May 31, 2023

Look at the HUGE increase in claimed LGBTQ recently w/ young people

Take a look at the graph below.  The purple bar is people born before 1946.  In 2022 only 1.7% of them identified as LGBTQ etc.  But look at the huge--HUGE--jump with each group born after 1981.  And note how fast the percentage of people identifying as LGBTQ climbs with each year after 2014.

For young Americans, and older Americans who aren't fond of math, this pattern is TOTALLY consistent with a phenomenon called "social contagion," in which the Mainstream Media (including Hollywood) and public schools relentlessly push how utterly faaaabulous it is to be LGBT or Q.  Kids--who, FAR more than older people, really care about being "cool," realize this is their ticket to being part of the "in" group.  What kid would turn that down, eh?

Question is, why would the schools, Hollywood, universities and the Mainstream Media push the faaaabulousness of being LGBT or Q so relentlessly?  Cuz they unequivocally are.  And look at all the pressure groups (like the laughably mis-named "Human Rights Commission") who are pushing this, and pushing companies to push it on their employees.

Is there an underlying reason?

Democrat: "Nah, dis all in yo' head!  Yew stupid deplorables are just skeered of rainbows!  Yeh, dat's it!"

I can understand crazy liberal women pushing their kids to be "non-binary" or "gender-fluid" or gay or tranny, cuz it's a way of fighting dad--both husband and their own fathers, i.e. "the Patriarchy."  Turn your son into a princess and your daughter into a fake male.  What could be better for angry women, eh?

Here's a research idea:  Compare the percentage of LGBTQ kids from "normal," traditional two-parent families to the percentage from households headed by divorced or never-married women.  I'd bet the second group outnumbers the first by at least ten to one.

Of course no university would ever allow such a study.  No "professional journal" would ever publish such a study.  And any study not done by a government agency or a university would automatically be denigrated by the Left.  Cuz dat run counter to duh Narrative, eh?

Oh well...we had a nice run.


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