June 27, 2024

Maine's ruling Dems paying groups to give druggies detailed instructions on how to shoot drugs up their...

Back in the old days the main jobs of state governments were to run the courts and keep the highways repaired.  But of course we're way mo' sophisticated now, eh?

When a government gives tax dollars to NGOs to tell people how to inject drugs "more effectively," would you think that's a good sign for that society?

Democrats: Take all the time you like to answer that question.

In the Peoples' Republic of Maine, the state has been giving tax dollars to an NGO called "Maine Access Points."  The capital city also runs a place that gives free needles to addicts.  Now both are giving out "how-to" guides and "injection kits" to enable addicts to take drugs "more effectively."

And what do ya suppose liberals mean by "more effectively," eh?

It means if your veins are so collapsed from injecting precious recreational drugs that you're having trouble hittin' em wif' duh needle, there's another way to get your high that doesn't use those destroyed veins.  Yaaaay!

Like almost every ghastly, destructive liberal idea, the Dems have given this new method a cutesy name that keeps naive straights from knowing what it really means:  They call it "boofing."

See, citizen?  Hard-working taxpayers aren't a bit shocked by this cute euphemism--and if you hadn't read the headline you'd have no idea that this cutesy term means shooting drugs up your ass.  

See, dis beez WAY bettah den usin' needles in veins, cuz no pain from huntin' aroun' fo' a good vein!  AND the cunning li'l bastards who run duh NGO--teaching kids dis betta, pain-free way to take drugs-- even add that this can lead to sexual fun wif' yo' partner!  Seriously.

Of course this sounds so outlandish that you believe it can't possibly be true.  So take a quick look at this link, and then I'll give ya the "highlights."

Here's the NGO's detailed "how to" guide explaining the faaabulous advantages of this "better" way to get high, and the proper technique for shooting drugs up your butt.  (Click pic to enlarge, I think.)

“If you are struggling to hit a vein, or would like to give your lungs a break from smoking, boofing is a great option to do your drugs without using a needle or a pipe,” the flyer says.  And “Compared to smoking or sniffing your drugs, boofing may hit harder or faster.”

Wow, that's a GREAT sales pitch, eh citizen?

The guide also says you get the best high if you “stay on your side for a few minutes to let [the drugs] absorb."  That's SO thoughtful!  See, "Maine Access Points" wants users to get the best high for your drug dollar, eh?

The taxpayer-funded group has also produced a 30-minute video--“All About Boofing”--pushing the benefits of this new drug-taking pathway.  Experts explain that it's a great way to give your veins time to "heal" if you’ve accidentally [??] damaged 'em by hundreds of injections.

(Non-junkies may be surprised to learn that repeatedly injecting heroin into your veins a couple of times a day, every day, is well known to destroy 'em.)

The "experts" also say their faaabulous new method reduces the likelihood of developing an infection, which can lead to brain damage.

Straight taxpaying citizens agree that this advice is particularly useful, since IV drug users seem to be short on functioning brains to begin with.

The "experts" even explain that boofing can be an “intimate activity” with a romantic partner--even better than injecting each other with needles, if that's possible.

The taxpayer-funded "public health experts" do note a tiny down-side:  squirting fabulous drugs into your ass can cause blood vessels in your rectum to burst.  They explain that while this may be alarming to novices at first, it's not really that dangerous...at least as long as there's not TOO much blood.

Given its many advantages, the MAP "experts" seem a bit disappointed to admit that more IV drug users haven't embraced the clear advantages of boofing.  After all, the only reason the NGO is pushing this is to...uh..."Reduce harm to the public."

Yep yep yep.  Dat whut we all about, citizen: reducing the harm of illegal drugs to users!

According to MAP’s most recent Form 990 tax filing, in 2021 the organization received $498,492 in taxpayer funds.  But since then the state has reaped tens of millions from the "opioid settlement" case, so I suspect the grift is now at least twice the 2021 figure.

The state has created the Maine Recovery Council that will receive and distribute the millions they expect to get from the big settlement.  According to a watchdog outfit that Council estimates that thru the end of 2028 it will receive about $63,000,000.

Wow, that's quite a bit for a small state, eh?  Members of that Council include every top pol in the state, including the governor and attorney-general.  Hmmm...




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