June 30, 2024

The Media coverup of biden's senility--known to insiders for years--is beginning to crack

A year from now the books will start coming out, and you'll all get a chance to learn how brazenly, massively the Media has been lying to you, to cover for biden and the Democrats.  

Everyone in DC government has known for years that biden was senile.  Call it dementia, Alzheimers, whatever.  But they all covered for the Democrat to protect the party.

All the heads of state of Europe knew it too. Here's a preview, edited from the Wall Street Journal.

"The world saw biden deteriorating. Democrats ignored the warnings."

--June 28, 2024

The [only] public alarm about Joe Biden’s mental acuity came in February with the release of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report, a document he produced after spending five hours interviewing the president that revealed Biden displayed significant memory problems.

Democrats worried. Then most of them followed the [party line] and dismissed the report as "partisan hackery."  Biden’s closest advisers defiantly [rejected] suggestions that the 81-year-old president showed signs of decline.

Minutes into Thursday night’s presidential debate, the concerns began gushing into the open.  But they had already become increasingly apparent for months inside DC and overseas.

The White House did not immediately provide comment for this story.

European officials had been expressing worries in private about Biden’s focus and stamina before the debate, but one senior European diplomat said U.S. officials denied there was any problem.

"U.S. officials denied there was any problem."  They've been working hard to con everyone--even our allies.  But at last the dam is beginning to break.  Perhaps the Mainstream Media can yet again make you ignore what you see with your own eyes, eh?  It's easy: just call the videos "cheap fakes.

Two senior European officials cited an EU-U.S. summit last October in Washington where Biden had struggled to follow the discussions. Both said that he stumbled over his talking points several times, prompting Secretary of State Blinken to interrupt and point out the lines he should use.

A former adviser to the EU’s foreign-affairs chiefs said European officials have been talking about biden's decline for months.

On June 13 biden skipped the formal dinner with the G7 heads of state to sign what U.S. Media called "a landmark US-Ukraine security deal.  Think biden knows a single item he obligated the U.S. to in that "landmark security deal" touted by the U.S. Media?

Biden’s top aides insist the president is mentally sharp.  But before the Hur report on the probe into Biden’s mis-handling of classified documents was released in February, White House lawyers pushed to delete references about Biden’s memory from the report.  

"Sharp."  But the regime has ordered biden's attorney-general, Merrick Garland, not to release the audio of Hur's interview with biden, despite releasing what the White House claims is a totally accurate transcript.  Why do you think that is, eh?  Oh wait...not one of you ever heard about that, eh?

Republicans believe hearing Biden’s tone and the length of his pauses would reveal the severity of his a mental decline to voters.

During a May fundraiser in Washington state, Biden appeared to lose his train of thought as he talked about Israel. “The ceasefire would begin tomorrow. It all has to do…you know, we’ve not..anyway, I guess I shouldn’t get into all this about Israel but…”

DC insiders and foreign leaders have known biden's been senile for years.  Voters who watched hour after hour of his freezes and invented words--only on the internet--knew.  But the Media never showed those, so most Americans never knew.  Now the Media are scrambling to make it look like they were NOT covering for the Democrats.  Oh, you bet. 

Source: Wall Street Journal



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