May 31, 2023

Goofy company issues a list of 50 "gender-neutral pronouns" employees must use

In the Peoples' Republic of Maryland, employees at some low-IQ wokie company were given a guide with 50 pronoun options they could pick from to use in their workplace.  Mandatory.

The "pronoun guide" is chock full of cutesy gender-neutral pronouns staffers can use while dealing either with other employees or patients.  They include such classics as  "aerself," "faerself," "xemself," "perself," "eirself" and "verself."

The list gives examples of how to use the pronouns in a sentence, such as "Ae cleaned the office all by aerself," and "I gave faer the key."

It also invents "Mx." as a gender-neutral title that can be used for "non-binary or gender-diverse people" instead of the oppressive "Mr." and "Ms."

The list was created by the company's "Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion," whose 38 employees were ably assisted by the consulting firm "Diversity is Us."  The firm's fee was paid through a $275,000 grant from the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division.

The director of the Civil Rights Division, Mx. Chadrinslhet Shutizeonagrandagar (xe/xir) said

"This is a huge milestone for equality.  This office has determined that having just two sets of pronouns is oppressive, a legacy of the awful white male patriarchy of the past.
     My office will not tolerate this oppression any longer, and we're working with the members of our party in congress to introduce a bill making these 50 pronouns mandatory for all businesses."

Oh, and that low-IQ wokie company?  Johns Hopkins.

And the head of the office that came up with this mess--which is now absolutely policy, violation of which will get you fired?  "Paula" Neira (pic above) is a tranny who was previously the program director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Transgender and Gender-Expansive Health.

See, all deez folks beez totally rational.  So you mus' obey 'em, or be fired.  See?  Simple.  Onward and upward, citizen! 

Of course you'll never read about this in U.S. Media because even the Lefty wokiez realize it's too absurd to let you know about it.  This came from a clandestine source overseas that's been ruled off-limits to Americans by Fakebook, Yahoo and other gatekeepers.



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