May 24, 2023

Ordinary Americans to "wokie" marketers for big companies: "You still don't get it"

Yahoo (run by a bunch of communist rat-bastards) pasted a story by NBC about the Bud Light boycott.  

As of a minute ago the Yahoo paste had 4,000 comments, compared to the usual two-dozen for most stories at Yahoo.  If you pay attention you'll grasp the significance of that.

The piece below is from a commenter on that site.

Dear Wokie Marketing dipshits:

You elitists still haven't realized the truth: That there really is a "silent majority."

The reason we're usually silent is that we're not from wealthy families like you, so we're too busy working, building, earning our way in this world to take our precious time to speak up about all of the bullshit you wokiez inflict on this poor nation every day.

We struggle with real problems, like feeding our families and paying the mortgage on our two-bedroom homes.  Keeping our kids from being raped by trannies in the girls' bathroom at school.

We're working folks, trying hard to make a tolerable life for our families.  We have neither the time nor the patience for the Kardashians's, "Real Housewives of Anywhere" or any of the bullshit that comes out of Washington.

We struggle to keep our ten-year-old cars running so we can get to work. The idea of buying a $60,000 battery-powered car. or spending $10,000 on our daughter's wedding is so far beyond our reach that we just laugh.  We can't even remotely afford either.  

But we can afford to buy a case of beer every so often.  

And when you show us that you support "transitioning" our kids to the other "gender," and congratulate some dipshit tranny on "365 days of girlhood," you have shown us--clearly and unequivocally--that you hate everything we hold dear.  
Of course we always knew that, but we were willing to ignore it as long as you didn't make it too obvious.  But you just couldn't resist jamming a finger in our eyes, eh?

Now: As sure as idiots keep electing Democrats, you demons will do this again.  It's not that you're too dumb to have learned any lessons from what happened this time, but rather that like all would-be dictators, you never stop trying to destroy people like us.

You think we're stupid, deplorable, backward because we don't embrace your insane bullshit.  So you'll keep pushing, keep jamming your sick agenda down our throats.

And every time you do, a few thousand more Americans wake the hell up.

Wow.  Boom.  Who would have imagined that a marketing decision by some elite, "woke" female Hahvahd grad would have done so much to crystallize the thinking of ordinary Americans?

And here's the kicker:  The comment right after the one above is from a total leftist elite.  A counterattack:

A small segment of our population feels the need to "protest."  It gives them a small sense of power.  These are people who feel they have no power in their real life.  Their protests accomplish nothing, solve nothing.  They don't change anyone's mind.  It's just theater to help weak minded people, who have achieved nothing in their own lives, feel better about themselves.

They get with a group of like-minded, disenfranchised people and dance around with signs, not for others or for a cause, but for themselves.  But they are vocal and loud because they have nothing else to do. The rest of us who actually do things and have accomplishments sit quietly in the background shaking our heads at all the noise. And that is all it is, noise. The loudest generally have the least to say.

Wow again.  Total inversion of reality, which is that the trannies and their screaming supporters loudly dominate the media.  According to the commenter above, they're the ones who "have accomplishments."  Oh sure, you bet.

Watch any of the endless videos of literally screaming trannies testifying (screaming) before state legislatures.  Yet the Democrat/liberal/woke commenter above gaslights you by saying his side "sits quietly in the background."  What utter bullshit.  Total inversion.

Are they really this clueless?

A shill at NBC wrote "No one ever imagined this would go on this long."   Well the wokiez obviously didn't!  What this is is a reaction to the Left having jammed every perversion and violation down our throats.  

Anheuser made it worse by refusing to apologize, and refusing to fire the moronic Leftist elitist VP of  marketing.  A-B and every other "woke" company is absolutely sure this is a nothing, just "theater" (see leftist comment above) by "weak-minded people with nothing else to do."  The wokiez assure us (and each other) that this fit will quickly pass, never again to be duplicated, cuz...dey reeeeely smaht!  An' you iz stupid.


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