June 29, 2024

How the Dems are responding to the debate

To see how the Democrat "elites" are thinking, you need to read the responses by the leftist sons of whores at the NY Times to the debate.

Paul Krugman, NY Times:

    I must reluctantly join the chorus asking Biden to voluntarily step aside, with emphasis on the “voluntary” aspect.
    Step aside for whom? Kamala Harris was by all accounts an effective district attorney and attorney-general, and she has also been very effective as vice president.  Choosing her as his successor would in no way be settling for less.

Wow, does Krugman really believe Harris is even remotely qualified to be president?  That choosing her "would NOT be settling for less" than with biden?  Of course given biden's corruption and incompetence, that may well be true.

Leftist Nick Kristof has lots of suggestions for the Dem nominee--none of 'em Kammie: In addition to the ghastly Gretch Whitmer Kristof suggests Sherrod Brown and even the corrupt, barely-known Gina Raimondo.  (You know who she is, right?  Clearly presidential material, eh?)  But not Kamala.  And yet not a single member of the "elite" will blast leftist Kristof for dissing the faaabulous "black" female VP.  Wait, Joy Reid will.  But Reid is hardly smart or "elite," despite being given her own hour-long show on a miserable leftist cable network.

The deputy editor of the times editorial board described biden's performance as "occasionally he seemed to lose his train of thought and became a little incoherent.  Wow.
  The guy also lied by agreeing with biden's brazen lie that Trump "had encouraged" the  Jan. 6 protesters.  And the Times guy can't even blame age or stress for his own lie.

As a smug Dem preznit once sneered, "Elections have consequences."  Yes, barack, they certainly do.  Your followers enabled you and your party to fuck this country up faster, and worse, than most of us thought would even be possible.  And your hand-picked VP--deliberately chosen to ensure no one would impeach or murder you--has now pretty much finished the job you started.  "I'm going to fundamentally transform this country," you bleated.  And you expect to be congratulated?

The Times guy mentioned above also wailed that Trump refused to promise to accept the results of the November election.  You're a lying asshole.  I watched every minute of the debate and what Trump actually said was "If the election is honest, yes."  Only a spineless fool would agree to accept the results of an election that's stolen (again) by massive fraud.

The question is a classic Democrat "when did you stop beating your wife" propaganda ploy:  Saying "Of course I'll accept the results even if there's massive fraud" gives the Dems the green light to cheat (not that they needed it), while giving Trump's answer allows the NY Times (and every other shitty Democrat mouthpiece) to bleat exactly what they did.

If you don't get it (and you don't), reverse the parties:  Ask Democrat candidates if they'd accept the results of an election when there was incontrovertible evidence of massive fraud.  If they say yes, point out how dumb that makes them.

What we need is a Constitutional amendment that says "In order to preserve the faith of citizens that elections are fair, if there are allegations of election fraud, the Circuit Courts shall begin immediately to hear every allegation and every witness, and shall report their findings to the Supreme Court not later than December 15th."  Better to have fair elections than to tolerate stolen ones, eh?

Oh wait, I hear Democrats say the reverse: better to tolerate a stolen election than to throw out precincts where more votes were tallied than eligible voters, or where ten-thousand mail-in ballots had signatures that obviously didn't match the signature on file from the real voter.  Both these things happened in 2020.

For those who don't believe that: the precinct results speak for themselves.  And re signature: we have video of computer screens as they're being used by corrupt poll workers to approve thousands of ballots where side-by-side images of signatures showed they obviously didn't even remotely match.  And yet the corrupt poll worker said the signatures did match.

You don't believe that because you never heard about it, or saw the surveillance footage.  The networks never showed you.  And if you didn't see it on ABC, it nevah happened, eh?

A group of hard-core Dems who run a "podcast" said the best thing biden can do for America is to end his presidency "as the success it deserves to be."  Wow, talk about totally clueless!

I understand how beta boys and communists believe Trump will "destroy ouah precious democracy" if elected again--even though he didn't remotely do anything like that in the four years of his first term, eh you lying motherfuckers?  But for anyone to seriously claim biden's presidency has been a success...by what criteria?  A record number of gays and trannies appointed to government positions, including officers in the military?  Forcing everyone in the armed forces to state and use "preferred pronouns"?  Ordering all schools in the U.S. to allow boys claiming to be girls to use girls locker rooms and to compete in girls sports?

What.  The.  Fuck?  Is this how you moronic Democrats define "success"?  Guess so.

Is the "labor force participation rate" up or down under your preznit, assholes?  How many Democrats even know what that is, let alone what it means for the future?

How are the armed forces doing in meeting their recruiting goals, eh?  Have they had to lower their standards?  Did lowering those standards enable 'em to meet those goals?

You have no idea.  All you care about is that biden ordered schools to let doze precious trannies use girls locker rooms.

How many millions of illegals has biden ordered released into the interior of the U.S.?  You have no idea, nor do you care.  When hundreds of 'em rape and murder U.S. girls, the absolute standard liberal/talking-head response (after trying hard to ignore it) is to claim that "males who are citizens rape and murder even more!"  Thanks, that really helps.

American taxpayers are being forced by their Democrat rulers to pay hundreds of billions to provide (give) food, housing and medical care to illegals.  Is that your priority?  Did they ask ya?  No, they didn't.  But you voted for 'em, so they think they have carte blanche.

(For young Americans, that's a useful French phrase.  Look it up.)
You believe what the Democrat/liberal Mainstream Media tells ya, and if you didn't see something in the Media, you don't believe it could have happened, because you stupidly believe the Mainstream Media are honest and neutral.


Source: NY Times



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