June 30, 2024

biden's lies during the debate

The Mainstream Media is going crazy bleating that while biden may have embellished slightly during Thursday's debate, Trump spewed a fountain of lies.  Let's take a look:

Biden claimed he was endorsed by "the Border Patrol."  You believed it, cuz biden said it, eh?  And I don't doubt that the head of the BP--biden's hand-picked lackey--said "You're the best, boss!"  No surprise.

But of course you'd expect that, cuz the biden appointee wants to keep his high-paid job.  But how do the rank-and-file Border Patrol agents feel?  Within minutes of biden's claim at the debate, the BP union issued the following statement: We never have and never will endorse Biden.”
  Is that clear enough for you media propagandists?

biden claimed “there have been 40 percent fewer people coming across the border illegally on my watch than under Trump."  That's a brazen, grotesque lie.  Under the biden/mayorkas/garland/harris regime we've seen a record number of illegals crossing into the U.S.--around ten million since he was installed.

Biden claimed "I'm the only president not to have ANY American troops die on my watch." That's a brazen lie:  Thirteen service members were killed during Biden’s humiliating rout from Afghanistan.

Biden claimed he inherited a dead economy from when he took office, that inflation was 9 percent.  That's a brazen lie: the official inflation rate was 1.4 percent.

biden claimed that when he took office the unemployment rate was 15 percent.  That's a brazen lie.  The unemployment rate was 6.4% when biden took office.  

After Trump claimed the Democrat party supported late-term abortion biden angrily denied that.  But biden has repeatedly promised to legalize unlimited, on-demand abortion through all nine months of pregnancy via a sweeping bill.  Unless biden has secretly switched parties, he lied.  Democrat leaders, including Pelosi and Schumer, support unlimited abortion at any time.    

"Cages for children": Biden claimed Trump “separated babies from their mothers [and] put them in cages” when he was president.  That statement is misleading.  Back in 2010 Leftists pretended to be horrified that children were being housed with adults in border detention facilities.  So they filed a flurry of lawsuits, and liberal judges agreed that this was absolutely awful.  This of course comes from the principle of American jurisprudence that children NOT be detained with adults due to the obvious possibility of sexual abuse by wacko adult males.

But the U.S. penal system had never detained entire families.  So the Border Patrol initially concluded it was better to keep kids with their parents, eh?  Dis ain't rocket science. 

But to the Left this was just AWFUL.  And as a result of the Left's lawsuits, and the subsequent judicial orders, the Obozo/biden regime was ordered to house children in a separate facility from adults--a fact admitted even by the leftist Associated Press.  

In a classic case of shooting yourself in the foot, around 2021 a radical Democrat member of congress [Eric Swalwell?] posted pics on the internet purporting to be "children put in cages by Donald Trump."  One day later internet sleuths found that those photos had been taken during the Obozo/biden regime, in facilities their people were ordered to create by liberal judges.

biden claimed "Trump wants to get us out of NATO."  There is no evidence of this whatsoever.  It's likely that biden's senile brain--what's left of it--reached this false conclusion from the fact that Trump frequently pressured the heads of NATO countries during his presidency to meet their defense spending commitments, adding that if they didn't, he wasn't going to continue to fund NATO.

But hey, biden claimed two years ago that "We support truth over facts!"  Hard to parse that in a logical fashion.  

Now the hoot: you've read headlines that Democrats are in a meltdown trying to find a replacement for biden.  That's a hoot: the Dem establishment is fighting hard to keep this vegetable as their nominee, NOT because they're dumb (??) but because they're counting on the Mainstream Media to come to their rescue yet again.  The theme will be that "biden merely embellished, while Trump brazenly lied."

Seriously, that's the strategy...for the moment.  Which way they go depends on what Monday's polls show.  If biden's numbers haven't dropped, they'll stick with him--NOT because they believe he's competent, but because naming a replacement who's NOT Kammi Harris will alienate a ton of black voters.  And naming Kammi as the nominee...well, the less said about that the better. 


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