional news.  (So advertise on NBC, eh?) But they quietly admitted that "Trump leads decisively those among those who say they rely primarily on social media for information."

This enthusiasm gap among young voters can be clearly seen on platforms like TikTok.  Since the biden campaign officially joined the platform in February--four months ago--it has gotten about 375,000 followers.  Trump joined TikTok less than two weeks ago and has amassed 6.2 MILLION followers.

You'll note that the Mainstream Media never shows video of Porridgebrain lying, bragging, boasting and inventing incomprehensible words.  Of course those clips are exist--only if you know where to look.  Young voters know where to look: the internet.

Young people don't have the experience to spot many cons.  But they do have enough to see the obvious ones, like

  • "The southern border is totally secure.
  • "Crime is way down!"  
  • "Prices are going down!"  
  • "Islam is your friend." 
  • "Men can become actual, authentic women by saying so!"

The list is endless.  But the Democrats know they can reverse the trend if they just spend enough millions hiring "influencers."

Source: Ace of Spades


Whut dis? Whutevah it is, it beez big

As you may have noticed, people are VERY good at sniffing out ways to make money.  And in the last 30 years or so the two best ways to make money are 1) get installed as preznit or congresswhore; and 2) supply components to the Greenies for "renewable energy."

SOooo, whut dis, eh?

Lots of you know, but to set the stage:  Duh greenies noticed that around 1860 ranchers discovered that you could get enough energy to pump water from underground with a "windmill."  So around 1990 dey sed "We hates oil an' gas an' coal an' nuclear cuz dey gon' kill duh Erf.  An' we don' need any of 'em, cuz we kin power ouah whole country wif' duh clean WIND!  Yay!"
Engineers--people who actually know things like physics and structures--laughed at the Greenies' naivete.  But the greenies had a sorta-secret weapon: dey knew they could get vote-pandering politicians to do anything they wanted!
So, they got the naive, vote-pandering sons of bitches in congress to pass a law called PURPA, which forced electric utilities to buy electricity from windmill farms at an artificially high price.

You will never guess what happened next:  At that point lots of really smaht grifters saw a chance to cash in--forever--by starting companies to build "wind turbines," which were bought by other grifters.

WELL...the amount of electricity you can capture by a windmill is proportional to the SQUARE of the blade length.  More electricity means more money for the people operating "wind farms," thus more orders for companies making longer blades.

Got it yet?  Sure ya do, citizen!  So the utterly predictable happened, and the thing you see above is a single blade for a "wind turbine."  It's longer than a football field.

Longer than a football field.  Has a life of maybe 20 years.  And can't be recycled.  Fortunately the birds the things kill can be recycled, but unfortunately not as new birds, only as food for worms.  And greenies just shrug, saying "Hey, cats kill way more birds than windmills," which is true.  It's just so much fun to see how they rationalize something that would have horrified them before it became a higher priority than birds.

SO...this is yet another example of what earlier writers called "The extraordinary madness of crowds."  Democrat strategists sniffed a huge opportunity in exploiting the screams of "Global Warming," and compassionate liberals eagerly supported every scheme that came along claiming to reduce the use of carbon fuels.  But they didn't want nuclear, cuz...well, nuclear.  And they banned construction of new dams to produce hydroelectric power.

That pretty much left two sources: windmills and solar panels.  We're getting both by the boatload.

Engineers have told ya these sources are far more costly than conventional sources.  Not only that, but because wind and solar are "intermittent," then big steam turbines have to be constantly spinning, fired up and ready to take over at the push of a button when wind and solar drop off.

We told ya, but of course you didn't listen.  You bought the beautiful lies of duh greenies--morons like AOC and Adam Schiff and Chuckie Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.

The great thing is, you have no idea what your electric bill was a decade ago.  And five years from now you won't recall what it was today.  And the beauty of your Democrat party being totally supported by the Media is that the Media won't tell ya how much your electric bill has risen.  

Like taking candy from a baby, eh?


DOJ sez "Crime is at the lowest level in 22 years"

In Sunnyvale, California 20 "youths of unknown ethnic origin," all but two dressed all in black, with black hoodies and masks, used hammers to break through two sets of glass doors to enter a jewelry store.

All were carrying hammers.  They quickly smashed every display case and scooped up all the jewelry.

The suspects then led cops on a car chase, with some of the thugs throwing stolen jewelry out of their vehicle while fleeing.

Police arrested five of the thugs after they attempted to flee by running across Highway 101.

They were booked into Santa Clara County Jail on charges of armed robbery, felony vehicle evasion, resisting arrest and vandalism.  Then following a grueling two hours in custody their attorneys demanded they be released.

Several of the theives are said to be considering suing the county for endangering them by forcing them to run across a busy highway.

Following state policy the county would not release the names of those arrested nor their mugshots, as this is said to traumatize young thugs.

Meanwhile Merrick Garland held a press conference claiming crime was lower than at any time in the last 22 years.








June 14, 2024

After a book trashing Tucker Carlson is cancelled, a Leftist at Politico steps in to carry on

You almost certainly have never been a member of the military, but you should know something about war:  Good nations try to avoid killing civilian citizens from the other side unless unavoidable.  By contrast, bad nations support killing the other side's civilians as a goal. 

Democrat party strategists have seen how this works, and know that by going after "little people" with a vengeance--parents yelling at school board members, people protesting outside abortion clinics, people walking by the capitol on January 6 regime--it makes everyone else keep quiet, head bowed, obedient.

Meanwhile they let muggers and random racially-motivated killers and smash-and-grab thieves walk out free.  Hmmm...

With that as background:  For a politician, trying to discredit your opponent has always been fair game.  If I don't have good policies but can convince voters you beat your wife or abuse kids or torture animals, I win.  Long history of that.

But the never-seen strategists of the Democrat party realized that when voters are leaving the party over its ghastly, stupid policies (open borders, printing money, bribing people for votes by forcing taxpayers to pay off their student loans, etc) one of the most effective things they can do to reduce the number of people leaving the plantation is to discredit the most popular proponents of conservatism--people who connect with ordinary voters.

In this case, Tucker Carlson.

Ah, you think this is fiction?  Paranoia?  "Right-wing conspiracy tales"?  No, the link will show ya.

It's a piece in the Democrat-fellating rag "Politico," by a total leftist named Michael Schaffer.  Seems that one of his leftist comrades from his days on The New Republic had gotten a contract to write a book trashing Carlson.  Title was "Hated by All the Right People: Tucker Carlson and the Unravelling of the Conservative Mind."

Ahh, "hated by all the right people," y'say?  And "the unravelling of the conservative mind."  Who would think there was any malice there, eh?

But after missed deadlines and the author of the hit-piece--whom ol' Mike fawns is "a top-shelf writer"!--being unable to show Carlson was a child-abuser or wife-beater or drug addict (Hunty biden?) or making huge money from bribes or insider trading (Hunty, joe, Nancy Pelosi?), the publisher cancelled the project.

WELL...this apparently infuriated ol' Mike.  The "cool kidz" in ol' Mike's circle expected the book to destroy one of the most popular conservative analysts and commentators, so it just wasn't FAIR that now this wouldn't happen.  Who could pass up the chance to destroy a guy ol' Mike finally, grudgingly admits--28 paragraphs into his piece--was the highest-rated TV host in history.

So ol' Mike decided this was the perfect chance to step in and carry the banner onward!  So he writes 3,000 words for Politico claiming the reason the publisher killed the project was probably because Tucker isn't nearly as popular or effective as when he was on Fox. 

Wait...if Tucker is as unpopular and ineffective as you claim, Mike, why write 3,000 words on him?  Why not just let him fade into obscurity, eh?

Surely everyone did catch that obvious contradiction, right?

Neither the author nor the erstwhile publisher would comment for ol' Mike's article.

With nothing juicy left, ol' Mike resorts to calling Carlson an "immigrant-baiting Putin admirer."  It's merely a coincidence that the Democrat media talking heads called Tucker "Putin's puppet," eh?

Point is that the Left/Democrats are what you might call "full-service killers:"  they've discovered that writing articles trashing popular, well-spoken, well-educated conservative supporters is a great way to get young Americans to stay on the Democrat plantation.  It's just another way for Dems to win NOT on the merits of sound policies, but by smearing effective conservative speakers.

If Democrats can't beat Trump on policies, trash those who support his policies.  Brilliant!

Source: Politico


June 13, 2024

Survey of which political party thinks society should "prioritize marriage and having children"

Wanna see yet another early-warning sign of a doomed society?

Eh, you probably don't, cuz a) it'll make a lot of you unhappy, cuz b) it's a trend highly unlikely to be reversed in time to save our nation.  It's a new Pew poll on which party says society should prioritize marriage and having children.

The most obvious thing you notice is the huge difference in the percentage of Trump supporters vs. biden supporters who say they "prioritize" marriage and kids.  Just 16 percent of women and 22% of men who support biden say they prioritize marriage and children.

By huge contrast, among Trump supporters 63% of men and 54% of women say the same.

Seems most liberal/Democrat women aren't enthusiastic about marriage and children--and is anyone surprised?  After all, the dominant Narrative of the Democrat party is that marriage and children are "tools of the oppressor," "supporting the Patriarchy," eh?  Most hard-core Democrats--apparently of both sexes--seem to believe the classic "nuclear family" is just awful!  

Next look at the percentage among college graduates vs. those who didn't graduate:  According to this poll college grads are become LESS likely to say society should prioritize marriage and children.  The result above isn't broken down by sex, but I'm looking for the original survey.  My guess is that the percent of college-grad women will be significantly lower than the 17% shown, and that men will be higher by the same percentage.  Cuz colleges are telling women "marriage is a tool of the oppressor."

The lower percentage of college grads agreeing with the poll question suggests that colleges are (as we already knew) an indoctrination camp in which women become even less eager to marry and have kids.

So what do ya think this means for the future?

Democrat: "Dis guud, cuz we needs ta save duh Erf from Climate Change!  Cuz we Americans iz causing most of it cuz we use more of that awful oil and gas per person than people in other countries.  We don't need to use oil and gas!  And if the rest of the world keeps on using it, that's their problem!  We must lead by example, even if our economy suffers--which it won't, of course, cuz we'll have all the energy we need from solar panels and those faaaabulous windmills!  Yep yep yep!"

Conservative: "Really?  You think if we go to electric vehicles while China continues to open two new coal-fired powerplants a WEEK, global CO2 will go DOWN?  Wow."


Federal judge rules biden's DECREE allowing men to use women's locker rooms is...

If you've been off-planet for three years you may not have heard that biden's handlers got him to sign an ORDER forcing every school and university in the country to allow men claiming to be women to a) compete in women's sports; and b) to use women's locker rooms, bathrooms and so on.

The handlers did that by unilaterally declaring that Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 now made "gender" a specially-protected class, entitled to all the protections the act gave women and girls.

Normal Americans were outraged by that.  But what could they do?  Duh preznit done signed an ORDER,  so nuthin' can be done, eh? 

Got a shock for ya, socialists: That's called "re-writing laws," and the Constitution says preznits aren't allowed to do that.  Just congress.

So a year ago some deplorable state Attorney-general sued the biden regime.

And just two days ago a federal judge told biden's handlers that what they did was totally illegal.

The ruling itself is great enough, but there are two more bombshells here:  First is that the ruling was via what's called a "summary judgment."  What that means is that even if every argument made by the defendant biden regime is accepted as true, the law still finds for the other side.  WOW.

Second is this: Google "state of texas v. Miguel Cardona et al."  There's not a single mention newer than a month ago.  Then keep the same search but now look under the laughable google heading "news."  Same result: not a single word as of 12:20 eastern time on June 13th.

Wow.  The liberals sons of bitches who run the media did NOT want anyone to hear about this ruling, because it was such a huge (and clearly well deserved) defeat for the regime.

My guess is that in a day or so we'll start to see articles in the Lying Mainstream Media about this ruling, but the thrust will be "Conservative judge in cruel, oppressive red state bars 'women' from playing sports or using the restroom!"

I suspect the regime will appeal the ruling.  Problem is, they'll have to appeal to a slightly conservative court of appeals, which means they have to argue either that when congress passed Title IX it intended the protected class to include men pretending to be women, or if it didn't, that this is a perfectly logical interpretation of the law.

Can't wait to hear those arguments.

So...a defeat for the biden regime and the trannie mafia, eh?  Which is why you won't hear a word about this in the Mainstream Media until they can write their pro-tranny propaganda pieces. 


How NPR changed a headline in one day to protect biden; happens every day

The Internet gave ordinary citizens a tool that would allow 'em to document how the evil bastards running this country shamelessly to advance the socialist cause.  For decades the bastards have gotten away with it because the average person has an effective memory span of two days, and if something contradicting the current Narrative happened more than two days ago it was impossible to convince the average voter they'd been lied to by the rulers--brazenly, shamelessly. 

As more Americans began to understand the Internet--that it saved outrageously false propaganda stories, and videos of rulers brazenly lying--voters began to wake up.

You might think this would have put an end to the brazen, outrageous lies by the rulers, since their outrageous lies could so easily be revealed to everyone, eh?  Few things more devastating to a lying rat-bastard pol than two videos of him/her side by side, the first saying "I'm totally against X" next to one saying "I totally support X."

So of course what should have been a fabulous new tool for honest government was quickly blunted by the cunning rulers, because they realized they could use their lying allies to re-write any story the rulers didn't like.  That meant there would now be TWO totally opposed stories out there, so the average citizen could never know which one was right!

Example:  On October 14th of 2020, just three weeks before the election, the NY Post broke a bombshell story about Hunty biden's abandoned laptop, containing about 35,000 emails, some clearly showing Hunty was collecting upwards of $40 MILLION in bribes for his dad--duh Democrat party's presidential candidate.  On the SAME DAY that story broke, NPR carelessly wrote one headline that accurately said the laptop indicted biden himself.

OOoohhh, Dem party can't have THAT, eh?  So they immediately picked up the phone and got their lying shills at NPR to re-write their headline.  And sure enough, the very next day the headline was re-written so the entire thrust of the story was on Hunty, not Joe.

Democrats: "Oh dat wuz jus' a aksident!  Dey dindoo dat deliberately!  See, we later found that duh laptop wuz "Russian disinformation," but even if it wuz authentic it din' implicate our wunnerful preznit!  Nope nope nope!"

Sure, sparky.  Hunty wuz collecting $40 million in bribes all for himself, eh?  Uh-huh.  You bet.    

You never saw these two NPR stories next to each other, until some clever citizen found 'em.  Smart people realize the implications of this.  Democrats just rationalize it as "Dis wuz a aksident an' don' mean nuffin'!"

Then a week after the New York Post broke the laptop story, the Democrat liars at Politico had the next level of spin ready to roll:  biden's handlers had decided the most effective lie was to have "51 former U.S. intel agents"--none of whom had examined the laptop--sign a letter claiming the laptop was a fake: just "Russian disinformation."  Take a look:

Doesn't Hunty look SO innocent?  SO honest, eh?  Like butter wouldn't melt in his mouf, eh?

Prediction: The Democrats will steal the 2024 election, just like they did in 2020.  And once again the courts will do nothing, cuz they're scared to damn DEATH of being accused of "overturnin' duh will of duh pipo!"--even though it wasn't how the people actually voted.

Love it.  "Like taking candy from a baby," eh?

June 12, 2024

In biden's America ("crime is at record lows") thieves are stealing...what??

Hey citizen, didja hear the great newz?  Duh economy beez booming!

One indication is that the price of copper is at a record high.  And in response, entrepreneurial Americans across the U.S. are recycling millions of dollars of copper!

The twist is that they're getting the copper by stealing cables from...you'll never guess.

Go ahead, take a guess.  It was so totally unexpected that the experts in the biden regime never anticipated it.

Got it yet?  Sure ya do, right?  So all together now, what are they stealin'?

Sure: charging cables from electric-vehicle charging stations.

All ya need are cable cutters, which are dirt-common.  A two-man team can cut a dozen cables--disabling all the chargers--and vanish in three minutes.

ABC helpfully points out that this new, easy target is making life more "exasperating and stressful" for the EV owners, and experts with the biden regime are blaming this for the fact that EV sales are just a smidgen below what the regime predicted for mid-2024.

But don't worry, citizen: the biden regime got congress to tuck $7.5 BILLION into their faaaabulous "Infrastructure Improvement Act" solely to build 10,000 new charging stations across the country!  Yaaaaay!

That was two years ago.  They've now almost completed the job, having completed 80% of that goal.

Oh wait...that was a typo from an Associated Press/biden/harris'granholm press release.  Actually the regime has installed...um...eight new charging stations.  But that's due to...um..."supply chain disruptions."

Wait...it's because of covid lockdowns.

Wait...it's because of having to get environmental impact statements on each proposed site

Wait...it's because there are so MANY jobs out there offering $80,000 or more a year that it's impossible to find anyone willing to do this sort of work!  Yeah, dat's it!

See, that's why we need to keep importing skilled labor from countries like Guatemala and Gambia and Nigeria, eh?  So we have enough people to do the work Americans are too busy watching movies to do.

One small problem with industrious "Americans" stealing charging cables is that it might have a tiny, tiny effect on America's major automakers, which like all automakers have invested billions in EV development and production.

And of course that's still a great idea, as Democrats are still planing to outlaw gasoline by 2035 or so.  Yep.  Well they haven't actually announced that yet.  They've just said all new cars sold after that year must be electric.  The "experts" haven't said how we can generate enough electricity to do that, but they're experts, so we're all confident they'll figure it out.

See, Americans have to buy EVs cuz ABC sez "the world is facing worsening consequences of climate change."

ABC knows this is true because government experts, like esteemed climate expert Jenny Granholm, have told ABC it is.  And so companies have poured billions into designing and making hundreds of thousands of EVs.

Stellantis envisions 50% of its passenger cars being EVs by the end of 2030. Ford set a target of producing 2 million EVs per year— about 45% of its global sales!—just two years from now!  Is that faaabulous or what?

But the most ambitious of the three is Obama-rescued General Motors, which has pledged to sell only electric passenger cars by the end of 2035.  Faabulous, eh?

Companies that own EV charging stations are miffed about the thefts of charging cables, saying they'll have to be insured by the government against cable theft to continue in business.  The head of one such company confirmed that negotiations are on track to get the biden regime to make this a top priority.

One CEO said if his company had to pay to replace all the stolen cables out of their own funds they'd have to pass that cost along to customers.  So the only fair solution would be to have the biden regime either pay the cost to insure cables, or reimburse companies for stolen cables.  Democrat senate majority leader Chuck Schumer agreed that this was very reasonable.

The concern is that as word spread about how easy it is to steal cables, more thieves will turn to this easy target--like walking out of drugstores in San Francisco with trash bags stuffed full of loot.

The price of copper is up about 25% from a year ago, and analysts forecast continued price increases.

Experts say thieves can get $15 to $20 per cable at a scrap yard, with far less work than needed to cut a catalytic converter out of a parked car.  May not sound like much but the experts ABC consulted noted something most people might miss: "The more cables the thieves can steal, the more money they make."  They even wrote out an example for the reporter: "At $20 a cable, 20 stolen cables could fetch $400."

See, that's why they're experts!  

But there's actually a bright side to this: It's that replacing the cables can only be done by very highly trained installers, so the thefts are actually creating thousands of high-paid jobs!  Private companies are tight-lipped about this, but in Minneapolis--where many charging stations are owned by the city--the manager of the Department of Public Works said it costs about $1,000 to replace one cable.

So Jenny Granholm says stealing cables at EV charging stations is actually good for the economy!  It's bidenomics at its best.

Source: ABC 


Compare the Mainstream Media's reaction to Hunty's trial vs. their response to Trump's

Ooohhh!  Hunty biden convicted on all 3 counts?  The Media is already in overdrive trying to spin this as "A po' young former drug user (not addict) tryin' t' kick his non-habit."

Now imagine what the Media would be saying if the judge in Hunty's case had donated to Trump's campaign, and if the  judge's daughter had raised $93 MILLION for the Republican party.

Imagine how the Media would be screaming if the star witness in Hunty's case had a record of multiple convictions of lying under oath!

Imagine how the Media would have screamed if the judge in Hunty's case had told  the jury they didn't actually have agree on what law princeling Hunty had allegedly broken to find him guilty!

Finally, imagine how the Media would have screamed if the judge in Hunty's case had ORDERED Hunty to post, say, a paltry million-dollar bond?  (For those not paying attention: The NY assholes initially ordered Trump to post a $474 MILLION bond, later reduced by a higher court to $174 MILLION.)  

If you still think there aren't two sets of laws in this much-abused nation you're too stupid to breathe.