May 29, 2023

New study of "all-cause deaths" in Germany conclusively shows huge increase

If you're like most Americans you think the Chyna virus killed, like, 90% of the folks who got it (if they hadn't taken the faaabulously effective jab), killing a million Americans and roughly ten million or so world-wide.

That's utter horseshit, but you believe it because your government and Mainstream Media told you it was true, and you didn't have any way of knowing it wasn't.

Turns out Big Pharma and corrupt government officials (looking at you, Fauci) conspired to make everyone believe the virus was unusually lethal, and that the only way to survive was a) take the jab; and b) vote by mail.

The key to the scam was how the gruberment declared a "covid death."  The criterion was that if someone died after a "positive PCR test," that death was officially logged as "due to covid," even if it wasn't.

The damn CDC actually sent an email to all U.S. hospitals *telling them* to record deaths after a positive PCR test as "due to covid," knowing that was horseshit.

This distinction was later teased out as "died *from* covid" versus "died *with* covid."  Hell of a difference.

Finally, as country after country re-examined the death data, they drastically lowered their number of covid deaths--death *due to* covid.  Total deaths dropped to roughly a quarter of the original figure.  Hmmm...

So now that you understand how government officials lied to us, now we find the same thing is happening with regard to deaths from the barely-tested, "emergency use only" "vaccine:"  In country after country, more people are dying than the average pre-covid numbers.

Democrat/liberal/idiot: "Dat totally normal!  Cuz duh population grows ebry yeah!  So naturally we have mo' deaths ebry yeah!"

Well there ya go, sparky!  We never imagined that.  Case closed.  Thanks!  

Geez, y'all must think we're really as dumb as your voters, eh?  No, the researchers have accounted for that.

So...since it's difficult to autopsy enough dead people from 2020 and 2021 to get an accurate idea of how many deaths were cunningly reported as "due to covid" when they weren't, many researchers have compared "deaths from all causes" after the vax push to the average percentage pre-virus.

The usefulness of this comparison is that  death (regardless of cause) can be clearly determined, eh?  And highly reliable data on total deaths are available for several advanced countries.  Thus the question of whether a larger percentage of people are dying now than in 2019, 2020 and so on  can be answered with great precision.

Six days ago a paper was published by German researchers, applying this technique to Germany.  What they found was that in 2020--the first year of the virus but before any vaccination--that nation experienced about 4,000 more deaths than the pre-2020 average.

But then in 2021--after huge numbers of Germans had taken the jab--the nation saw 34,000 more deaths than the average.  For 2022--after almost the entire population had taken the jab--66,000 more deaths occurred than expected based on pre-virus data.

If you're reasonably intelligent, these two numbers should be jarring, unexpected, because if the vax either reduces infection or the number of covid deaths, *and is not  itself lethal,* the numbers of excess deaths should have dropped.  Instead the German researchers found the opposite: excess deaths in 2022 were almost double those of 2021.

The authors report the number of deaths for 2022 is over four standard deviations above the historic average.  Of course if you don't understand statistics (and how many Americans really do, eh?) this doesn't mean anything to you.  Fauci and his merry gang of scammers count on that.

Democrat/liberal/moron: "Four isn't a scary number at all!  Four is a very normal number!  So you're just trying to scare people when there's nothing to see here!"

As I noted: very few Americans understand statistics.

The authors of the paper dryly note, "Something must have happened in spring 2021 that led to a sudden and sustained increase in mortality."  Yep.

Democrat/liberal/moron:  "Nah.  Duh Germans may have just had LOTS more accidents in 2021 and 2022!  Yeh, dat's it!  See, your silly 'statistics' don't prove *anything."*

And there you have it, fans:  Gullible people--Democrats--will find a way to sneeringly dismiss every study that contradicts what the biden regime told 'em, no matter how ironclad the study.  biden told 'em they had to take the jab--and get their kids jabbed--if they wanted to live.

Having believed that, and obeyed, human psychology now prevents them from accepting that they were lied to, and have done something that seems likely to harm their health instead of keeping them safe.

Oh, the German researchers also looked at miscarriage *rates.*  They found that in the second quarter of 2021--after millions of German women had taken the jab--the miscarriage *rate* was 9.4% higher than in prior years.  

In the fourth quarter of 2021 the rate was 19.4% higher than in prior years.

Democrat/liberal/moron and lying Fauci: "Dat NOT significant increase!  Or if significant, definitely not caused by safe, effective vaccine!  It caused by Covid!  Yeh, dat's it!  So miscarriage rate wuz way up in 2020 too!  Yep yep yep!  We expects t' have doze numbers in a couple of weeks! Of course we duh only ones who have doze numbers, so you gotta believe anything we tell ya!"

Wait...I've never seen a single claim that miscarriage rates rose in 2020, after covid hit but before the jab.  And you'd *think* that if that rate had been higher in 2020, Fauci and the Mainstream Media would have been bleating that on every evening "newz" broadcast, as more incentive to take the jab, eh?  Yet they didn't.

"Wait, I got it: Dey din' wanna scare Americans.  Yeh, dat's it."

What horseshit.  The whole push was a huge scare story:  "Take the 'vaccine' or you and your kidz will DIE!"  "Vote by mail or you'll DIE!"  "Wear a mask or you'll DIE!"  Yet you expect us to believe that if the miscarriage rate was higher, the scammers would NOT have added that to the scare?

You Dems must think we're all as dumb as your supporters.

To summarize: while it can be difficult to determine the cause of death from a disease that has the same symptoms as many well-known diseases like flue, simply comparing deaths regardless of cause is easy.  Then unless you've had a war or some other identified epidemic, it's easy to compare all-cause deaths against historic rates.!/



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