June 30, 2024

NY Times writes a breathless story of angst among Dems; buries the lede in 24th graf

This just keeps getting better.  Not trying to compare biden to Hitler, but the Media's breathless "reporting" on the Democrat' frantic scrambling on whether to roll the dice with Porridgebrain or try a different nominee kinda reminds me of "the last days of Adolf Hitler."  Here's the NY Times, today at 3:30 (four hours ago):

President Biden’s family is urging him to stay in the race and keep fighting despite last week’s debate performance.

You don't say!  You don't say!  I'm...shocked.

On Sunday Mr. Biden [wait, isn't the term approved by the NYT style sheet "President biden"?] huddled with his wife and family at Camp David trying to figure out how to [win the support of his party].

In a HUGE surprise, the Times says biden's family argued he should stay in the race, as he's, like, totally competent and capable of serving for another four years.  Seriously, the Times "reported" that.

Mr. Biden has also been soliciting ideas from advisers about how to proceed.

Translation: Most of his staff wants him to stay in the race, since not all of 'em can be hired by CNN and MSNBC.  A few of his staff--those to whom a Democrat win is more important than which Democrat wins--have been arguing that he should drop out.  Wow, there's a huge shock, eh?

One of the strongest voices imploring Mr. Biden to resist pressure to drop out was his son, Hunter.

You don't say!  You.  Don't.  Say!  Cuz if joe bails, he gets a huge pension.  Now, I don't know jack about how long a federal pension continues to pay to the heirs of dead folks, but I suspect if Hunty can't bag bribes for daddy anymore, his income will drop drastically!  Of course he could always get hired by CNN or MSNBC, eh?  Or maybe Burisma would hire him to sit on their board of directors again, at a lavish million bucks a year, eh?  Hahahahahaha!

John Morgan, a top Democratic donor, publicly blamed the advisers who managed the biden’s debate prep, specifically naming Ron Klain, Anita Dunn and Bob Bauer.  “For too long Biden has been fooled by the advice of Anita Dunn and her husband,” Morgan wrote on social media. “They need to go … TODAY. The grifting is gross. It was political malpractice.”


Members of the family were also said to be focused on the president’s staff, including Ms. Dunn, who was a White House senior adviser for Obama, and her husband, Mr. Bauer, who is biden’s personal attorney.

Here the Times slips in some really obvious propaganda:

One person said the president wanted to keep campaigning hard to show a contrast with Mr. Trump, a convicted felon who tried to overturn the last election and made numerous false statements during the debate.

Nicely done, assholes.  Your readers applauded.

The only way insiders said they could imagine biden dropping out was if he could claim credit for beating Trump in 2020, restoring our precious democracy and saving all life on Earth from death by global warming.

Some of that last 'graf may have been garbled in transmission, but I think you get the gist.

A new poll of Democrats by CBS found that 45 percent said they wanted a different nominee.  Among all voters just 27 percent said Mr. Biden was competent to serve as president, down from 35 percent before the debate.

This is called "burying the lede."  The fact that CBS found biden dropped eight points in the polls after Thursday night should have been the most important event of this otherwise breathless non-story.  You'd think the news that just 27 percent of voters said biden was competent to serve would be pretty newsworthy, eh?  But by burying it in the 24th paragraph, no one saw it.  Mission accomplished!

This morning (Sunday) Biden supporters took to the morning talk shows to defend the president.  Dem senator and wife-beater Raphael Warnock of Georgia praised Biden.  Maryland's Dem governor Wes Moore praised "historically low unemployment rates."

That's jus' faaabulous, senator.  But the "labor force participation rate" is at a record low.  How can both those things be true, eh?  (Hint: the regime is cooking the books.  The unemployment numbers are fake.)

Moore predicted biden would not step aside, "nor should he.”

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi also dismissed talk of the president dropping out. “I support the Biden-Harris ticket,” she said.  And we all know Pelosi is smart and powerful.

Source: NY Times



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