June 28, 2024

A summary of the origin of covid, and the lies surrounding it

The first case of covid was confirmed in the U.S around Jan 29th, 2020.  By coincidence, researchers in India, analyzing samples smuggled out of China, had already found its gene sequence.  And two days after the first case was confirmed in the U.S., virologists (and a few regular people, like me) had that genetic code.

That gene sequence showed beyond all doubt that the thing had been modified by humans.  If you'd like to know how we know this, here ya go:

"Wait...how can you claim to know the alleged four new genes were added, let alone that they were added by humans instead of "natural mutation," eh?  Neener neener neener!"

Here's how.  Pay attention and learn something:

Imagine a long string of thousands of letters.  That's what a gene sequence looks like.  Now cut that string apart in four places, and in each of those places insert a group of eight letters, each group being a new gene.

We know these four groups were inserted because except for those four insertions all the other letters in the long string are identical to the natural bat virus.

It'll take a minute or so for that to make sense.  The pic below will help...a LOT:


Read this like sheet music: the top line in each row is the code for covid-19.  The next line is the closest "natural" bat coronavirus.  Red letters mean all three lines were identical.  As you can easily see, in four places the closest matching bat coronavirus was cut apart, and a contiguous (consecutive) chunk of 8 letters--representing "base pairs"--was inserted.  Every group turns out to be a functional gene.  Wow, what are the odds if it's all accidental, eh?

And by total coincidence (sarc) all four of the inserted genes are from the HIV virus, and enable covid-19's "spike protein" to bind more tightly to target cells in the human airway.

WHAT a coincidence, eh?

The liars (Fauci et al) bleat that the differences between the closest matching bat virus and covid-19 are due to "natural mutations," in which a single letter in the genetic code isn't accurately duplicated.  And it's well known that those happen.  But these four groups are insertions, not mutations.

Moreover, each of those four inserted genes makes the virus bind more tightly to human cells.  And no other mutations are present.  Hmmm...hell of a coincidence, eh?  The odds against this happening by random mutation are many trillions-to-one.

If you're a bit math-phobic, here's an example:  A "straight-flush" is a poker hand of five cards, all the same suit, in numeric order.  The odds of being dealt a straight-flush from an honest deck are about one in 72,193.  (That's approximate; there are lotsa decimals after that, but they don't matter.)

So most players are lucky to get one in a lifetime.  Now what are the odds of getting two straight-flushes on the same day?

Now what are the chances of getting FOUR on the same day?  Starting to get it yet?

Also: if, as the lying fraudsters like Fauci claimed, the virus had evolved naturally in animals, there would be lots of the same species of infected animals in the wild--a so-called "animal reservoir."  Not one has been found, despite intensive efforts.

Because the virus started in Wuhan and had clearly been modified from the closest "natural" (unmodified) bat virus, and the city has a biological weapons lab funded by the communist government, a reasonable theory was that the virus had been modified in that lab and had escaped.

But two very powerful forces didn't want you (or anyone else) to believe that.  Those forces were 1) the communist Chinese government; and 2) a fraudulent egomaniac named Anthony Fauci.  

Fauci had a HUGE reason for not wanting Americans to believe the virus had been modified by Chinese researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology:  He'd given them U.S. tax dollars--grants--via a cunning "cutout"--to fund "gain of function research."  If American every found out, Fauci would be a dead man.

So Fauci concocted a Narrative (i.e. a convincing lie) that the virus had evolved by natural mutation from an animal virus.  It then supposedly made the jump to humans after the infected animal was eaten by a Wuhan resident.  

The fraudsters made the lie even more plausible by naming two specific animals as likely sources: a bat, or a "pangolin."  This  Narrative was made more plausible by the fact that just seven miles from the Wuhan Institute of Virology was a "wet market" where all type of animals were sold for food.  

Hey, just seven short miles away!  Obvious!

(Unverifiable specificity makes bullshit Narratives more convincing, more plausible.  So to a lay person this was a very plausible Narrative.)

Except...unmodified bat viruses weren't dangerous to healthy humans.  By contrast, the covid-19 virus was lethal to humans, entirely because it was able to bind more effectively to specific "receptor cells" in the human airway. ("ACE-2" cells, if you're curious.)

This improved binding ability was due entirely to four new genes that had clearly been inserted into the closest natural bat virus.

Fauci didn't want you to believe the virus was modified in a Chinese lab because his own damn agency--the one he'd headed for something like 30 years--had given the Wuhan Institute of Virology a grant--U.S. taxpayer dollars--to fund precisely the question of how to modify natural viruses to make them lethal to humans--the infamous "gain-of-function research."

This research was considered so risky that congress had outlawed it in the U.S.  But the cunning, savvy Fauci knew how to get around that: first, the money wasn't given to a U.S. lab; and second, he funneled it thru what's called a "cutout"--an organization called "EcoHealth Alliance," run by a croney named Peter Daszak, who was a big fan of that research.

A House committee has emails from half a dozen top U.S. researchers telling Fauci the viral "genome" had clearly been modified in a lab.  But Fauci didn't want Americans to know that, so he leaned on those researchers to write a paper ("The proximal origin of Covid-19") saying exactly the opposite: that the virus had evolved naturally.  Hmmm...

While we let that percolate for a bit, consider the so-called "vaccine."  Fauci, Rochelle Walensky (then head of CDC), the FDA and biden all claimed the jab was "safe, and effective."  But all involved (except for Porridgebrain) knew neither claim was true.  And yet the FDA approved at least three "vaccines" from different makers, under an "emergency-use-only" exception to normal rules.

That exception allowed the FDA to approve a vaccine after only a fraction of the normal, lengthy testing for safety and effectiveness.  But the rules also said that to get the EUA exception *there couldn't be any other effective treatment for that disease.*

That brings us to the biden regime forbidding doctors from prescribing two inexpensive, effective medicines--both approved for human use--by our own FDA--decades earlier.  

The uses were obviously not to treat covid, since covid wasn't then known.  But by law, for over 20 years doctors have been allowed to prescribe approved drugs for so-called "off-label" uses.  So if any docs were willing to prescribe one of the two medicines, that should have made the EUA illegal.

The Deep-Staters who run the FDA and CDC  responded by banning the use of both drugs. And as a backup, the regime also threatened to prosecute any pharmacist who filled such a prescription.  The Deep-Staters even got the Post Office to seize perfectly legal shipments of these two drugs from overseas makers, despite there being zero legal authority for doing that.  

If you didn't grasp the implications of the last 'graf, read it again: The biden regime barred American citizens from using two *known-safe, approved drugs,* instead letting hundreds of thousands of Americans die.  And why?  Clearly it was NOT because either drug was dangerous, since both had been approve by the FDA.  Instead it was to allow the FDA to claim there was no effective treatment for covid, which was the necessary condition to approve the non-vaccine under the "emergency-use-only" rule.

The FDA even tweeted the sneer that one of the treatments was only approved as a "horse de-wormer," which was a brazen lie.  The CDC even published recommended dose levels for humans.  But even though all that was open-source knowledge, the Media didn't call the regime out on its lies.

Banning approved drugs and allowing hundreds of thousands of Americans to die should be a capital crime.  Yet the Media didn't say a word.  Didn't bat an eyelash.  The entire fucking Democrat party was *totally fine* with this outrage.

Wait, it gets worse: After Porridgebrain was installed, he was asked on camera if he would order everyone to take the (ineffective) vaccine.  He said he would never do that.  But just two weeks later he reversed that, and had his Labor Department order all Americans working for a company with 100 or more employees to take the jab or be fired.

At this point we already knew the so-called "vaccine" did NOT prevent people from getting or transmitting the Chyna virus.  Thus it didn't actually meet the definition of a "vaccine."  We also knew even then that thousands of people who took the jab were injured or killed.

Trump said of the "vaccine" "If you're at high risk, take it."  The biden regime should never have ordered all Americans to take it--even allowing corrupt teachers' unions to force kids (who were virtually immune to covid) to take it in order to attend school.  Why would the biden regime permit that?

Lies, lies and more lies--all to benefit one party.

And Democrats either don't believe any of this, or they're fine with it.

Fortunately you didn't have a loved one who died from either the virus or the jab, eh?


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