May 30, 2023

"If you ban sex-change surgery on minors, they're more prone to suicide"

One of the constant claims by the folks who push sex-change surgery (which they classically call "gender-affirming surgery") on teens is that if those awful Rethuglicans pass laws banning that, the kids have a greater risk of committing suicide.

Anyone recall reading that claim, about a hundred times?  

Well...a study from Sweden examined the suicide rate of trannies in the ten years after sex-change surgery, and found that those who'd received that surgery had a rate of completed suicides 19 times higher than the general population, and nearly three times the rate of all-cause mortality.

A second study, done by the American Journal of Psychiatry on Swedes, shows that so-called  “gender-affirming surgery” does not improve mental health.

The study had initially claimed the surgery DID result in better mental health.  However, after a number of clinicians questioned the study’s validity, the AJP was forced to reverse that claim.

The study now concludes that transgender surgery offers no improvement in mental health and even suggested that there was “an increase in treatment for anxiety after surgery.”

Quite a correction, eh?  Think you'll ever hear about that from any other source?



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