May 28, 2023

Repub speaker of the House, McCarthy, sells us out in budget deal

Well I see that faaabulous negotiator Kevin "RINO" McCarthy used all his skill and brilliance to force the emperor to cut a whopping $50 Billion from future spending!  Yaaayy Kevin!

Wait...what?  Ya say to get that cut Kevin actually agreed to a $4 TRILLION increase in total spending?  Gosh, that would only amount to a cut of a bit over one percent in spending.

Wow, who could have predicted THAT, eh?

Well, other than everyone with an IQ over 80.

We've been sold down the river again, folks.  Wonder what the kickback was to Kev, eh?  $100 million?  biden agreeing to assign him his own Air Force 777 jet, like Nancy got?  (Okay, hers was a 767, but that's a distinction without a difference.)

We know huge annual deficits will eventually be fatal to our nation.  So what would make an honest man sign the death warrant for his country, eh?

To ask the question is to answer it.  Kevin was given *some* quid pro quo.  The only question now is, what was it?


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