May 31, 2023

Look at the HUGE increase in claimed LGBTQ recently w/ young people

Take a look at the graph below.  The purple bar is people born before 1946.  In 2022 only 1.7% of them identified as LGBTQ etc.  But look at the huge--HUGE--jump with each group born after 1981.  And note how fast the percentage of people identifying as LGBTQ climbs with each year after 2014.

For young Americans, and older Americans who aren't fond of math, this pattern is TOTALLY consistent with a phenomenon called "social contagion," in which the Mainstream Media (including Hollywood) and public schools relentlessly push how utterly faaaabulous it is to be LGBT or Q.  Kids--who, FAR more than older people, really care about being "cool," realize this is their ticket to being part of the "in" group.  What kid would turn that down, eh?

Question is, why would the schools, Hollywood, universities and the Mainstream Media push the faaaabulousness of being LGBT or Q so relentlessly?  Cuz they unequivocally are.  And look at all the pressure groups (like the laughably mis-named "Human Rights Commission") who are pushing this, and pushing companies to push it on their employees.

Is there an underlying reason?

Democrat: "Nah, dis all in yo' head!  Yew stupid deplorables are just skeered of rainbows!  Yeh, dat's it!"

I can understand crazy liberal women pushing their kids to be "non-binary" or "gender-fluid" or gay or tranny, cuz it's a way of fighting dad--both husband and their own fathers, i.e. "the Patriarchy."  Turn your son into a princess and your daughter into a fake male.  What could be better for angry women, eh?

Here's a research idea:  Compare the percentage of LGBTQ kids from "normal," traditional two-parent families to the percentage from households headed by divorced or never-married women.  I'd bet the second group outnumbers the first by at least ten to one.

Of course no university would ever allow such a study.  No "professional journal" would ever publish such a study.  And any study not done by a government agency or a university would automatically be denigrated by the Left.  Cuz dat run counter to duh Narrative, eh?

Oh well...we had a nice run.

biden regime promised to replace the oil he sold from our Strategic Reserve IF...

Today--May 31, 2023--oil closed at $67.57 (per Market Watch).  

SAY, does anyone else recall that after biden sold off half the oil in our Strategic Petroleum Reserve last year--trying to reduce the high price of gasoline just before the critical mid-term elections--that his regime promised they were gonna re-fill the SPR if the price of oil ever went back down to below "$70-$72"?

Anyone recall that?

Gosh, at $67.58 this would seem to be a great time to fulfill that promise, eh?  Might even break even on the round trip (sell then buy).  So...any word from that paragon of energy knowledge, biden's "Energy Secretary" Jenny Granholm?  The gal who had zero experience with energy, just as biden's Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigeig, had zero experience in that sector.  

See, in a Democrat regime, experience doesn't matter.  What's important is appointing cabinet ministers who check all the right diversity boxes. 

So...let's see if they'll take this GREAT chance to do what they said, and start re-filling the SPR.

Hahahahahahahahaha!  Of course you already know the answer, right?  See, doing what they promised to do--re-fill the SPR--would cost about $21 Billion.  The regime would rather spend that money on more important things, like giving it to Ukraine, or on "sponsoring" another million unaccompanied alien children at the border.  Or on "die-versity training sessions" for federal employees.  Or on gender-studies in Somalia, or gain-of-function research in China, or more tri-valent vaccines.

Goofy company issues a list of 50 "gender-neutral pronouns" employees must use

In the Peoples' Republic of Maryland, employees at some low-IQ wokie company were given a guide with 50 pronoun options they could pick from to use in their workplace.  Mandatory.

The "pronoun guide" is chock full of cutesy gender-neutral pronouns staffers can use while dealing either with other employees or patients.  They include such classics as  "aerself," "faerself," "xemself," "perself," "eirself" and "verself."

The list gives examples of how to use the pronouns in a sentence, such as "Ae cleaned the office all by aerself," and "I gave faer the key."

It also invents "Mx." as a gender-neutral title that can be used for "non-binary or gender-diverse people" instead of the oppressive "Mr." and "Ms."

The list was created by the company's "Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion," whose 38 employees were ably assisted by the consulting firm "Diversity is Us."  The firm's fee was paid through a $275,000 grant from the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division.

The director of the Civil Rights Division, Mx. Chadrinslhet Shutizeonagrandagar (xe/xir) said

"This is a huge milestone for equality.  This office has determined that having just two sets of pronouns is oppressive, a legacy of the awful white male patriarchy of the past.
     My office will not tolerate this oppression any longer, and we're working with the members of our party in congress to introduce a bill making these 50 pronouns mandatory for all businesses."

Oh, and that low-IQ wokie company?  Johns Hopkins.

And the head of the office that came up with this mess--which is now absolutely policy, violation of which will get you fired?  "Paula" Neira (pic above) is a tranny who was previously the program director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Transgender and Gender-Expansive Health.

See, all deez folks beez totally rational.  So you mus' obey 'em, or be fired.  See?  Simple.  Onward and upward, citizen! 

Of course you'll never read about this in U.S. Media because even the Lefty wokiez realize it's too absurd to let you know about it.  This came from a clandestine source overseas that's been ruled off-limits to Americans by Fakebook, Yahoo and other gatekeepers.


May 30, 2023

"If you ban sex-change surgery on minors, they're more prone to suicide"

One of the constant claims by the folks who push sex-change surgery (which they classically call "gender-affirming surgery") on teens is that if those awful Rethuglicans pass laws banning that, the kids have a greater risk of committing suicide.

Anyone recall reading that claim, about a hundred times?  

Well...a study from Sweden examined the suicide rate of trannies in the ten years after sex-change surgery, and found that those who'd received that surgery had a rate of completed suicides 19 times higher than the general population, and nearly three times the rate of all-cause mortality.

A second study, done by the American Journal of Psychiatry on Swedes, shows that so-called  “gender-affirming surgery” does not improve mental health.

The study had initially claimed the surgery DID result in better mental health.  However, after a number of clinicians questioned the study’s validity, the AJP was forced to reverse that claim.

The study now concludes that transgender surgery offers no improvement in mental health and even suggested that there was “an increase in treatment for anxiety after surgery.”

Quite a correction, eh?  Think you'll ever hear about that from any other source?


How much do you think the biden regime spent just on "unaccompanied alien" kids last year?

Last year the federal gruberment spent $2.7 billion to house and "sponsor" "unaccompanied alien children" on the southern border.


That's roughly $18,000 per unaccompanied child. 


To put that in perspective:  The average cost of K-12 education in Texas schools last year was $9,800 per student.

Liberals/Democrats/leftists/socialists:  "Dis' totally reasonable!  Dis' a good use of taxpayer money!  We haz a responsibility to allow everyone in duh worl' to come here, cuz...reasons!"  


Every picture tells a story. See if you can guess this one

This is the story of a 22-year-old girl in a small Illinois town.  She was dating the man on the right.

It will surprise many of you to learn that he had "anger-management issues."

So take your best guess, including details.  When you're ready, click here for the story.

What happens when race trumps merit?

Heather MacDonald is an author, and a keen observer.  The piece below is my edit of an excerpt of her new book.  (Click for link to her excerpt.)

Medical education, medical research, and standards of competence have been upended by a trendy theory among "experts:" that racial disparities in the medical profession are due to systemic racism.

Questioning that theory is professionally suicidal. The result is almost certain to be a declining quality of overall medical care and scientific progress.  But because the "experts" control the universities and the medical profession, we seem to be locked into this result.

Virtually every major medical organization—the American Medical Association (AMA), American Association of Medical Colleges, American Association of Pediatrics and so on—has embraced the idea that the U.S. needs to lower med-school admission standards for blacks and Latinos.

The AMA claims doctors must "dismantle white supremacy, racism, and other forms of exclusion and structured oppression, as well as embed racial justice and advance equity within and across all aspects of health systems."

The AMA claims the lack of "just representation"--apparently meaning having every group represented in medicine in the same percentage as its population--is due to "deliberate exclusion." It claims the solution is to create "identity-based preferences" throughout the medical profession.  

According to these so-called "experts," the *only* reason science and medicine are overwhelmingly staffed by whites is racism/white supremacy.  Keep that in mind.

As a result of this *theory,* med schools are either accepting minorities with lower test scores, or even junking long-accepted tests entirely, to admit more members of favored races and groups.  

But as with all charges of "disparate impact," claiming the disparity is due to racism implicitly posits that there is no difference in the academic skills of whites and Asians on the one hand, and blacks and Hispanics on the other.  But is that true?

At the end of their second year of medical school, students take Step One of the the U.S. Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE), which tests knowledge of anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, cell biology and pharmacology.  High scores on Step One predict success in a residency, and highly sought-after residency programs such as surgery use those scores to help select who will be admitted.

Fewer black students are admitted into competitive residencies than their percentage among med students because their average Step One test scores are a full standard deviation below those of whites.  A score one standard deviation below the mean would be in the bottom 16% of the class.

The wokies have already modified Step One to try to shrink that gap, by giving credit for non-academic, subjective skills such as "communication and interpersonal skills." But even after that change, the standard deviation in scores has persisted.

In the wokie world that can only mean one thing: The test itself must be racist.  The unstated assertion is that the test doesn't actually measure medical knowledge, but in the "woke" vernacular it "disadvantages" underrepresented minorities.

Yale has already sought to conceal widely varying performance by going to a pass-fail grading system--a policy pushed by minorities and wokie administrators.  So building on that "success," the solution to concealing poorer scores on Step One was obvious: don't score it.  

And sure enough, since January of last year Step One has been changed to pass-fail.  This allows med-school administrators to admit more minorities without being vulnerable to the charge that they've lowered standards for those admitted--because there are no longer any scores.  

Medical school bureaucrats cheer this idea.  A career advisor at one med-school described a conversation she had with a student who had done so poorly on her Step One test that she would have a hard time landing her preferred residency in obstetrics and gynecology.

The advisor insisted that the student's test scores were less important than her "passion for social justice." (How that passion might help a doctor treat a uterine rupture during delivery isn't clear.)

In the advisor's view, changing Step One to pass/fail will help students more "effectively tell their stories to residency committees."  This seems clearly to show that to the woke gate-keepers, a student's "story" is more important to saving lives than academic knowledge.

Requiring academic mastery to become a doctor has a disparate impact on blacks.  Is that due to racism, or to the fact that a far lower percentage of blacks prize academics and hard study?  The "experts" have settled on the first reason, because it makes them safe from criticism.  So as with every other "disparate impact" argument, those same "experts" demand we change the system to make knowledge less important for admission to med-schools and demanding residencies, and to make it easier to admit those with less of it.

Does that sound to you like a sound policy, or one that will lead to poorer results?

Of course in practical terms it doesn't matter, since you can't change what the wokiez have ordered.  Of course the "elites" will know which doctors are to be avoided, so they won't be impacted.  You won't know.  Tough break, eh?

CDC holds "Epidemic Intelligence" conference. 181 attendees (all vaxxed) get covid

At the end of April the utterly corrupt, incompetent CDC held a 3-day conference in Atlanta, laughably called an "Epidemic Intelligence Service" conference.  Some 1,200 people attended, 99.4% of whom were "fully vaccinated."

On the last day, some of the attendees told the organizers they'd gotten duh Chyna virus.  The Democrat-fellating website "The Hill" said the CDC reported 35 cases as of May 2nd.  

Wait, wait...just a "preliminary figure." Since the CDC had contact info on everyone who attended the conference, after it was over they asked who'd gotten covid.  Turned out to be 181...out of 1,200 attending, virtually all fully vaxxed.

But hey, dat vax keeps ya from goin' to duh emergency room.  And sure enough, most said they got over it without problems--just like most unvaccinated people.  Hmmm...

Now roll all this around in your mind for a minute: The CDC is one of three corrupt agencies (FDA and Fauci's NIAID being the other two) that screamed that people with covid must NOT take ivermectin or HCQ.  They pushed everyone to take the experimental jab, which they bleated was "safe, and Effective" when they had no idea.

Consider that not everyone who attended the conference was exposed to the virus.  We can't know what percent were, but let's say a third were exposed.  If 181 people got the virus of 400 exposed, that's a really poor record.  But of course we can't know.

Biden used the CDC's alleged "expertise" to order--ORDER--everyone working for companies with 100 or more employees to take the jab or be fired.  It was and is an outrage, and if Americans had any balls everyone involved would already be imprisoned or executed (after a fair trial, of course).

But of course Americans have short memories.  A year from now 80% of the public will have forgotten that biden ORDERED employees to take the jab.

And once again, everyone responsible skates, flush with royalties and kickbacks from the $100 Billion or so in revenue to Big Pharma--including for the killer drug remdesivir.

Meanwhile the corrupt Kevin McCarthy surrenders to biden, continuing the insane, eternal deficits forever.  Wheeee! 


May 29, 2023

Dem pols have great plans for how to save San Francisco

"Vacant skyscrapers, empty trains: can San Francisco once again reinvent itself?"

With vacancy rates up and transit ridership down, some in San Francisco think the city as started a so-called ‘doom loop’. But some say its emptiness may be part of the solution, that an expedited conversion of office space residences could save downtown.

We're on the roof of Salesforce Park, an oasis among the skyscrapers in downtown San Francisco.  From this height the city looks like a futuristic utopia.

But the transit center underneath the building–newly built, announced with great fanfare before the China virus--that was supposed to bring workers here from all over the bay area, is empty.

The number of riders on the Bay Area transit system is around 40% of what it was before the pandemic.  The city’s public transit systems are collapsing under the weight of huge operating costs.  

But never fear, citizen, your rulers have found the solution:  All they need is... $5 BILLION and everything will be perfect.  

But without the bailout, service cuts to some of the city’s transit lines could start as soon as this summer.

Office vacancy rates in the first quarter of this year (2023) were between 26.4% and 29.4%, depending on who was counting. Pinterest, Meta, Reddit, Salesforce, Slack, Uber and Twitter have all vacated or reduced their office space.

But don't worry, citizen:  There is *absolutely nothing to worry about.*

The emptiness has sparked speculation by conservative crazies that the city has started a so-called “doom loop”--a vicious circle that could conceivably force it to cut social and transportation services, which would trigger other cuts, and...mumble mumble something.

San Francisco’s chief economist, Ted Egan, thinks the idea is silly. “To me a doom loop is Detroit in the 1970s. There’s nothing you can do to bring auto plants back.  And every auto plant that closes makes the next one want to close, so you get a cycle of disinvestment, and more people leave..."

His voice trailed off.  Quickly recovering, he said "There is nothing to worry about.  This is an entirely different scenario.  We're now a technical society, and the center of tech is San Francisco," he boomed.

He argued that despite layoffs in past months, the tech economy of the Bay Area is strong.  He claims there are more tech jobs in the city now than at the start of the pandemic. Unemployment in the city is the second lowest in the state, he said.

When asked what that unemployment rate was, he simply reiterated "Second lowest in the state."  But he admitted the city "faces significant challenges."  

Tech workers in the Bay Area embraced remote work more than any other region in the U.S.  For the restaurants and bars that served those workers, and the small businesses and retail that depended on foot traffic, the consequences were stark.

A study from U.C. Berkeley found that cell phone activity in downtown San Francisco is just 31% of what it was before the virus hit.

The slowdown has cut city tax revenue, which could spark cuts that will affect the entire city.  Downtown businesses accounted for nearly half the city’s sales tax revenue, and the city is now predicting a $780m budget deficit over the next two years.  But city leaders say there's absolutely nothing to worry about.

One of the reasons city pols are optimistic is that they say the high vacancy rate is "an opportunity to tackle this emergency in housing and homelessness."  Of course all local media absolutely *loved* that idea.

One state politician has proposed a new law that would eliminate the red tape that hinders the construction of new housing, fast-tracking the permitting process to convert offices into housing for the poor.

“If we’ve already approved an office building, we shouldn’t treat it as though it’s a new housing development and force it to go from square one with all the hearings, appeals and fees.  It’s in the public interest to put housing in a building that would otherwise be empty, so we’re going to essentially waive everything to make that happen.”

No one asked how the poor residents now ensconced in once-pricey real estate will afford to pay rent.  Activists know they won't have to:  "the homeless" will get free housing and utilities.  How this will solve the city's predicted deficit hasn't been explained--and of course won't be, because all Democrats need to win approval is good intentions.  Financial feasibility isn't a consideration.

The co-director of the Center for Mumble Mumble Research thinks residential conversion makes sense. “The city needs to make this a top priority," he said.

[Everyone interviewed gushed over the idea.]

The real hit to the city’s property taxes will start a few years from now as long-term office leases start to expire, if no one wants to lease the space. Right now the office vacancy rate is 35%, but rents aren’t budging as much as you’d expect in a market with such little demand and so much availability.

A local historian thinks real estate values are about to crater, but isn't worried. “The owners will lose money and will be jumping off buildings,” he said.  "But that’s fine. That’s capitalism, right?”

Sure enough, everywhere you go in the city, ruins of a former economy and culture now thrive in a completely new incarnation. A Navy shipyard becomes studios for hundreds of artists; an armory becomes an adult movie studio and then an event space; a church becomes a space for a roller skating disco party.

See?  Nothing to worry about.  Boom times are right around the corner, citizen.


School superintendent says he won't comply with new state law, cuz...he a Democrat

Superintendent of Fargo (ND) public schools says he will NOT comply with new state law barring school systems from keeping kids' "gender transitions" secret from parents

It's a basic part of law that unless a law is found to be unconstitutional, everyone must obey it.

But it seems that some public employees are able to casually break laws without worrying about being fired--let alone prosecuted.  You just have to be a Democrat.

The superintendent of Fargo's school system, Dr. Rupak Gandhi, recently said his district won't comply with the new state law requiring teachers to not withhold information on "gender transition" from parents.

HB1522, stops school boards from adopting policies requiring the use of a student's preferred pronouns - and prohibits the school district, boards, or teachers from 'withholding or concealing information about a student's transgender status from the student's parent or legal guardian.'

Of course you'll never read this in the U.S. Mainstream Media.  "Doesn't fit the Narrative."


Home prices dropping hard in Democrat-ruled U.S. cities

One of the things you can count on is that when anything happens that might possibly be bad for the ruling Democrat party, you'll always read about it on overseas sites first.  U.S. Media will sit on the story until the Democrats have time to figure out how to spin it to make it look either utterly unimportant--so pay no attention to it--or to make it look like a GREAT thing for the Democrats.

Oh, I hear some of you saying that's just crazy talk!  Our beloved, trusted Media would NEVAH do something like that!  Dey totally unbiased and honest!  Reeally!"

 Really?  Take a look at this headline:

Nine U.S cities where home owners are losing THOUSANDS on their house values: Median sale price in San Francisco drops a staggering $220,000

Wow, that should be bad, eh?

Home prices drop up to $220,000 in San Fran, but who's worried, eh?  No one wants to leave the area unless they have to to keep their job.  So sales are anemic.  But who cares if you don't have to leave, right?

Housing markets in Democrat-ruled cities are seeing historic home-price declines. For the entire nation the median home sale price dropped nearly $18,000 from a year earlier--the biggest drop on record. 

The percentage drop--4 percent--was the largest drop since January 2012 (during the nationwide "mortgage meltdown, courtesy of Obozo).  April marked the third consecutive month of year-over-year declines.  The Oakland, CA metropolitan area saw the biggest dip (-16.1% or $174,500 from a year earlier), followed by Austin, TX (-15.3% or 85,000), Boise, ID (-15.1% or $80,000), and San Francisco (-13.4% or $220,000).

Democrat/liberal: "Dis not true!  Dis FAKE NEWZ!"

Ohh-kay sparky.  Take that up with an outfit called Redfin, which compiles those stats.  But maybe some eevil conservative bought control of Redfin and is faking the numbers to hurt biden, eh?  Yeh, dat's it.

No, it's not.  I'm 40 stories into a google search for "redfin home sales report last week," and the closest google comes to anything like a mainstream media story on it is from CNBC.  Every other story is in a trade or investing mag.  The Mainstream Media has totally blacked this out.

Gosh, that's....odd.  You'd think such a big drop in sale price of homes would be a well-covered story, wouldn't ya?  But for some reason none of the Mains said a word.  Think about that.

Associated Press writes propaganda piece implying biden *tightened* border rules

Wanna see pro-Democrat, pro-regime propaganda at its most obvious?  Try this POS from the Associated Press today:

"Asylum-seekers say joy over end of Title 42 turns to anguish induced by new US rules"

Ah.  For those who don't pay attention, Title 42 was a Trump-era policy that allowed people who illegally entered the U.S. to be instantly deported, without letting them stay in the U.S. for years or decades waiting for a hearing.

Biden ended it, by decree.  Cool, eh?  The corrupt courts refused to allow Trump to end Obozo's unconstitutional order allowing kids who'd been brought into the U.S. illegally to stay here (DACA), but biden was allowed to end Trump's Title 42.  Interesting.

So after biden announced Title 42 was rescinded, another few million aliens started making plans to enter the U.S.  The internet was full of videos of mile-long lines of aliens lined up on the U.S. side, ready to be bused by the regime to cities far from the southern border.

The Democrats realized they needed damage control right away, so they got their friends at the AP to write a story alluding to "new rules" for "asylum seekers."

Because the title used the phrase "turns to anguish," all readers naturally assumed that the alleged "new rules" would reduce the number of illegals welcomed to stay in the U.S. by the Democrat regime.

So "new rules," eh?  What were those new rules, exactly?

The story doesn't say, because there are NO rules making things harder for illegals.  Oh, the story whines that a regime app for smartphones called "CBP One" is having some "technical problems," but then notes that you don't have to use it to enter.

The propagandists at the AP also use a cunning, deliberately confusing comparison to make readers believe fewer people are entering than before:  
>>"More than 79,000 people were admitted under CBP One from its Jan. 12 launch through the end of April. [But] from May 12 to May 19 an average of 1,070 people per day presented themselves at the ports of entry after securing an appointment on the app.">>

<<Democrats: "Wow!  Went from 79,000 to just 1,070 people per day!  Those 'new rules' have really reduced the number of aliens getting to stay in the U.S.!"  

Really?  But of course the 79,000 was a total between Jan 12 and the end of April.  How many per day was that?

Take your time.

Most Americans under 40 don't know how to do even that simple calculation.  If you're not sure, ask your parents.

Turns out there are 107 days between Jan 12 and the end of April.  So now what?

Now divide 79,000 supposed "asylum-seekers" by 107 days and what do you get?  738 people per day.  Meaning more people entered per day after the supposedly harsher "new rules."

In short, the AP article is horseshit, designed to make readers believe the biden regime has tightened the border instead of vastly loosening it.  

See, both the biden regime and the AP know that only a tiny percentage of Americans can do even basic math.  So they can do misleading comparisons like this, confident that no one will do the math.

It's like the old joke by cynical citizens of communist regimes that the government just announced that chocolate rations were being increased from 10 grams per day to 50 per week.

Dem voter: "I don't get it.  Why is that a joke?"

New study of "all-cause deaths" in Germany conclusively shows huge increase

If you're like most Americans you think the Chyna virus killed, like, 90% of the folks who got it (if they hadn't taken the faaabulously effective jab), killing a million Americans and roughly ten million or so world-wide.

That's utter horseshit, but you believe it because your government and Mainstream Media told you it was true, and you didn't have any way of knowing it wasn't.

Turns out Big Pharma and corrupt government officials (looking at you, Fauci) conspired to make everyone believe the virus was unusually lethal, and that the only way to survive was a) take the jab; and b) vote by mail.

The key to the scam was how the gruberment declared a "covid death."  The criterion was that if someone died after a "positive PCR test," that death was officially logged as "due to covid," even if it wasn't.

The damn CDC actually sent an email to all U.S. hospitals *telling them* to record deaths after a positive PCR test as "due to covid," knowing that was horseshit.

This distinction was later teased out as "died *from* covid" versus "died *with* covid."  Hell of a difference.

Finally, as country after country re-examined the death data, they drastically lowered their number of covid deaths--death *due to* covid.  Total deaths dropped to roughly a quarter of the original figure.  Hmmm...

So now that you understand how government officials lied to us, now we find the same thing is happening with regard to deaths from the barely-tested, "emergency use only" "vaccine:"  In country after country, more people are dying than the average pre-covid numbers.

Democrat/liberal/idiot: "Dat totally normal!  Cuz duh population grows ebry yeah!  So naturally we have mo' deaths ebry yeah!"

Well there ya go, sparky!  We never imagined that.  Case closed.  Thanks!  

Geez, y'all must think we're really as dumb as your voters, eh?  No, the researchers have accounted for that.

So...since it's difficult to autopsy enough dead people from 2020 and 2021 to get an accurate idea of how many deaths were cunningly reported as "due to covid" when they weren't, many researchers have compared "deaths from all causes" after the vax push to the average percentage pre-virus.

The usefulness of this comparison is that  death (regardless of cause) can be clearly determined, eh?  And highly reliable data on total deaths are available for several advanced countries.  Thus the question of whether a larger percentage of people are dying now than in 2019, 2020 and so on  can be answered with great precision.

Six days ago a paper was published by German researchers, applying this technique to Germany.  What they found was that in 2020--the first year of the virus but before any vaccination--that nation experienced about 4,000 more deaths than the pre-2020 average.

But then in 2021--after huge numbers of Germans had taken the jab--the nation saw 34,000 more deaths than the average.  For 2022--after almost the entire population had taken the jab--66,000 more deaths occurred than expected based on pre-virus data.

If you're reasonably intelligent, these two numbers should be jarring, unexpected, because if the vax either reduces infection or the number of covid deaths, *and is not  itself lethal,* the numbers of excess deaths should have dropped.  Instead the German researchers found the opposite: excess deaths in 2022 were almost double those of 2021.

The authors report the number of deaths for 2022 is over four standard deviations above the historic average.  Of course if you don't understand statistics (and how many Americans really do, eh?) this doesn't mean anything to you.  Fauci and his merry gang of scammers count on that.

Democrat/liberal/moron: "Four isn't a scary number at all!  Four is a very normal number!  So you're just trying to scare people when there's nothing to see here!"

As I noted: very few Americans understand statistics.

The authors of the paper dryly note, "Something must have happened in spring 2021 that led to a sudden and sustained increase in mortality."  Yep.

Democrat/liberal/moron:  "Nah.  Duh Germans may have just had LOTS more accidents in 2021 and 2022!  Yeh, dat's it!  See, your silly 'statistics' don't prove *anything."*

And there you have it, fans:  Gullible people--Democrats--will find a way to sneeringly dismiss every study that contradicts what the biden regime told 'em, no matter how ironclad the study.  biden told 'em they had to take the jab--and get their kids jabbed--if they wanted to live.

Having believed that, and obeyed, human psychology now prevents them from accepting that they were lied to, and have done something that seems likely to harm their health instead of keeping them safe.

Oh, the German researchers also looked at miscarriage *rates.*  They found that in the second quarter of 2021--after millions of German women had taken the jab--the miscarriage *rate* was 9.4% higher than in prior years.  

In the fourth quarter of 2021 the rate was 19.4% higher than in prior years.

Democrat/liberal/moron and lying Fauci: "Dat NOT significant increase!  Or if significant, definitely not caused by safe, effective vaccine!  It caused by Covid!  Yeh, dat's it!  So miscarriage rate wuz way up in 2020 too!  Yep yep yep!  We expects t' have doze numbers in a couple of weeks! Of course we duh only ones who have doze numbers, so you gotta believe anything we tell ya!"

Wait...I've never seen a single claim that miscarriage rates rose in 2020, after covid hit but before the jab.  And you'd *think* that if that rate had been higher in 2020, Fauci and the Mainstream Media would have been bleating that on every evening "newz" broadcast, as more incentive to take the jab, eh?  Yet they didn't.

"Wait, I got it: Dey din' wanna scare Americans.  Yeh, dat's it."

What horseshit.  The whole push was a huge scare story:  "Take the 'vaccine' or you and your kidz will DIE!"  "Vote by mail or you'll DIE!"  "Wear a mask or you'll DIE!"  Yet you expect us to believe that if the miscarriage rate was higher, the scammers would NOT have added that to the scare?

You Dems must think we're all as dumb as your supporters.

To summarize: while it can be difficult to determine the cause of death from a disease that has the same symptoms as many well-known diseases like flue, simply comparing deaths regardless of cause is easy.  Then unless you've had a war or some other identified epidemic, it's easy to compare all-cause deaths against historic rates.!/


If you talk about sex with adult co-workers you get fired; but trannies at schools? "Welcome!"





















"Double standard?  That's good...when WE do it!"

May 28, 2023

In the Peoples' Republic of Minnesota, man pushes another onto subway tracks

Who dis?   Why, dis Daquan Stephen Rogers, 29.  Coupla nights ago ol' Daquan beez beatin' on a homie, done push him in front of a subway whut be leavin' duh station.  Kill dat homie daid.  Caught on cell video, cuz duh guy wif duh phone, he t'ink somep'n bad gon' happen cuz dey been yellin'.


So...all on vid.  But seein' as it's Minneapolis, run by ouah Democrat frenz, Daquan wuz released right away, wifout charges.  Dey let him walk even though he got another open case fo' fightin' in duh Metro las' month, an' lot mo' cases involving transit crime.  But it okay cuz all dem udda cases of assault been tossed out wif plea deals.  Deal wuz "Don' do dat no mo'." An' he promise t' show up fo' duh hearin', so it all gud.

Well maybe not so gud fo' duh guy whut got kilt daid by duh train.  But he not connected so who care?

A local resident took a closer look, and reports "The video clearly shows the assailant throwing a right roundhouse punch into the victim's back, pushing him into the gap between two cars.  But for some reason all stories in the local press say the victim simply 'fell.'   Curious.  But not in Minneapolis."


Repub speaker of the House, McCarthy, sells us out in budget deal

Well I see that faaabulous negotiator Kevin "RINO" McCarthy used all his skill and brilliance to force the emperor to cut a whopping $50 Billion from future spending!  Yaaayy Kevin!

Wait...what?  Ya say to get that cut Kevin actually agreed to a $4 TRILLION increase in total spending?  Gosh, that would only amount to a cut of a bit over one percent in spending.

Wow, who could have predicted THAT, eh?

Well, other than everyone with an IQ over 80.

We've been sold down the river again, folks.  Wonder what the kickback was to Kev, eh?  $100 million?  biden agreeing to assign him his own Air Force 777 jet, like Nancy got?  (Okay, hers was a 767, but that's a distinction without a difference.)

We know huge annual deficits will eventually be fatal to our nation.  So what would make an honest man sign the death warrant for his country, eh?

To ask the question is to answer it.  Kevin was given *some* quid pro quo.  The only question now is, what was it?

Seattle TSA now having men posing as women pat down real females

Three days ago a woman flying out of Seattle says she was going thru TSA and they pulled her for a pat-down inspection.  She noticed the agent was a man pretending to be a woman.  

The woman said she was a survivor of multiple sexual assaults, and requested a female agent.  The low-level agents all told her "Yew caint do dat!"  And "Dis is a REAL woman, you h8er!" (or words to that effect).

She said she apologized to the tranny agent, but insisted on what she understood as her rights.

After much wailing and stomping of offended feet by TSA, she finally got to speak with a supervisor who agreed that yes, she had the right to request a different agent for the pat-down.

Now, a couple of observations:  First, how many other U.S. airports have males posing as women conducting pat-downs?  My guess would be that the biden regime would test this insanity in wokie cities like Seattle, San Fran, LA, NYC, Chitcongo and so on.  If there's no pushback they'll expand the policy to the rest of the country.

Second, are the men pretending to be women allowed to pat-down girls of all ages, or just the ones who seem old enough to be "woke" and thus would be less likely to complain?

Third:  You'll note that the biden regime never announced this new policy.  Why not?  Because they would have been bitched at by the tranny mafia.  Cuz "trans women are REAL women," eh?

Fourth:  What do you think the odds are that if the daughter of a senator or congress-creep flies commercial, they'd be pulled for a pat-down done by a tranny?   Zero.

Oh wait, I forgot:  Not ONE of you liberal sons of bitches believes this really happened.  Eh, you could be right, cuz you didn't hear it on duh newz, nor read about it in the NY Times or WaPo, so as far as you know it never happened, right?

Tell ya what, you ignorant bastards:  Click on the link above.  Contact Amber Krabach

 You stupid, stupid people deserve what you're about to get.

After Dems backed BLM riots and defunded cops, Dems want cops to confiscate guns?


May 27, 2023

Meet the satanist who's designed a crap-ton of Target's "pride" merchandise

Who dis?  

This is the tranny satanist who's designed much of the "pride" crap Target is selling.  Of course his first comment after being identified as the designer/supplier was "Hey, I'm not a satanist.  I don't even believe in satan."  Which is why he can design T-shirts like the one he's wearing in the pic above, with the goat head with the tranny symbol in the middle of the goat's forehead, and the phrase "Satan respects pronouns."   

Cuz see, since he swears that he definitely does NOT believe in satan, he's free to blithely depict that mythical scare-figure as saying anything the designer wants him/xe/xir to say.  See?

And of course Target's buyers had absolutely no idea that the guy they were about to sign a contract with had any of these...interesting...notions.  No sir!  And the buyers swore there was no way they could have found out.  Someone mentioned a new-fangled thing called "the Internet" but the buyers just laughed and said "Nah, we'll stick with Trusted Sources like CBS and CNN and the FBI, thanks."

So parents, you can definitely continue to shop at Target, with full confidence that they are NOT trying to expose your kids to satanic ideas.  Absolutely not!  Well, unless you live in Minnesota or New York or California, in which case exposing kids to satanic ideas is a positive marketing strategy.

May 26, 2023

Is it true that kids of illegals will be able to attend school without any vaccinations?

If you pay attention to things outside your arm's reach, you may have heard that American kids have to have records of being vaccinated against about 16 diseases, including duh Chyna virus.

You may not have heard that children of the five million illegal immigrants who've entered the U.S. under the biden dictatorship will be allowed to go to school with ZERO vaccinations--including duh dread Chyna virus.

Some American with a medical background noted that at the moment, the Lying Mainstream Media is just focusing on covid.  So he (or she) furnished a list of current diseases that are popular in third-world countries that are the native lands of most of the illegals.

  • Dengue fever.
  • West Nile
  • Zika 
  • Chikungunya 
  • malaria 
  • Marburg 
  • yellow fever 
  • cholera 
  • measles 
  • mumps 
  • chickenpox
  • possibly smallpox 
  • polio 
  • RSV 
  • SARS 
  • tuberculosis
  • chlamydia 
  • syphilis 
  • gonorrhea 
  • schistosomiasis
  • staphylococcus 
  • streptococcus 
  • MRSA 
  • amoebiasis 
  • garden-variety intestinal parasites 
  • hookworm
  • round worms
  • lice
  • scabies
  • antifungal resistant ringworm - recently migrant introduced in New York
  • trypanosomiasis or Chagas disease (heart and esophageal disease) 
  • cysticercosis (seizure disorders)
  • hepatitis B and C 

But don't worry, citizen:  your children are protected by the FDA and CDC.  Plus they've been vaccinated against five of the diseases on the above list. happy!  Call the White House and your congresscritter and thank them for letting these nice people stay in the U.S.

Thanks, Democrats! 

Duh academic wokiez have banned the word "field." Seriously. Can ya guess why?

The wokiez are always screwing around with language, to keep rational adults on the back foot.  Example: banning the terms "mother" and "father."  Yes, the crazy bastards really did that, instead DEMANDING that the rest of us use the terms "sperm-donor" and "egg-donor."

So in the latest move to DEMAND that good liberals not use some innocuous term--on fear of losing their cushy jobs-- Smith College has joined USC in demanding that the term "field" be banned.

Seriously.  The two universities DEMAND that academics no longer use that term.  So the obvious question is, what is it that the wokiez find offensive about the term?  

The reason is that some snowflakes say it's raaaaacist.  AH!  And now it's so obvious, eh?  I mean, how could we have missed the offensive, raaacist inferences in the term "field," right?

Wait...y'say you don't see any raacist inferences in "field"?  Yeah, I didn't either.  Well...remember that famous poem you studied in highschool about the killing fields of WW1, "In Flanders' Field"?  It turns out that no blacks were in the German army then, which is--need I say it?  Raaaacist.

No, was that 1989 movie with Kevin Costner, "Field of Dreams."  Of the 57 actors who appeared in that award-winning film, only one was black.  This is obviously raacist, so using the term "field" is a hidden signal of raacism used by white supremacists, like that cunning "okay" sign.

Yeh, dat's it. research team has just phoned from Smith, and they say the wokiez tell them the reason they banned "field" is... "the term reminds some of the field work once done by slaves."

Being raised in a farm town with lots of white farmers who were in their fields from dawn until dusk, I was really skeptical.  Why would the term be any more racial to blacks than to white farmers who've been "in the field" for generations?

My researchers asked the wokiez at Smith to explain, but no one had an answer.

In any case: turns out students majoring in social work are required to go out in the real world to get some hands-on experience.  That was handled by an office in the Social Work department called the “Office of Field Education.”  But because of the obvious raaacism of "field," from now on that office will be now referred to as the “Office of Practicum.”  

A spokes-pyrsyn for Smith explained that ”This is all part of our plan for 'advancing inclusion, diversity and equity,' and that terms like “field work” are now considered triggering and microaggressive."

The spokes-pyrsyn gushed that replacing the word “field” was one more triumph in the fight for “dismantling oppressive and discriminating systems.”

Ah, now it all makes sense, eh?

An equally woke spokes-pyrsyn at USC added, “Phrases like ‘field work,’ or ‘going into the field’ may have connotations for descendants of slavery and immigrant workers that are not benign, so this change supports anti-racist social work practice by replacing language that could be considered anti-Black or anti-immigrant."

The use of "anti-immigrant shows that the wokie demand isn't due to slavery, since immigrant ag-workers aren't slaves.  So apparently the complaint is that "field work" is hard damn work.  No argument there.

But apparently hard and oppressive only for blacks and immigrants.  At least we don't have any record of whites complaining that their fathers or grandfathers had to work all day in the fields to keep the farm alive.  

That should tell you something.  But you'd be well-advised not say anything, cuz speaking up will get you fired.

Academics at both Smith and USC piously claim that they're NOT claiming the word "field" itself is racist.  Oh no, not at all, citizen!  Instead they simply claim that using the word "may remind some that 160 years ago slaves worked in some fields."

UPDATE:  Sources in DC report that wokiez in the Civil Rights Division of  Merrick Garland's "Department of Justice" have already drafted rules guidance ordering that "Wrigley Field," "Soldier Field" and all other sports stadia delete the offensive second word from their names.  

The DOJ suggests "Wrigley Park" or "Soldier Football Place" might be acceptable.  They say they'll allow the terms "left field," "outfield," "fielder's choice" and so on to still be used for now, but they say this may change with further study.

Similarly, newspapers and TV networks will be fined if they use the phrase "level playing field."  The suggested substitute is "level playing surface" instead.  The DOJ won't start fining ordinary Americans for two years, when everyone is expected to know about the new decree guidance.

The DOJ will graciously allow airports like Dallas's Love Field a full year to change to "Love Airport."

The OCR division is still working on whether to apply the same rules to the physics terms "magnetic field," "electrical field" and "gravitational field," since those aren't literally areas of earth. 


Dems have promised blacks "reparations." How many white votes will they lose?

While you've been distracted by (take your choice) Ukraine, exploding national debt, the continuing invasion of our nation by third-worlders, China preparing to invade Taiwan, Democrat election fraud, you name it...a new Democrat mandate has quietly appeared:  Reparations.  
In their endless pandering to blacks to get votes, Democrat leaders are supporting the idea of paying huge amounts of cash to every black in the U.S, ostensibly due to slavery before 1863 or so.

The Dems have been doing this for years, and recently faaabulously popular Democrat "leaders," like Cali governor (and presidential hopeful) Gavin Newsom, have established "commissions" to actually recommend the amount of such payments.

It shouldn't surprise anyone with an IQ over 80 that the people testifying before these "commissions" have demanded payments as high as $5 million per black.  One member of Newsom’s reparations commission described this as the state paying its “sin bill”--which is a great way to guilt white liberals (Democrats) into supporting the scheme.  The fact that California was never a slave state is quietly ignored.

With that sort of support--again unsurprisingly--black Democrat congresswhores like Rep. Cori Bush have demanded that the federal gruberment pay a total of $14 TRILLION in reparations, declaring “Black people can't wait any longer.” She was joined by other Democrat members like Reps. Barbara Lee, Jamaal Bowman and Rashida Tlaib.

In Tampa one black man who appeared before the commission said he was putting “white people on notice that we want our reparations.”  Ah, nice of him to put us on notice, eh?

For years Democrats have dangled the idea of "reparations" to win black votes.  Dems repeatedly told blacks that such payments were a "moral obligation."  Now, not surprisingly, blacks are demanding to be paid: Recent polls shows 77 percent of blacks support reparations–a stark increase in the last few years.

Wow, who could have predicted *that,* eh?

One activist claimed “We worked for free.  It’s a debt that’s owed.  We’re not asking; we’re telling you.” 

Newsom and other Dems are now frantically calculating what dollar figure they can support without being voted out of office by whites.  He's indicated that he supports some cash payment.  It's just a question of how high a figure won't make too many whites refuse to vote Democrat again.

So Democrat pols are trying to devise language and terms to convince whites not to vote them out for supporting the idea.

A member of the commission said they wouldn't accept any excuses and that the state must commit to the full amount they demanded, but graciously added that if the state didn't want to pay the full amount all at once, they'd be willing to take it in annual installments.

Very gracious, eh?

To get an idea of how popular the idea of huge payments to blacks is with most Americans, consider a fairly similar situation: "sanctuary cities" and states.  Most are far from the border, and thus until the last few months have paid no price for the massive flood of illegals into states like Texas.

This total insulation from negative effects allowed Dem pols in northern cities to posture that dey *looved* illegal immigrants (though they never used that term, preferring to disguise the truth by calling them simply "undocumented"), and saying the invaders were totally welcome to come to their cities where they would be given "sanctuary."

The Dems could posture this way because all the problems caused by illegals were inflicted on Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.  The Dems never actually imagined the illegals would show up in their cities.

But then they did--and suddenly the Dems were crying for help:  "Dis not FAIR," they screamed.

The first demonstration of Dem hypocrisy came when the governor of Florida flew 100 or so illegals to pricey Martha’s Vineyard--one of Obozo's several homes.  The island was awash with signs saying "Everyone welcome here,"  but that was just "virtue signaling."  Residents quickly arranged for the illegals to be shipped to a military base off the island.  

For residents of that rich island--overwhelmingly liberal Democrats--that solved their problem.  But many Americans recognized the brazen hypocrisy.  

Same with New York City: the mayor and city council have long bleated that they're a "sanctuary city," but as more illegals began arriving from Texas, the mayor began shipping them to surrounding small towns.

Problem was, unlike New York City, those towns hadn't declared themselves sanctuary cities, and have gone to court to stop the mayor's cunning "solution."

Of course you can expect the state's highest court to overrule the towns (it's probably already done so), since governor Kathy Hochul has declared the entire state a sanctuary.

Same problem with Chicago:  Democrats like former mayor Lori Lightfoot, and the current communist mayor, have posed and preened about welcoming illegals.  A hispanic female alderman bleated that Chicago "must be a welcoming city for immigrants” and reaffirmed that “our city is responsible for acting with solidarity towards the people that are the most marginalized and the most impacted by a system that oppresses them.”

Got that, comrade?  Dey beez oppressed in dere home countries, an' dat beez your fault!

But when illegals started arriving from Texas, suddenly Chicago's Democrat pols recognized that their posing was about to cost both money and votes, so they quickly demanded help from the biden regime.  Dem voters in wards where the city planned to house illegals were outaged that the city never consulted them.

Former mayor Lori Lightfoot demanded that the migrants be sent elsewhere or kept in border states that had been overwhelmed by millions of illegals instead of just a few thousand.

At this point naive Americans might think Democrat politicians would "recalibrate" their position, realizing that continuing to support unlimited illegal immigration would cost them votes.  But they won't.  Instead they'll get their Mainstream Media allies to flood the zone with heart-wrenching stories about the plight of illegals in their home countries, and how it's "only fair" to allow them to come to the U.S.--not as illegals invading but as "refugees."

If you think that's far-fetched you haven't been paying attention, because that's exactly the tactic they used to stop Trump's efforts to close the border:  endless stories about poor homosexuals who were oppressed in their home nations.  Endless photos of sad-eyed waifs--but never of fat, well-dressed illegal parents with pricey Nike sneakers and i-phones.

The only difference this time is that now stories about the "oppressed refugees" will include dozens of trannies, desperate to get "gender-affirming care" here--for "free," of course.

We'll see the same tapdance with reparations:  the Dems won't back off because they can't afford to lose black votes.  So the strategy will be to disguise reparations so whites don't recognize them, but Dem operatives in the black community will point to the disguised payments as proof that the Dems are working to get the whole enchilada.

For example, Newsom’s task force has demanded an assortment of benefits for blacks, such as having the state subsidize home purchases for blacks, and taking over development projects to guarantee black home ownership.  The Media will trumpet these cash-equivalent benefits to keep blacks voting Democrat, convinced that the full cash payments they demand are right around the corner.

And of course that's true, since if the Dems win just four seats in the House, and retain the presidency, the entire government will once more be back in their control--at which point it will be easy to pass a federal law for nationwide reparations.

And if you think that's absurd, impossible, consider this:  If I'd told you ten years ago that the Democrats would have quietly rammed through "rules" to force taxpayers to pay for sex-change surgery for 70-year-olds, via Medicare, or the same for young low-income Americans via Medicaid, would you have believed it?  All that was necessary was for the Deep State to DECREE that such operations were "medically necessary."  Which they quickly, quietly did.

If I'd told you ten years ago that the Democrats would *demand* that your five-year-old take an experimental, ineffective "vaccine" to be able to attend school, but that the same Democrats would allow a million kids of illegals to attend that same school not only without the covid jab, but without having ANY of the vaccinations your kid was required to have, would you have believed it?

If I'd told you ten years ago that a Democrat president would order working taxpayers who'd never attended college, or went to college and paid off their student loans, to pay off the student loans of favored supporters, would you have believed it?

Finally, if I'd told you a Dem president would *order* "his" FBI to refuse to comply with a valid congressional subpoena, would you have believed it?

Thanks to biden and the Democrats, the rule of law, and the Founders' idea that all are equal under the law, and that the Constitution is "the supreme law of the land," are all vanishing, faster than you can imagine.

Thanks to the corrupt Mainstream Media, you don't even notice.

Forcing people who never owned slaves to pay money to people who never were slaves, on the grounds that slavery once existed, can only be seriously considered in a nation where mental illness has been deemed normal.


May 25, 2023

One earnest liberal's experiences teaching in an inner-city school

"Teach for America" was an effort--started by a conservative--to get college grads who weren't teaching majors to volunteer to teach in inner-city schools.

In 2008 a naive liberal college grad--a white male--volunteered for the program, as did thousands of other white college grads.   

The earnest young leftist lasted two years, and wrote an account of his classroom experiences (edited version below).  It's a story of total defeat, achieved through a combination of stupid liberal policies both in public school systems and in broader government policies that have made blacks a "specially-protected class."

Until around 1950 most American public schools were first-class, and many still are.  But in Dem-ruled cities, schools with significant minority populations are total disasters.  Most of us know the reasons, but liberals bleat that the real reasons are "oppression" and "systemic racism."
And at this point the problem seems beyond fixing.  It's not that it *can't be fixed,* but that the Democrat party will never agree to what needs to be done.

"Teach For America" sent thousands of graduates of America’s elite universities into all-black inner-city schools.  Like regular education majors, none of these volunteers had any idea what they were getting into, as the Mainstream Media avoided reporting on the true situation in inner-city schools for fear of offending liberals.

Our earnest young leftist volunteer says every white person who has taught in a black public school knows that “non-school factors,” as they are carefully called, set the stage for what happens in those schools.  He says that even those who've taught in those schools often can't bring themselves to name the problem, because doing so would cause their liberal friends to cancel them.

The first, crucial step in problem-solving is to recognize that there IS a problem, and then to specify exactlly what that problem is.  None of that has been done in this case.

His experience (edited):

What's it like teaching ten-year-olds in an all-black school?  There are many anecdotes to choose from.  Here's one:

I am planted in my classroom doorway. All 29 of my fourth-graders are behind me in the classroom except for Deandra, who is in the hallway in front of me, screeching insults at me (“White motherfucker!”) and repeatedly trying to force her way back into class so that she can continue pummeling Justina.

Deandra back up to the opposite wall of the hallway, then launches herself into my torso, repeating this several times, balling up her fists and screaming.

This was actually Deandra’s third fight of the day, each with a different student. Fights are so common in my classroom that the head office no longer sends help.

This poses a unique problem with Deandra because most of my students are between 10 and 11 years old, but Deandra is 12, half a foot taller than the others and 30 pounds heavier.  She can do real damage.

The liberals who run this school--and every public school in this city--tell us it's against the law for teachers to physically break up fights unless they're "certified."  But they also tell us we're legally liable for any injuries students suffer in our classroom.  No one bothers trying to resolve the contradiction.

Another problem is that Deandra doesn't give up.  Most students are ready to call it quits after a fight breaks up, at least for a while. If you can separate them and get them to opposite sides of the room you’ve probably bought yourself an hour or two.  But the moment I turn to the blackboard  Deandra resumes attacking the girl she was just fighting.

And this is a normal day.

There is a classic inner-city teaching fantasy, beloved by Hollywood, in which a dedicated, inspired teacher defies the odds and “breaks through” to their formerly angry, violent, disruptive students.  

It's easy to see why Hollywood liberals love that fable.  It's designed to appeal to them.

Classic liberal theory holds that the implacable anger of many of my students, and their refusal to learn what adults believe they should, is entirely due to oppression and poverty.  Once you buy that, it follows that whites must be the problem.  Liberals directly blame failed inner-city school on "systemic racism" of America's past.

[Even after his experiences, the author says he actually agrees with both points above.]  

A second-grader’s grandmother sent him to school with a loaded gun because he was being bullied.  Another student's problems were due in part to his mother holding a curling iron to his feet as a baby to stop him from crying.

How do you stop those things?  

This is a story about horrors.  No other way of telling it approaches the truth. Richmond Elementary was a horror.

On several occasions TFA higher-ups warned us not to mention negatives when sharing our classroom experiences, lest we be accused of “victim blaming” or of perpetuating an image of inner-city Black communities as defective or dangerous.

Certainly.  Wouldn't want the public to think inner-city communities were dangerous or defective, right?

The founder of TFA claimed studies had shown that the single most important driver of learning was not school funding or neighborhood income but teacher quality.

Had she blamed culture, no Democrat would have green-lighted her proposal.

Our training lasted five weeks.  In the last week we joined summer-school classrooms as teachers’ aides.  It was the only classroom experience any of us would have before getting our own.

First lesson in your own classroom: Nothing matters if you can’t control your students.
And in my case it was chaos from day one.

Going to the cafeteria to pick up my students from lunch, I saw a large fifth grader holding a small third grader against the wall, bouncing the smaller boy’s head against the concrete.  This was normal.  And again, the administrators told us we couldn't break up fights unless we were "certified" by the school system to do that.


A friend of mine from TFA training had a typical story: On his first day a 4th-grade student got up to leave five minutes before the bell.  When my friend asked the student to return to his seat the student said “Go fuck yourself.”

My friend quit that same day--as I suspect most rational people would.

I thought about quitting all the time.  But TFA had a clever strategy to dissuade people from quitting: they guilted liberal volunteers by talking about the terrible harm this would do to your students.

It was brilliant, because without education most of my students were looking at a lifetime of functional illiteracy, low wages and a likelihood of incarceration or early death, particularly for boys.

But from my first day in the classroom, the idea that my students were actually learning *anything* useful from my teaching totally evaporated.

Of course I'd expected things to be bad. I’d heard the horror stories.  But until you're there the horror stories are waved away as merely the scary first act of the inspiring story of redemption you believe is in store for you.

I expected initial difficulty, but I also expected to eventually succeed.  I stayed longer than I should have because I knew I'd feel guilty if I gave up.

Professional "educators" have debated the effect of "recess" for years.  Did it help by letting kids burn off energy, or did the activity make it harder to teach?  The debate raged endlessly.  But in any case there was no recess at Richmond because the System had ruled that it was unsafe for students to go outside in that neighborhood.  That should tell you something.

In any case, on any afternoon ten or 20 kids would "run the halls," completely unsupervised.  The principal and other honchos didn't seem to notice or care.

In the spring of my first year a school social worker delivered Shawn back to my classroom.  Shawn had been “running the halls.”  I’d seen him leave my classroom 20 minutes earlier, staring right at me and grinning.  But you can't chase 'em down.

I was terrified of Shawn, and he knew it.  I tried to ignore Shawn’s return and keep going with my lesson. A minute or so later, I was pointing at a problem on the board with my back turned, when the class erupted in laughter. I turned around and saw Shawn next to me. He was sticking out his butt out to one side, eyes rolled up into his head while he mirrored my pose.

This went on for an hour.  [It never occurred to our earnest liberal author to cold-cock the little bastard, both because he would have faced charges, but also because taking action--*any* action--against a black student is literally unthinkable to a liberal.]

Classroom order quickly deteriorated.  I threatened to call Shawn’s mother, the greatest threat of all for some students but an empty one for Shawn, as both of us knew.  “Go ahead, call her,” he said.

The mother rarely picked up my calls, and in the few instances where I had gotten through her response was "Why you pickin’ on him all the time?”

Eventually I sat down at my desk.  Shawn dragged a student desk next to mine and sat down, imitating my defeated expression.  What lesson did he learn from this?

Shawn stood up on his desk and started stomping out a beat.  “Spring break!” he chanted. Boom-boom.  He kept going and soon most of the class had joined him.  At one point I put my head in my hands. “He’s crying y'all,” someone shouted.  I wasn’t crying, but I wanted to.

As noted earlier, TFA's founder claimed these students could learn.  All they needed was good teachers.  But my experience was the only thing they learned was that the way to be popular and "cool" was to constantly disrupt all efforts to teach.

As a result, the students at Richmond Elementary learned nothing that could have improved their future prospects.   

The realization that most of my students were virtually illiterate--and would likely always remain so for life--increased my sense of futility.  

As children get older it becomes increasingly difficult to develop reading skills.  If children aren't reading at or near grade level by the fourth grade it’s a genuine emergency.  Surely the people running the schools must be smart enough to know this, and to realize that the lack of discipline prevented teaching the skills needed to change the paradigm.  

But if they realized it, no one ever acted on that knowledge.

Of course students couldn't know that not being able to read well ensured poor life prospects.  They had no way of knowing that by encouraging and supporting disruption their prospects for a better life were evaporating each day.  I knew, as rational adults should have.  Yet no one did a single thing to try to solve the problem.

Part-way through my second year the school system bought special "leveled libraries" for every classroom. The books also came with a diagnostic tool, which said only six of my students were reading at grade level.  Most were two grades behind.

One disruptive student--Justin--had his mother's name tattooed in dark black script on his forearm.  I was never able to reach his mother. There was a rumor that she was a gang member.

One day he didn't show up.  With Justin gone, classroom discipline improved dramatically.  Of course fights still happened, but maybe three or four a week instead of two to three a day.  Students actually seemed to be learning.

Then one day as I walked into the main office I saw Justin standing next to his mother, who was signing some paperwork.

“Hi Mr. E,” he said, cheerfully.  “Hi Justin,” I said, trying to play it straight.  “What brings you here?”

“We moved again.  I’m coming back to Richmond.”  He looked up at his mother, who totally ignored me.

Justin was back in class the next day.  That afternoon I caught him throwing a crayon at another student.  When I moved his name down to yellow from green, he kicked his desk into the back of a smaller boy sitting in front of him.

I moved Justin's name from yellow to red.  Justin soon left to run the halls, ripping some posters off the wall on the way out.

Justin’s absence showed the huge effect one out-of-control student had on the behavior of others.  When he returned, students who had never had behavioral problems began acting out.  One was a bright and cheerful girl from a very religious home.  A month after Justin’s return, when I scolded her for interrupting a lesson she yelled back, “Who you talking to white boy?!”

When those two years were finally over,  like many ex-teachers, I had nightmares about the classroom. Occasionally I still do.

Like many teachers I had spent thousands of dollars on school supplies, especially getting copies at FedEx, where I’d stop at least twice a week on the way to school.  To get copies at the school you had to submit the worksheets 3 days in advance, but I was never that far ahead in my planning.

One of the questions I often get about my experiences in TFA is whether I wonder about what’s become of my students. The answer is I try not to.

People like Candace Owen, Ben Carson and Condi Rice show that blacks are capable.  But for the education establishment to successfuly educate a majority of inner-city blacks to would require a total rebuilding of the white-hating element of black culture.

It doesn't take a PhD to realize that this won't happen.  Instead, white liberals write book after book, and pull down $40,000 per speech, blaming "white fragility" and "systematic racism."

Democrat pols then use this to demand more money for public schools.  But since they refuse to permit the systems to exclude deliberate disruptors, nothing ever improves.  But it makes liberals feel virtuous.

May 24, 2023

Anyone know anything useful about Noam Chomsky?

If you're a college-age American it's likely that you've never heard of Noam Chomsky.  But you need to know about him.

Chomsky is an intellectual, and hates the U.S. and capitalism.  For all practical purposes he's a communist, so has been totally fawned over by the American Left for decades.  "Elite" universities and the media have absolutely slobbered over him for many years, because he provided the intellectual ammo for what they wanted.

Due entirely to his popularity among academics and Media, he is the eighth-most-cited author in what academics call "the humanities," trailing only Marx, Lenin, Shakespeare, the Bible, Aristotle, Plato, and Freud.  Last year the New Yorker called him "one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century.”  And what did the fellators at the New Yorker believe made him great, eh?

Communism, baby.  His fame and status are due entirely to the fact that academics and "elites" love the guy.  

Chomsky supported the murderous, genocidal, communist Pol Pot regime in Cambodia.  He claimed that forcing the residents of the capital city, Phnom Penh, into the countryside in 1976--eventually murdering one out of five Cambodians--was actually because of a failed rice crop and “may actually have saved many lives.”  Seriously, he said that.

This is such abject horseshit that only a communist could possibly believe it.  If you're a young American, watch "The Killing Fields."  It's accurate.

He hates Israel, describing it as a "terror state" and comparing it to the Nazis.  He has defended a French academic who claims the Holocaust was a “historical lie.”

American Leftists needed an intellectual to give their idiocy a veneer of plausibility.  Chomsky filled that need perfectly.  They needed a line of plausible patter to dazzle the rubes, and he provided it.

Leftists blithely, casually dismiss the murderous nature of communism by saying "But they meant well.”  Really?  You're seriously excusing an ideology that has killed over a hundred million people by claiming its leaders “meant well”?

Yes, that's exactly what they claim.  And they haven’t given up.  They’re convinced they'll win eventually, because in their minds they're so much smarter than the rest of us that they simply have to be right.

Marxism’s appeal was (is) that in theory all citizens would share equally in the products of the society, regardless of how hard--or whether--they work.  The famous phrase--written by Karl Marx himself--was "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

It sounded perfect.  But there were a few, um...bugs in the theory.  First was that even in such a faaabulous, equitable system, someone had to rule.  And of course the ruling elite needed to be rewarded with more goodies, like cars, vacation dachas (country homes), guaranteed entry to elite universities for their kids and so on.

Much to the surprise of the rulers, some of the proles--peasants, deplorables--noticed. And not surprisingly, a few of the proles were less than pleased with this arrangement.  It was almost as if the rulers of communist regimes were pulling a big con.

Of course the ruling Marxists didn't see it that way.  They clearly saw themselves as superior beings.  They believed their superiority should have been obvious to all.  And it had nothing to do with the fact that they had all the guns and controlled the secret police.

“We are the people we’ve been waiting for” is the ultimate self-referential argument. And to those making it, it’s very persuasive.

For supposedly being so very smart, communists ignored unequivocal evidence that didn't support their views:  Whenever a communist regime took over, everyone with an ounce of talent who could flee, did.  Russia, East Germany, Cuba, Vietnam.  Again and again, people voted with their feet.  The only people who fled TO East Germany or Cuba or Russia were either communist spies about to be arrested, or American criminals like Joann Chesimard (killed a cop, fled to Cuba 20 or 30 years ago).

That observed fact alone should have convinced communists that talented people hated them and their system.  The only people who liked communism were the lazy, because it guaranteed them food and housing--which is all many people want.

The "brilliant" Marxists couldn't believe masses of people would reject their *faaabulous* system.  How could this be, when they were so smart, so beloved by academia and the Media?

To be fair, in Chomsky’s heyday it seemed likely that Communism would take over the world.  Marxists claimed a hundred Vietnams were set to ignite.  Speaking to the U.N. General Assembly, Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev literally pounded on the podium with his shoe while yelling “we will bury you!”

American academics didn't say a critical word.  They loved it, believing he was right.

Communism came on like a freight train:
  *Mao's communist troops took over all of China;
  *Communists took over half of Korea;
  *the USSR crushed the Hungarian student uprising;
  *Castro took over Cuba;
  *Communists took over South Vietnam.

With results like that, it seemed inevitable that communism would eventually takeover of every nation. Yet people continued to flee communist regimes, never TO them.  The Marxists simply ignored it.

And if you think the marxists have given up, think again:  As always, they've simply changed their skin, morphing into the "One-World government"--the World Economic Forum.

WEF honcho: "NO NO NO!  We iz NOT Marxists!  We simply haz your best interests at heart!  See, you iz not smaht enough to survive without our benevolent leadership!"

See, "intellectuals" know that most people have zero knowledge of history--and with their control of all western schools they're determined to keep it that way.  So if lots of people don't like Communism, we'll simply re-brand it.  How 'bout "environmentalism."  Cuz who could possibly oppose that, eh?

The WEF is opening a branch near you, citizen!

Ordinary Americans to "wokie" marketers for big companies: "You still don't get it"

Yahoo (run by a bunch of communist rat-bastards) pasted a story by NBC about the Bud Light boycott.  

As of a minute ago the Yahoo paste had 4,000 comments, compared to the usual two-dozen for most stories at Yahoo.  If you pay attention you'll grasp the significance of that.

The piece below is from a commenter on that site.

Dear Wokie Marketing dipshits:

You elitists still haven't realized the truth: That there really is a "silent majority."

The reason we're usually silent is that we're not from wealthy families like you, so we're too busy working, building, earning our way in this world to take our precious time to speak up about all of the bullshit you wokiez inflict on this poor nation every day.

We struggle with real problems, like feeding our families and paying the mortgage on our two-bedroom homes.  Keeping our kids from being raped by trannies in the girls' bathroom at school.

We're working folks, trying hard to make a tolerable life for our families.  We have neither the time nor the patience for the Kardashians's, "Real Housewives of Anywhere" or any of the bullshit that comes out of Washington.

We struggle to keep our ten-year-old cars running so we can get to work. The idea of buying a $60,000 battery-powered car. or spending $10,000 on our daughter's wedding is so far beyond our reach that we just laugh.  We can't even remotely afford either.  

But we can afford to buy a case of beer every so often.  

And when you show us that you support "transitioning" our kids to the other "gender," and congratulate some dipshit tranny on "365 days of girlhood," you have shown us--clearly and unequivocally--that you hate everything we hold dear.  
Of course we always knew that, but we were willing to ignore it as long as you didn't make it too obvious.  But you just couldn't resist jamming a finger in our eyes, eh?

Now: As sure as idiots keep electing Democrats, you demons will do this again.  It's not that you're too dumb to have learned any lessons from what happened this time, but rather that like all would-be dictators, you never stop trying to destroy people like us.

You think we're stupid, deplorable, backward because we don't embrace your insane bullshit.  So you'll keep pushing, keep jamming your sick agenda down our throats.

And every time you do, a few thousand more Americans wake the hell up.

Wow.  Boom.  Who would have imagined that a marketing decision by some elite, "woke" female Hahvahd grad would have done so much to crystallize the thinking of ordinary Americans?

And here's the kicker:  The comment right after the one above is from a total leftist elite.  A counterattack:

A small segment of our population feels the need to "protest."  It gives them a small sense of power.  These are people who feel they have no power in their real life.  Their protests accomplish nothing, solve nothing.  They don't change anyone's mind.  It's just theater to help weak minded people, who have achieved nothing in their own lives, feel better about themselves.

They get with a group of like-minded, disenfranchised people and dance around with signs, not for others or for a cause, but for themselves.  But they are vocal and loud because they have nothing else to do. The rest of us who actually do things and have accomplishments sit quietly in the background shaking our heads at all the noise. And that is all it is, noise. The loudest generally have the least to say.

Wow again.  Total inversion of reality, which is that the trannies and their screaming supporters loudly dominate the media.  According to the commenter above, they're the ones who "have accomplishments."  Oh sure, you bet.

Watch any of the endless videos of literally screaming trannies testifying (screaming) before state legislatures.  Yet the Democrat/liberal/woke commenter above gaslights you by saying his side "sits quietly in the background."  What utter bullshit.  Total inversion.

Are they really this clueless?

A shill at NBC wrote "No one ever imagined this would go on this long."   Well the wokiez obviously didn't!  What this is is a reaction to the Left having jammed every perversion and violation down our throats.  

Anheuser made it worse by refusing to apologize, and refusing to fire the moronic Leftist elitist VP of  marketing.  A-B and every other "woke" company is absolutely sure this is a nothing, just "theater" (see leftist comment above) by "weak-minded people with nothing else to do."  The wokiez assure us (and each other) that this fit will quickly pass, never again to be duplicated, cuz...dey reeeeely smaht!  An' you iz stupid.