March 31, 2023

NY Times: A liberal female gets in a fight with her boyfriend over...a kerosene lamp?

A day after the indictment of a former president, we interrupt the analysis of big world-threatening problems to see what some people are arguing about:

The piece below--published by the NY Times, so they love it--is about an ardent female greenie who gets into an argument with her similarly-green boyfriend because he has the climate-denying audacity to use a real, classic, flame-burning lantern for light in his sailboat.  

Seriously.  I've edited it to remove a ton of padding.

We'd been dating for six months when we had a big fight--over the carbon footprint of a kerosene lamp.

We'd finished dinner in the cozy cabin of his sailboat when Doug stood up and banged his head on the kerosene lantern that dangled from the ceiling.

I teased him because he did this almost every night, and then I told him about a book I had been reading that listed kerosene as one of the dirtiest fossil fuels.

“I guess we should probably get a different lantern,” I said. “Maybe LED.”

“I love this lamp,” he said, relighting it. The lamp's warm, yellow light filled the cabin.

Reading by the light of that kerosene lamp felt like going back in time.  But I often wished I had a headlamp when reading, my already poor eyesight undoubtedly worsening as I squinted under the dull glow.  But it did make everything feel romantic.

Still, I told him what I'd read, how kerosene burns dirtier than almost any other fossil fuel and releases carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, both terrible for indoor air quality.

I stumbled over some of the facts. I had listened to the book on tape, and though I had come away convinced that the lantern was bad, I was fuzzy on the details.

“This really doesn’t seem dirty," he said. "There’s no soot, no smell. I think it’s fine.”

“It’s one of the dirtiest fossil fuels you could possibly burn. And it would be so easy to switch. You probably wouldn’t even notice, other than maybe we’d actually be able to see at night. Why are you so resistant to doing something that’s undeniably better for the earth?”

“I don’t care about the carbon footprint of one measly lantern,” he said. “I like it and I’m not going to get rid of it.”

“I hate that you’re so apathetic,” I said.

“You’re being ridiculous,” he said. There was a sharp, loud quality to his voice that I’d never heard before.

At that point, I uttered some sweeping generalization about privileged men and their lack of empathy, which made him furious that I was turning this into a judgment on his character and had gotten all worked up over nothing.

I tried to explain in six different ways why this was important to me and why the impending collapse of the natural world should be explanation enough for why I was upset, but I was doing it with rage in my voice and it was coming out all wrong.

He just kept repeating that he couldn’t understand why we were fighting over this, which made me even more frustrated that he wasn’t listening.

After an hour of fruitless back-and-forth, I was on the verge of tears. The situation felt entirely irreconcilable.  I knew I had taken it too far, yet I couldn’t stop.

Doug is certainly pro-environment. He's spent most of his adult life in the marine conservation field  Still, I worried that the big issues of the world didn’t seem to affect Doug the same way that they affected me.

Our political leanings were more or less aligned, and we shared similar dreams for the future, so I didn’t understand how he managed to go about his life without succumbing to the same existential dread and anger that plagued me.
There's more, and you can click here if you're curious.  One of the amusing things is that after all her bitching, it turns out that what he's using in the lantern is NOT kerosene.  But the real point is how this female writer seems to perfectly represent your average OMG-we're-all-gonna-DIE eco-freak.  

That is, she eagerly jumps into what she describes as the worst argument of their half-year relationship over something she admits she doesn't know much about.  I suspect she actually doesn't know anything about atmospheric physics or global warming (simply because she passed on a great chance to educate Times readers), yet she's totally passionate about arguing for ending the use of a fuel about which she knows nothing but the emotional, non-scientific drivel she's read in the Times and The Atlantic and Vogue.

If you asked her why the push to end carbon fuels is NOT seen in the largest user of coal--China--and she'll have no idea about either point.  She won't believe China burns more coal than any other country, or that it opens an average of two new coal-fired generating plants every WEEK.

She also won't believe there is NO public or government pressure in China to do away with carbon fuels--because the Chinese know coal is a great way to make low-cost, abundant electricity, which makes life more productive. Killing carbon fuels makes life harder.  The people of China haven't been propagandized by their media and government to hate such a valuable thing as energy.  

So while your rulers here passed laws to charge consumers more to pay to build bird-killing, unreliable wind turbines, the Chinese build reliable, long-lived coal-fired generating plants.  Hmmm...

But the gal writing this piece for the liberal/Democrat Times knows nothing of this.  All she "knows" is that the level of CO2 in the air is higher than at any time in history!  Oh wait...that's a brazen lie.

My bet is she has no idea what percentage of the atmosphere is CO2--not within a factor of ten.  She also doesn't know that a few thousand years ago CO2 levels were 20 times higher than now, and yet the world didn't burn up.  Didn't even get much warmer than today.  Yet the theory by the "warmies" is that rising CO2 will turn the Earth into a big desert and flood all the coastal cities.

I routinely ask my college students what gas is the largest component of air.  Nine out of ten say CO2.  When I tell them air is actually 79% nitrogen and 19% oxygen, you can see the confusion in their eyes.  They realize that means CO2 can't be over one percent.

When I tell 'em CO2 actually comprises just four one-hundredths of one percent of the air, and that plants grow better with higher CO2 than we have now, you can really see the wheels starting to spin.

Finally, when I tell 'em moronic politicians ruling the EU is passing "rules" to limit the amount of fertilizer farmers can use, and that pols ruling Europe's biggest food exporter (the Netherlands) are buying up farmland and shutting down farms, all to limit a so-called greenhouse gas claimed to be "worse than CO2," they start to open their eyes.

Nancy Pelosi (recently Speaker of the House) says our system requires the accused to prove they're *innocent*!

For young Americans:  the Speaker of the House is the top post in the U.S. House of Representatives--which is one of the two chambers of congress that passes (or fails to pass) "laws."

Again for young Americans:  Thanks to Democrats, the ludicrous, corrupt Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House--again, the top post in that chamber--from 2007 to 2011 and again from 2019 to 2023.  

Got it so far?  Good.

Now: a sane person would think that the f*ckin' top dog in the House would have at least a vague idea of how the Constitution and the U.S. legal system works, eh?  I mean, wouldn't you hope?

So...after the corrupt DA of NYC--a fat black corruptocrat named Alvin Bragg--indicted Trump yesterday, Nancy got on Twatter to proclaim this:

Wait...Nancy thinks that "everyone has the right to a trial TO PROVE INNOCENCE"???

For young Americans:  One of the most basic principles of American "jurisprudence" (law) is that everyone charged with a crime is "presumed innocent" unless proven guilty.  The accused does NOT have to prove innocence.  Instead the government is required to prove that the accused is guilty.  HUGE difference.

Got it?  Good.  

Now, the BIG question is: Does corruptocrat Pelosi really believe what she tweeted--that U.S. law requires accused persons to prove their innocence, instead of the gruberment having to prove guilt?  Is she really that ignorant?

That's actually quite likely.  Of course if she responds at all, she'll claim that she knew that, and simply had a brain-freeze or something equally amusing. 

Of course there's also another possible explanation: that Pelosi has dementia. In that case te question is, when did this condition appear?  My guess is a decade ago, after too many facelifts and botox injections.

Now, you can't believe Pelosi really said that, eh?  Cuz she SMAHT, right?  She beez duh Democrat chosen by duh uddah Democrats to bee duh Speekur ov duh House, right?  So dat mean dey thought she mus' be smaht, eh?  Or honest, or something, hopefully.  Anyway, if you don't believe it, click here to see her tweet.

Mainstream Media supports the "tranny mafia" in opposing bills limiting any type of "transitioning" to 18+

One of the many traits most conservatives share is a willingness to "live and let live:"  If you wanna smoke pine tar while kissing a camel, knock yourself out.

By huge contrast, while Leftists demand to be allowed to do whatever they want, they also share a bizarre common trait: they DEMAND that the rest of us support their fetishes--that the rest of us totally  support their delusions.  

So when people began to realize that the "tranny mafia"--including some teachers and administrators in public schools--were pushing children under 18--sometimes as young as ten!--to "transition" to the opposite gender, and knowing kids under 18 are often *very* easily persuaded to make harmful decisions, state legislatures across the country began passing laws making it illegal to give kids under 18 cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers or mutilating surgery.

Not one of these laws prevents adults from taking cross-sex hormones, or chopping off body parts.  But the tranny mafia--and their enthusiastic allies in the Lying Mainstream Media--are implying that the new laws do that.  But they don't.  Not one.  It's a deliberate, cunning lie, designed to make people support the tranny movement.

Laws are being passed because more people are starting to realize that the transgender craze is about the tranny mafia convincing kids as young as ten that they need to "transition."  

The intolerant, authoritarian Left realizes Americans are beginning to wake up, so they're doubling their efforts to try to intimidate Americans into shutting up and not supporting bills that prevent the tranny mafia from pressuring minors to "transition."

Again, not one of the state laws--either passed or proposed--prevents people from taking any hormone or chopping off any body part once they turn 18.

Now: Every state has laws restricting minors from drinking alcohol, and limiting driving to those 16 and over.  There are good reasons for those laws.  But the tranny mafia and their leftist media allies are arguing (and will continue to argue forever) that society doesn't have the right to restrict the actions of kids under 18 when it comes to making irreversible, life-changing decisions.

I'd love to debate the tranny mafia on this: "Is so-called 'gender-affirming surgery reversible?  Yes or no."  "Do you believe society reasonably restricts kids under 18 from drinking alcohol?  Those under 16 from driving?  Yet you claim it's unconscionable for society to pass laws preventing minors from making irreversible, life-altering decisions regarding 'transitioning'?

Do please go for that, tranny mafia.  And I can't wait for all the Dems to support you on that.  And they will, because they're "woke."

March 30, 2023

Tranny murders six in Nashville school; NBC says the REAL story is "fear in the trans community"

Wanna see how quickly a thoroughly amoral, corrupt media can re-write an event to create a totally new Narrative that completely, utterly changes the crux of an incident?  

Barely one day after a tranny murdered three 9-year-old kids and three adults at a Christian school in Nashville, NBC gives Americans the totally new Narrative, that makes the victims...the trans community.  Seriously.

"Fear pervades trans community amid focus on Nashville shooter's gender identity"
So...per the scum at NBC, the real story in the shooting is NOT the three innocent 9-year-old student victims, or the three adults, all shot in cold blood by the mentally ill tranny, but...the fact that the tranny community is "fearful."

Wait...a tranny killed six people, and NBC claims the real story is "fear in the trans community"?  What an outrageous inversion of reality!

"Shortly after news broke Monday of a fatal shooting at a private Christian Nashville elementary school, police said the suspect was transgender. This detail, according to trans people in the state, has poured fuel on an already combustive environment that has led many of them to fear for their safety.   

Police say Audrey Hale, who was killed by responding officers, fatally shot three 9-year-old students and three staffers at the Covenant School.

Though police have said there is no known motive for the shooting, some conservatives have blamed the shooting on the suspect’s gender identity. Within 10 minutes of police saying that the suspect was transgender, the hashtag #TransTerrorism trended on Twitter.

Around the same time, Republican lawmakers — including Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, and conservative firebrand Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. — insinuated in social media posts that the shooter’s gender identity played a role in the shooting.

Stop. Right. There.  "How dare they insinuate that,"eh?  Well, see, it's a thing the queer reporters at NBC think you don't have, called "logic."  See, Nashville cops reported that the shooter had left a "manifesto."  So does anyone think this "manifesto" is actually about the killer's complaints about, oh, high inflation?  The staggering national debt?  Open borders?  Friends killed by fentanyl overdose?  Bank fraud?  Biden ordering the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines?

Oh sure, it's possible.  But logic says it's 99% certain that the tranny was furious because her parents didn't agree to her demands that they agree she was really "Aidan," a male.

Now, if the "journalists" at NBC would like to bet, say, a thousand dollars that the killer's "manifesto" is NOT about her being furious that her parents and society weren't catering to her demands, I'll take the bet.  Here's NBC again:

And by Tuesday morning, the cover of the Rupert Murdoch-owned New York Post read: “Transgender killer targets Christian school.” 

Oooh, NBC's queer reporters are wailing about the Post's cover, eh?  Let's see:  Was the killer a tranny?  Check.  Did the tranny shoot her way into a Christian school--knowing it was a Christian school--to kill?  Check.  So where's the alleged error, eh?

There isn't one.  But NBC wants trannies to be furious, so they bitch about the Post headline.  Anything to fan the flames.

“We are terrified for the LGBTQ community here,” said a trans activist.  “More blood’s going to be shed, and it’s not going to be shed in a school.”  A transgender drag performer hosting a drag show at a gay bar in Nashville this weekend said she's planning to hire armed guards.

Again, a tranny killed six people, including three children, in cold blood just one day earlier, and no one has shot a tranny.  But the pro-tranny morons at NBC have made the entire story about how scared the murderer's community is.  Wow.

“You don’t know if [the shooter’s gender identity] is going to trigger a community of people who already hated us to come and try to shoot us to prove a point.  There’s a lot of hurt, anger and confusion.

You'd think the story would be about the grief felt by the parents of the murdered kids, and the families of the murdered adults.  But NO.  Instead, the pro-tranny mafia at NBC want you to believe the real about "hurt, anger and confusion" in the tranny community.  Wow.

Nashville's police chief said a motive for the shooting was still unknown.  But the day of the shooting, when asked if the shooter's motive was connected to their "identity," he said “There is some theory to that.  It's unclear how police knew that the suspect was transgender.

Well, there were all her social media posts.  But maybe NBC thinks cops shouldn't be allowed to examine those, eh?  Plus, look at the next 'graf, where the NBC "journalists" got their info know.

Trans men are assigned female at birth and identify as men, while trans women are assigned male at birth and identify as women. When asked Monday whether Hale was a trans man or trans woman, Drake said “woman,” though Hale’s LinkedIn account and interviews with those who knew Hale indicate otherwise.

The headmaster of The Covenant School from 2004 to 2008 said Hale attended the school as a child in 2005 and 2006 and identified as female during that time.  As an adult, though, it appears Hale may not have identified as female. Hale’s LinkedIn page, which has since been removed, states that Hale used “he” and “him” pronouns.

Well, guess the question of tranny has been settled, even though NBC was wailing that the police chief had no right to assume the killer was trans, eh?

Another trans activist said “I knew as soon as anyone mentioned that, it was immediately going to become the center focus, instead of what should be the focus, and that’s gun violence in this country.

No.  About half of all households have guns.  Almost none of those guns go kill people by themselves.  By contrast, crazy or angry people with guns kill.  That's the problem.  Every year about 40,000 Americans are killed in car accidents.  Does anyone blame cars?  Anyone think the government should ban cars?  Of course not.

The activist also condemned police for saying the person thought to be involved in the incident was transgender before they were absolutely certain. “I think it was unethical to release that information, which they knew could cause backlash on the trans community.  It’s unconscionable.  We were already fearing for our lives. Now it’s even worse.”

Remind us again: who got killed?  And who killed those innocents?  Oh, yeah, right.

Over the last several years many bills targeting LGBTQ people have been introduced in state legislatures, including Tennessee.  So far this year Tennessee lawmakers passed two bills targeting LGBTQ people:  One that criminalizes *some* drag performances takes effect Saturday, and another that will ban gender-affirming care for the state’s minors becomes effective July 1.  

This is a carefully crafted effort to conceal the truth: the bill criminalizing "some" drag performances says kids under 16 can't attend them.  We don't let kids drink alcohol, while it's fine for adults.  Got it?
   Second careful lie: the second bill outlaws giving kids under 18 puberty-blocking hormones, and cross-sex hormones, and performing sex-change surgery on minors.  Same reasoning as underage drinking.  Liberals don't *openly* complain about laws making underage drinking illegal, cuz they know most adults will shut 'em down damn quick.  Oh, but *this is different*, eh?

Threats and attacks of violence directed at the LGBTQ community have spiked recently, with drag performances becoming a particularly popular target. 

Remind us again: Who just got murdered in cold blood, without provocation?  And who was the murderer?  Cuz some people already have forgotten, eh?  Cuz the *real* story know.<<

If there's any justice in the universe, all the NBC folks who wrote this ghastly propaganda piece will burn in hell. You cunning rat-b*stards know exactly what you're doing.

March 29, 2023

First female VP in history is touring Africa, signs "friendship proclamation" written in local language. Hilarity ensues

WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Kamala Harris--widely considered the smartest VP in U.S. history --is in Africa this week "to deepen and reframe U.S. relationships in Africa."

The weeklong trip is just the latest and highest-profile outreach by the Biden-Harris-Democrat administration.  Harris is the first person of color and first woman to serve as U.S. VP so everyone is eager to meet her and hear her brilliant, inspiring words.

Harris is visiting Ghana, Tanzania and Zambia, focusing on climate change, economic development, food security and allowing more Africans to become U.S. citizens.

"Everybody is excited about Kamala Harris," said Idayat Hassan, director of the Centre for Nigerian Enrichment. "She shows us you can be anything you want to be, including men becoming women.  That's what she represents to many of us."

A centerpiece of Harris' trip will be a speech in Accra and a visit to a port where enslaved Africans were once loaded onto ships for America, which invented slavery.  

Her itinerary also includes several stops "intended to highlight the dynamic future of a continent where the median age is just 19."  Her office didn't comment on what that meant.

Harris met with female entrepreneurs and influential members of the large transgender community in Accra. Administration officials say they want to portray Africa as the best place for investment--especially investment in female-run or transgender-run businesses.

"I am an optimist about what lies ahead for Africa and, by extension, for the world, because of you — because of your energy, your ambition, and your ability to transform seemingly intractable problems into opportunities," she said. "Simply put, it's your ability to see what can be, unburdened by what has been.  We in the U.S. are learning from your wisdom.  You're setting an example for all the white racists in the U.S."

Some amusement ensued when Harris signed what was presented as a "friendship proclamation" with each of the nations she visited, plus Nigeria. the presidents of all three nations she visited, plus Nigeria, 

The proclamations were written in the local language, which no one in the VP's 153-person entourage could read, and one un-named insider said Harris was advised not to sign anything without knowing what it said.  But the VP shrugged off the advice, saying declining to sign a friendship proclamation would be an insult to her hosts.

She also said she had had "very rewarding experiences" with two Nigerian princes who she'd helped to recover personal fortunes seized by a previous dictator.

The presidents of the four African nations then claimed the document Harris signed had deeded the U.S. Capitol building and the White House to them.  

When local newspapers reported that Harris had indeed signed a paper deeding both the Capitol and the White House to her hosts, a spokesperson for her office said the whole thing was a joke.

Back in Washington, spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre said "No one could possibly believe the first female Vice-President of the U.S.--and the first person of color to hold that office--who is considered the smartest vice-president ever--would be foolish enough to sign a document without reading and understanding it.  The only people we expect to do things without knowing what they mean are members of congress.  Well, and voters."

March 28, 2023

ABC slobbers over "re-transitioning" former de-transitioner, lies about safety of cross-sex hormones

The demonic, Democrat-fellating TV network ABC has fully supported the ludicrous group of mental cases calling themselves "transgenders."  And now they've found a new "hero":  A biological woman who decided she wanted to be a man.  

But after taking male hormones for a couple of years she had second thoughts, and stopped taking them for awhile, considering herself a "detransitioner."  But eventually she changed her mind again and is now back on male hormones.  So ABC is absolutely giddy with excitement about how utterly wonderful that is.

Before the ages of 16-18, youth are treated with reversible treatments based on guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Oh, ABC assures us that the "treatments" are "reversible."  That has NEVER been established, yet ABC just ASSURED all Americans that the "treatments" are reversible.  Here's ABC again:

Irreversible medical interventions, such as surgeries, are typically only done with consenting adults, or older teens who have worked through the decision with their families and physicians over a long period of time...

Notice that weasel-word loophole "typically."  How many readers notice it?  The problem is NOT with adults choosing to take cross-sex hormones or submit to surgical surmutilation.  Hey, knock yourselves out.  Problem is with greedy or morally corrupt hospitals and doctors giving hormones and surgeries to kids under 18.

Just so everyone is clear, adults--who, for the terminally confused, were all kids before they got older--have long recognized that kids make crazy decisions, sometimes for dumb reasons.  That's why we don't give 'em driver's licenses before 16.  We don't let 'em legally drink alcohol before 18 or 21, depending on the state.  So it seems totally reasonable to pass laws saying they can't make life-altering decisions before age 18.

But ABC and the rest of the pro-tranny mafia disagrees.  And since the gruberment long ago gave the networks licenses to broadcast over the air, we can't keep ABC and the other networks from supporting whatever the Democrat Party wants. 


Progressives Locked Out Of Accounts After CAPTCHA Asks 'Select All Squares That Contain A Woman'

Progressives across the U.S. were unable to access their accounts after a CAPTCHA authentication challenge asked users to click which squares showed a woman.

"I'm not a biologist!" cried local man Lucas Fitzgerald. "What kind of sick joke is this?"

Hundreds of thousands of liberal users couldn't access online accounts as the users repeatedly failed the test designed to distinguish humans from robots. "Thousands of customers have called asking what the secret is to recognizing a woman," said Bank of America executive Lacy Reynolds. "I honestly don't know how to explain it in any simpler terms. The good news is that if they're locked out they can't withdraw any money, so it's been a real help during this banking crisis."

The company that creates CAPTCHA questions defended the question: "We have tons of data showing that three-year-olds can identify images showing woman," said a spokesman. "So can the vast majority of household pets. So we thought it was an easy authentication. We didn't think it was any harder than picking which images contained cars or traffic lights."

H/T: The Babylon Bee

March 26, 2023

Tranny mafia physically attacks speaker who says--accurately--that men can't become actual women

If you get your "news" from the Mainstream American Media you have almost no idea of what's happening in the rest of the world.

You think the MSM would tell you what's going on overseas, but that's not even remotely true.  As anyone with an IQ over 80 could predict, the Media tells you only what they--and the ruling regime-- want you to know.  They get away with that because they know almost no one in the U.S. gets information direct from overseas sources.

With this in mind I want to show you how totally the tranny mafia have taken over both Australia and New Zealand.

Average American: "I don't live in either of those countries so why should I care about that?"

Because everything I'm about to describe is already happening in the U.S.  You just haven't heard about it yet--because "your" Mainstream Media never tells you about those attacks.  Again, what happened in New Zealand yesterday has already happened here.  But if you get your "newz" from the Mainstream Media you never heard about it.

For example, are you familiar with the acronym "TERF"?  If you haven't heard that term, and know its meaning, that proves the point--because that's a propaganda term used by the tranny mafia world-wide to inflame their followers and shut down critics.

So with that as background:  Every Mainstream Media outlet buys the lie that if you don't think men can become women just by saying so, you're "anti-trans rights."

Not "pro-science," or "pro-sanity" but "anti-trans rights."

And of course everyone in western nations has been conned into believing that anyone who opposes what someone else claims is their "right" is a bad person, eh?

By that "logic," the Media could demonize anyone who opposed, say, serial killers and being "anti-killer rights."  You think that's absurd, but the principle is exactly the same.

No one says trannies shouldn't be allowed to vote, or fly commercial, or buy property, et cetera.  So how does the Media get away with writing headlines saying "Anti-trans rights activists..."?  It's not because they want to take away a real "right," but because "activists" say "Men can't be women."

Let me be clear: You have the right to claim you're a turnip.  That doesn't make you a turnip.  And you do NOT have the right to FORCE the entire society to accept your delusion, no matter how fervently the wacko demanding it may believe it's true.

Got it?  Trannies claim they have the right to "BE" women (and women to "BE" men), and anyone who opposes that is taking away what they claim is their "right."

So...yesterday a biological woman who--like most rational people--doesn't believe men can become women attempted to speak in New Zealand.  The tranny mafia attacked her, throwing eggs at her and pouring various liquids on her head, while the regime cops stood by and did nothing.

The attacks didn't stop until she was escorted away, prevented from speaking.  And the trannies positively gloated.  So she was attacked, prevented from speaking and forced to flee.  Now take a look at how this event was "reported" by SkyNews Australia:

Anti-trans rights activist Posie Parker hits out at New Zealand after fleeing the country

An outspoken anti-trans rights campaigner has taken a parting shot at New Zealand after fleeing the country following a huge counter-protest at one of her rallies.

Anti-trans rights campaigner [Posie Parker] has hit out at New Zealand after fleeing the country following an altercation at one of her rallies. The British activist has been conducting a “Let Women Speak” tour of Australia and New Zealand.

She was holding an event at Auckland’s Albert Park, where her supporters were vastly outnumbered by thousands of counter-protesters chanting “go home Posie."

The counter-protesters, many of whom held signs emblazoned with messages of support for trans youth, managed to drown out Ms Keen’s voice when she took to the rotunda at Albert Park.

When she appeared on the stage, the anti-trans activist had juice, water and eggs flung at her.  Eliana Rubashkyn, an intersex and trans activist, poured a litre of tomato juice on Ms Keen’s head, which she said represented the blood of “our people.”

[The tranny attacker] told the media after the altercation that she had attended the event to “stop the hate against our communities.”

Roll that around for a minute: The tranny who physically attacked the person seeking to speak--pouring tomato juice on her--has the gall to claim the tranny was seeking to "stop the hate," eh?  And the totally corrupt media printed that without a single critical word.

"New Zealand needs to stand up in front of the world and say this is not welcome here," said the activist. "We protect trans people.”

"Protect trans people..." from what?  From people who know biology?  From people who say--quite accurately--that men can't become women?

Ms Keen left the event surrounded by police shortly after the tomato juice incident, cutting her rally shortly before she was able to address supporters.

Note how the Media doesn't describe this as "an attack," but  merely "an incident."  Think they'd use this soft term if the roles were reversed?  Not even remotely.  Once again, mission accomplished for the tranny mafia and their government supporters--including the cops.

Upon leaving the event, she demanded [note the use of what's called a "flag word"--a pejorative] to be taken to a police station, citing fears for her life.

She later said she left New Zealand on the advice of police, who “genuinely believed” she was lucky to be alive.

LGBTQIA+ advocacy group Auckland Pride rejected [Parker's] claims, saying there had been no physical threat to the activist.

“We reject this narrative. We are of the firm belief that the demonstration of unity, celebration, and acceptance … was too loud to overcome and the reason for her departure, not the actions of any one individual,” the advocacy group said in a statement.

“We also reject that there was any further physical threat from our community towards Parker.  This is a baseless rumour that is being perpetrated by those who feel defeated by the events of today.”

The 48-year-old activist had faced a battle to enter the country after Immigration New Zealand reviewed her entry to the country following her Melbourne event which was attended by neo-Nazis. 
The pro-tranny Media was eager to work the term "Nazi" into the story of an attack by trannies in New Zealand, so they went to a different continent and a week earlier to do that.  Clever.  

Yes, there were Nazis in New Zealand.  But it's not Posie Parker, it's the tranny mafia.

Posie Parker after being attacked by tranny mafia in New Zealand

        "Admiral" Richard Levine, appointed by biden as top "health officer" in the Dept. of HHS


What do you see in the clip below?

Got a minute and 15 seconds?  Watch the vid at this link.  It's all from live broadcast television.

What did you see?

Mainstream Media: "Oh you silly deplorables!  Dat all FAKE!  All staged by FAUX Newz!  Disinformation!  A subversive effort to make people doubt the brilliant guidance of Anthony Fauci (a.k.a. "Doctor Science") and the wise leadership of our wonderful Democrat president!  All staged by stupid, deplorable Rethuglicans like Marjorie Taylor Greene!  Yeah!"

Every member of duh Biden regime:  "YEAH, what the MSM said!  You shouldn't watch silly misinformation like this!  You deplorables don't know that reading things on TV is hard work!  Doze lights beez reel hot!  So people reading duh newz have always passed out on camera!  You just never noticed it before.  Yeah, dat's it!"

Mainstream Media and CDC: "And don't forget to take your boosters!"

Okay, satire aside: The biden regime ORDERED all Americans working for companies with 100 or more employees to get the shot or be fired.  Almost all American workers complied.  And because Americans believed the bullshit that the jab was "safe and effective," the moment the FDA/CDC gave "emergency-use authorization" for kids as young as 2 to take the jab, most parents rushed to get their kids jabbed.

For any who didn't rush to get their kids jabbed, Democrat-ruled school boards settled THAT by ORDERING parents to make their kids take the jab in order to attend school.  Tyranny, anyone?  Nah, it jus' like "mandatory vaccinations" that everyone has accepted for years.  Anyone who doesn't get their kid vaccinated is demonized as a "vaccine denier."

SO...IF lots more Americans are dying than normal ("wait, dat not happening", eh?), then would you expect the biden regime--which ORDERED the jab for everyone--to EVER admit error?  To honestly investigate the reason for all the excess deaths?

Of course not.  And sure enough, the regime has so far utterly, totally refused to investigate.  As far as they're concerned, this isn't happening.

So who's right?  The regime, with its ENDLESS excuses for why dis perfectly normal, or your lyin eyes? 

And if the evidence you see in the video above--and hundreds like it--is authentic, I predict that as Americans wake up and call for the lying, corrupt rat-bastards to be tried, prosecuted and executed, you'll see the regime begin throwing critics in prison--probably on alleged "national security" grounds--to silence critics and avoid being prosecuted.

"Dat crazy!  Dat couldn't happen!  Dis America, an' you can't throw people in jail without an indictment and trial and bail and disclosing all exculpatory evidence, and..."

Oh, you mean what the regime has done to 200 prisoners they arrested after Jan 6th?  Really?

March 24, 2023

How many regime cops ("capitol cops"?) do ya think it would take to put down this many citizens?

When a thousand citizens--furious over the many stupid policies of the elites who RULE them--hit the streets, a few hundred regime cops can disperse them and arrest as many as they want fairly easily.  (See Jan 6th "protests.")

But what happens when millions of angry citizens hit the streets?  The elites who rule France are about to find out.  Click here to see the video below.  Otherwise you won't believe it.




Of course this will NEVAH happen here in what was once called "The land of the free, and the home of the brave," because almost everyone born and raised in the U.S. has been thoroughly conditioned to obey, regardless of outrageous regime policies--like ORDERING your 5-year-old to take a dangerous, ineffective injection, or proposing to raise your taxes by a stunning 77 percent.  (Oh wait, you didn't hear about that?  Gee, what a shock.)

Mainstream Media: "Dis not happening!  Dis FAKE NEWZ!  You LIE!"

Really, Sparky?  Take another look.  Now for readers: do a google search for "huge riots in France" and see if you find anything from this week.  You'll find nothing from American media.  There's a reason.

Mainstream Media: "Dis really jus' a peaceful, joyous expression of support for duh gummint.  Really!"

Really?  Click this link to see the city hall in Bordeaux, France 20 hours ago.. It seems that citizens have made their displeasure known--totally peacefully, of course.  Perhaps our betters in the Mainstream Media could tell us what happened, eh?

Mainstream Media: "Fire was caused by a lightning strike."  "Wait, it was hit by a Russian missile intended for Ukraine!"  "Nah, dis is file footage from World War 2."  "Nah, whut akshuly happened is that an ambulance was taking a seriously ill young immigrant girl to the hospital, skidded on some ice, slammed into the building and caught fire.  Yeah, dat it.  We goin' wit dat.--cuz it best.  Jus' bad luck dat it happened to skid right into the main entrance!"

Only two groups of Americans escaped the "obey" conditioning:  One is thugs, who rob and murder innocent victims with impunity.  The other is the "elites," because they've rigged the system so they're NEVER even charged for their crimes, let alone punished.  Think Fauci, the Biden family, Pelosi.

Your rulers are happy, smug and wealthy.  So...nothing to worry about, citizen.  Everyone can go back to watching "Dancing with the Stars."  Or March Madness, or the NBA or any other diversion.

Oh, and be sure to take the latest "booster," citizen.  Otherwise your "social credit score" will go way down and the regime will order your bank to freeze your bank account.

But of course that won't happen, right?  Cuz you'll do as you're told.  Good.

You will never see this clip on any Mainstream Media outlet. Why?

Janet Yellen--biden's incompetent Secretary of the Treasury--is being questioned before the U.S. senate.

Question:  "Isn't it a fact that the president's proposed budget contains $4.7 TRILLION in new taxes?"

Yellen: [long pause as she stares at her notes[:  "Yes, something like that."  

You have to see the video to see how resluctant she is to admit the truth.  She obviously knew whtat was in the budget proposal (since she would have been part of any discussion of WHY the regime is proposing $4.7 TRILLION in new taxes), but clearly doesn't want to admit that before the cameras,.  So her long pause before answering seems to be because she's trying to find some way to avoid answering.  Wow.

Hey, just for fun, anyone have any idea what the entire budget is for this FY?

Try a google search.  Examine all the "official" bullshit--thousands of pages--spewed by the regime.  Try to find the total.  Good luck.  But non-government people have taken the time to chase down the number, and here it is:

 NOW as you can see, the TOTAL federal budget for FY 2022 is $6.1 TRILLION.  And the regime wants to INCREASE taxes by $4.7 TRILLION, or 77 percent of the entire current budget.

Increasing taxes by 77%.  WOW!  You'll never see THAT on any evening news, eh?

March 22, 2023

Duh wokiez at "USA Today" name their "Women of the Year." And you already guessed...

USA Today recently named its "Women of the Year."  

Normally you wouldn't think a state representative (not U.S.) who'd only been in office for three months and hadn't done anything noteworthy would make that list, eh?

But of course we're being ruled by duh wokiez, so none of duh old pre-woke standards apply.

So duh wokiez at USA Today named a freshman state lawmaker--elected just three months earlier--as its "Woman of the Year" for Minnesota.

So what had this brand-new Democrat state rep done that so impressed duh wokiez to get them to bestow this "honor"?  Gotten a faaaabulous law passed?  Gotten the legislature to pass yet another resolution honoring Saint George Floyd?  Gotten the state to eliminate police forces for large cities?

Actually just one thing: State Rep. Leigh Finke is the first openly transgender person to be elected to the Minnesota legislature.  But you already guessed that, eh?

Last year USA Today named the transgender Biden appointed to head the "Health" division of HHS,  Richard Levine, as one its "Women of the Year."  And earlier this month biden's  Secretary of State Antony Blinken presented a transgender from Argentina with an award as a "Woman of Courage" on International Women's Day.

Named "America's first female Admiral" by the lunatic biden

This just gets better and better.  Meaning, of course...

Thanks, Democrats.  You did this, and you're proud of it.  Positively gloating about it, eh?  And you'll convince yourselves that it's made other countries respect the U.S. SO much more.  Cuz you woke. 

One of USA Today's "Women of the Year," eh?


Leftist rag wails that teen who sold fentanyl to another, who died from it, shouldn't be prosecuted, cuz...

If you wanna find one of the biggest causes of the drug epidemic in America, it's the staff of total leftist rags like the aptly-named "Vice."  They push the idea that illicit drugs are really okay, and wail about how awful it is that a few states have the gall to prosecute young teens for selling lethal drugs to other teens.  They claim this is cruel and un-hip.

"How dare anyone prosecute teens for selling lethal drugs," eh Vice?  So when that happened recently, here's how Vice wrote the headline:  Not "Teen dies after taking fentanyl bought from a 15-year-old," but...

15-Year-Old Facing 40 Years After Allegedly Selling Fentanyl to Teen Who Died
    --by Manisha Krishnan, February 21, 2023
To the destroyers at Vice, the REAL story here is NOT that a 15-year-old sold deadly fentanyl to another teen--who died from taking it--but that the poor, unfortunate seller is facing a possible long prison sentence for doing so.

Anyone wanna bet on the sentence the 15-year-old who sold the deadly drug actually gets?  I predict she'll be sentenced to not more than 18 months in juvie, thanks to destroyers like Vice (and every leftist on their corrupt staff).  She'll get a minimal sentence cuz Vice claims "the brain of a teen isn't fully developed, so they don't have the ability to make good decisions," eh?  

Well, unless we're talking about a decision the destroyers at Vice totally support, like 13-year-olds deciding to "transition" to the opposite sex.  In that case Vice quietly rejects their current claim that teens can't make good decisions, cuz...reasons.

Starting to see the contradiction yet?  They don't care if Americans notice that they constantly contradict their earlier positions, because the destroyers know most readers never notice the contradictions--which are cunningly buried by the Media.  Every time.

Subhead from Vice: "The girl...was selling fentanyl to pay off a drug debt"

So, see, citizen?  It wasn't her fault dat she sold...somethin'!  Cuz she wuz forced to sell...somethin' pay off a debt of some sort.  So how kin any mean ol' Rethuglican even think of prosecuting this po' chile' fo' bein' forced to sell drugs?  Cuz she had to, to pay off a debt.  See?

"A 15-year-old Wisconsin girl has been charged as an adult for allegedly selling another teen fentanyl that caused him to die of an overdose, in one of the more extreme examples of a death-by-dealer case."

See, dis' beez an "extreme example of a "death-by-dealer"case.  Cuz in other cases where people die from taking illegal drugs, doze are NOT "extreme."  See, dey jus' "normal" examples, not "extreme."  Yep yep yep.

"In Wisconsin, anyone accused of causing the death of another person by providing or selling drugs is charged with reckless homicide, a class C felony. It’s one of 16 states where children as young as 10 who are accused of homicide offenses are automatically charged as adults; it’s also one of three states where 17-year-olds charged with crimes are automatically considered adults."

Vice: "Dat jus' AWFUL!  We cain't have doze deplorable states prosecuting teens who sell illegal drugs that result in "extreme" deaths!  Cuz duh brain of duh teens ain't fully formed!  Cain't make gud decisions!  Well, know."

Oh, you think I'm putting words in the mouth of the destroyers?  Read on:

"But legal and medical experts told VICE News that trying children as adults, particularly when they may be using drugs, is unfair because adolescent brains aren’t fully developed. They also said charging people with homicide when they’re linked to a fatal overdose could exacerbate the overdose crisis by making people scared to call for help."

That last sentence is a hoot: The drug seller is almost never present when the buyer is dying.  So the "too scared to call for help" is pure drama...propaganda to hook stupid liberals.  And of course it works.

"Wisconsin is one of 23 states that has drug-induced homicide laws, and officials pursue those cases aggressively. The state is third in the country for drug-induced homicide prosecutions, and the majority of cases involved friends and family members of the people who died or low-level dealers."

See?  Yew don' wanna prosecute "friends" or fambly memberz, or even "low-level dealers," right?  Cuz if some po' kid sells less than 1000 pills, dey shud nevah be prosecuted.  Deez awful prosecutors jus' goin' aftah dis' po' young girl cuz she eazy pickins!

"The girl, who is just four feet tall and 100 pounds, lived with her grandmother...."

The destroyers who run Vice want to make readers push for the seller to get either no time in juvie, or a minimal sentence.  Cuz dey want drugs all through society.  An' duh defs?  Doze ain't a big deal, cuz "free will," eh?  See, doze ol' white guyz who wrote doze ol' documents said dis' a free country, so dat mean ya should be able to take any drug you want, eh?  So duh guy who bought duh pills had duh absolute right to ingest anything he wanted!  Free will, dudes!

"Police seized 775 fentanyl pills, almost $4,000 in cash, and weed cartridges from the girl’s room."

"Low-level dealer," eh?

"The girl said she was selling the pills in part to pay off a $500 drug debt she had racked up...."

Ah.  So a $500 "drug debt" and she's got $4,000 in cash in her room.  Makes sense, right?  Must be "compound interest" or somethin'.  Ask the crooks who ran Silicon Valley Bank--they can explain dat financial stuff.

"The girl eventually admitted [selling the pills to the dead guy] the night before he died."

And yet Vice uses "alleged sale" several times.  If she admitted it, the use of "alleged" seems like bullshit.  

And now--utterly predictably-- the article quotes an "associate law professor at the University of Wisconsin," Ion Meyn, saying statutes that charge young people as adults are “medieval.”  He says prosecutors must show that a teenager was “aware that they created an unreasonable and substantial risk of death,” which is at odds with how teenage brains work.  Well, except know.

Quoth Ion, “Adolescents are...reckless...because they are teenagers.... They can't control their impulses. They don't weigh consequences of their actions. They can’t resist peer pressure.”

You bet, destroyers.  You claim teenagers make poor decisions cuz dey "can't control their impulses" and "can't resist peer pressure."  And yet somehow this reasonable claim mysteriously vanishes when leftists claim teens are, like, totally qualified to make life-changing decisions to "transition" at age 13 or so.  In dat case dey totally mature, able to make sound, reasoned decisions.  Yep yep yep.

“In this case she was subject to an older dealer who was pushing her to sell these [pills] laced with fentanyl.”

Say, did the cops ever ask her who this "older dealer" was?  You'd think competent cops would have been VERY interested in finding out, right?  And you'd think the answer would be a prominent part of this story, even if she refused to name the "older dealer."  But if duh cops did ask her, dat part of duh story is of no interest to Vice.  Now why would that be, eh?

Here's Vice, again pushing for no charges:
"Dr. Jessica Gray, a family and addiction medicine specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital, said it’s not uncommon for people to sell fentanyl to pay for their own drugs.

“A teenager with an active substance use a medical condition and charging her with murder as an adult is really no solution,” Gray said.

Ah, a "substance use disorder," eh?  Much more soothing than "drug addiction."

"Gray said the frontal lobe of someone’s brain, which gives them pause before making rash decisions, isn’t fully developed until they’re around 25 years old."  “...they don't have enough of their frontal lobe development to be able to make smart decisions,” Gray said.

Well, except when they're making decisions know.  Den dey totes competent.  Dere about to be a new term fo' dis, called "situational competency."  Amazing, eh?

"Gray said drug-induced homicide cases can increase overdose rates [sic] because people will flee when they’re with someone who is overdosing rather than call for help if they think they’ll be severely punished."

The "assistant law professor" at totally liberal U.W. says if the girl was tried as a juvenile, she wouldn’t necessarily be detained "because her crime was nonviolent."

This is the position of liberal Democrat pols: Selling drugs isn't violent, therefore it shouldn't be prosecuted.  If users croak it's no big deal cuz "free country," eh?

Say, I'm starting to get it:  Fraud isn't violent either.  Neither is bribery of federal officials.  Neither is consensual sex with a minor.  Neither is insider trading.  So...see?  According to Dem logic, none of these should be prosecuted either.  How...convenient for the bidens, pelosi's, schumers and others. 

"Even if the girl’s lawyer succeeds in having her tried as a juvenile, her name and face have already been made public."  The executive director of Youth Justice Milwaukee said that’s one of the most concerning aspects of Wisconsin’s treatment of young people.

“Minors should have some sort of protection. And even in this case, if a minor is tried as an adult, they're still a minor. I should not be able to see their personal information. It's something that could be predatory,” she said.

See, kidz should be allowed to sell lethal drugs wifout anyone learning who dey are, cuz dey still "minors" so no one should be able to learn who dey are.  Cuz "could be predatory."

What dat word-salad mean, eh?  Duh destroyers at Vice don't care, cuz dey know readers see duh word "predatory" an' dey recoil.

Duh "executive director" sez it would make more sense to "engage in restorative justice with young people," cuz dat keep 'em from goin' to prison.  See, dat hep dem "understand the consequences of their actions."

This just gets better and better.  Vice is right in step with the Mainstream Media and the Democrat party.  But don't worry, citizen:  Drug deaths won't affect you or your kids or grandchildren.  Really.  Liberals would nevah lie to you, right?


March 21, 2023

I get just as angry when liberal Dem pinhead judges let white guys out when they shoot a black man

James Sotelo, 20 (white) admitted killed his friend Corey Thompson (black), shooting the victim 15 times.  

Sotelo also shot his own brother, but the brother survived.

Prosecutors asked that bail be set at $150,000--which I think is way too low, but...

But a liberal Democrat shit-head judge named Josh Hill lowered the killer's bond for murder to $100,000, which the killer posted and walked out of jail.

Thank, Democrats.

Then while out on bond for murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, he was picked up for unlawfully carrying a gun in an adjacent county.

As one would surely expect and hope, the Harris County DA filed to have the killer's bond revoked...  But the same shit-head liberal Democrat judge refused, allowing the killer to bond out a *second time,* this time with a $10,000 bond.

I've written a lot about moronic liberal judges--especially in NY, Chicago and California--releasing black thugs who kill whites, but race isn't the driver:  It's stupid judges who are soft on admitted killers, who promptly go out and kill again.  So I'm just as angry at this liberal pinhead in Houston, regardless of the races of shooter and victim.

RIP, Corey Thompson.


Dad--armed--rushes to daughter's apartment after daughter's ex assaults her. Ex returns for more. Happy ending

Last Saturday in Florida a young woman was assaulted in her apartment by her abusive ex-boyfriend. .

After the assault the young victim made two calls: one to Dad, the other to the Gainesville police.  Officers responded to the scene, determined the ex-boyfriend had been inside the woman’s apartment and had assaulted her, and left.  

Dad arrived just after the cops left--which turned out to be lucky for the daughter, since about 30 minutes later the abusive ex returned and, as the cops delicately termed it, "made entry."

As the ex closed in on the daughter, Dad pulled his handgun and shot the ex once in the chest.

One imagines the surprised look on the abuser's face when that happened, eh?

The abuser fled the apartment and made it as far as his car before shuffling off this mortal coil.  One imagines he still had that surprised look.

Girls, this is why you don't want to let the tyrannical Democrats disarm good men like this father.  Good job, Dad.


Enough fentanyl has been seized this fiscal year--flooding across the southern border--to kill 150 million people

"The southern border is *totally* under control."
  --biden head of DHS Alejandro Mayorkas

Really, you lying piece of crap?

In California recently the Border Patrol discovered 232 pounds of fentanyl being smuggled into the U.S. in a vehicle.

Democrat: "Why you so excited, bro?  Duh cops routinely busted 10,000 pounds of weed or meth when Trump wuz preznit."

Yeah but weed doesn't kill you.  Even meth takes years to kills addicts, so meth-heads have lots of time to get clean if they want to.  But fentanyl is way different: 232 pounds is enough to kill 50 million people--literally.

And it's one pill and 'poof'.  No warning.  Say, do you happen to know how much fentanyl will kill the average person?

Democrat:  "'m not a technical person.  I'm more of an artist, so..."

The widely accepted figure is 2 milligrams.

Officials say they've seized over 800 pounds of fentanyl at ports of entry this fiscal year alone.

Democrat: "Okay, but dat's duh point: duh narcs seized all dat, so why you so excited?"

Ah, well...what percent of fentanyl smuggled in do you think they find, eh?  And that's at "ports of entry."  What about all the illegals who are never intercepted because they come across at some other points?

Democrat: "You jus' a raaaaccis or a xenophobe, you deplorable!"

Well when illegals are smuggling in deadly drugs, I don't think opposing that is xenophobia or racism.  Instead I think you're using those accusations to get me to ignore what you and your party are doing.  


42% of all murders in the U.S. are committed in just 1% of U.S. counties--all of which are Democrat-ruled

Democrats demand that criminals be released without having to post bail.  They demand that rapists, murderers and robbers be released from prison after serving only a fraction of their purported sentences.

Then they claim to be mystified when crime goes up.

America's crime problem is really a Democrat problem.

So Democrat pols and their media allies are desperately trying to spin high crime rate--most of which is caused by their pro-crime policies--by claiming that rising crime is NOT due to their policies, but to Republican policies.

You think that can't be true, but take a look at just two recent headlines: “Red States Have Higher Murder Rates” and “Republicans Like to Talk Tough on Crime — But They’re the Ones with a Real Crime Problem”.

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman purports to prove that by claiming “Oklahoma’s murder rate was almost 50 percent higher than California’s, almost double New York’s.”

What Krugman carefully failed to note was that most of the state's murders occurred in just two counties--home of the state's two largest cities.  In last year’s gubernatorial election, the Republican candidate won most of the state while the counties with the two large cities voted for the leftist Democrat.

Of the state's 287 murders in 2020, 166 happened in the counties containing the two largest cities--counties which voted Democrat.

It turns out that 56% of America’s murders in 2020 happened in just 62 U.S. counties--all Democrat-ruled.

Dems: "Dat not fair!  Duh big cities have all duh pipo, so naturally dey haz mo' murders!

Okay, let's look at that:  1% of counties, with 21% of the population, have 42% of all U.S. murders.  Two percent of counties, with 31% of the population, have 56% of the murders.  

The 1% of counties where 42% of all murders are committed include such long-time Democrat strongholds as Philadelphia, New York City, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Dallas, D.C., Miami, Milwaukee, San Diego, St. Louis, Chicago, Houston, Detroit, Memphis, Phoenix, and Cleveland.

In Cook County (Chitcongo)--with the highest murder rate in the country--biden reportedly got 66% of the ballots counted.

In Los Angeles County--which has the second-highest murder rate--biden reportedly got 71% of the ballots counted.

In ghastly Philadelphia biden allegedly got 81%.  In New York City he supposedly got 76%.  In Detroit, 68%, and in Memphis, 64%.

Detroit had over half of all murders in Michigan: 379 of the state's 693 murders.  Maricopa County (Phoenix) had 299 of the 423 murders in Arizona.

Marion County (Indianapolis) has less than ten percent of Indiana's population, but nearly half of the murders in the state.  Again, less than 10% of the population but nearly half the murders.  Rational people recognize this as outrageous.  Democrats say it has nothing to do with their policies.

Milwaukee, with less than 10% of Wisconsin's population, had 65% of the state's murders--201 of the state’s 308.

Starting to see a pattern yet?  Most of the murders in the U.S. are committed in the big Democrat-ruled cities.

The CPRC study showed that while 56% of all U.S. murders were committed in just 2% of counties--all of which are run by  Democrats--52% of all U.S. counties had no murders at all.  And 68% of counties had at most one murder.

The numbers above clearly show that "America's crime problem" is actually a Democrat-big-city problem.  Moreover, since 98% of people living in rural areas have guns, it's clear that murders aren't caused by civilian ownership of guns as such.  Instead, the problem is thugs and killers with guns, and Soros-elected Democrat DAs refusing to put the killers away for life.

If you take Democrat-run cities out of the picture, the U.S. has less crime than the safest European countries.  Hmmm...

Big cities--almost all Democrat-ruled--are the problem.  The question is, what is it about Dem policies that make Dem-ruled big cities cesspools of crime?

It's a poser, eh?

Could defunding police be part of it?  Refusing to prosecute arsonists and looters during the BLM riots of 2020?  Legalizing the sale of formerly-illicit drugs?  Refusing to prosecute thefts under $950?  Dems have embraced all those policies.

And now they claim rising crime is caused by conservative policies??  This is lunacy.

NY Times brain-trust Paul Krugman admitted that “Nationwide, violent crime rose substantially in 2020. Nobody knows for sure what caused the surge.”  Oh you bet, Paul: "No one knows..."

There’s no mystery here: three decades ago researchers found that 90% of all crimes were committed by repeat offenders.  In the 90s we started locking up those career criminals.  Even liberal Californians passed the so-called "three strikes law" to increase sentences for violent career criminals.  (Democrat judges and pols eventually nullified it.)

But then about 10 years ago, as Democrats realized they could win votes by wailing about "disparate impact," Dem-ruled states began releasing career criminals.

Eh, no big deal, right?

Well, unless you were one of the 5,000 more people who were murdered in 2020 than the prior year.  Trivial.  At least that's what the Dems want you to think.

Outside of the big cities, America is a safe, pleasant place to live.  Unfortunately many of its Democrat counties are totally dysfunctional places, packed with broken families, criminal cultures and leftist politicians who pander to those criminals.

And the Democrat party and its media allies cover it up by spouting lies about "systemic racism" and "critical race theory."

And because over half of Americans believe those lies, the result is more crime, more death, more misery.


March 20, 2023

Democrat pols in California have turned the state into a paradise for criminals

Murderous, rapacious thugs are everywhere in California.  Daylight murders and robberies are so common that they don't even draw much attention.

Residents of large, crime-infested cities just shrug:  As long as they aren't killed or robbed, it's no big deal, eh?  They're like schools of prey-fish attacked by predators: No defense, just hope you're not eaten.  If it wasn't so awful their mind-set would be rather amusing.

Residents of big Cali cities rationalize crime as something inevitable, like taxes.  But there's a huge reason why crime is so prevalent:  The state's Democrat lawmakers.
The Democrat party has controlled the state Assembly (legislature) for decades.  Any crazy thing the Dems want, they get. 2011 the legislature passed a law banning state prison sentences for most property and drug felonies.  The "reason" (excuse) was that the percentage of blacks and Hispanics in prison far exceeded their percentage of the population, dis' had to be *unfair!*  This was shortened to "disparate impact."

What the society-destroying Democrats deliberately ignored was that the reason blacks and Hispanics constituted a much higher percentage of inmates was that they committed a disproportionate percentage of crimes.  But the Democrats--impervious to truth, as always--proceeded to pass a law they called the "Public Safety Realignment Act."

Democrat pols didn't want voters to hold them responsible for simply releasing thugs from state prison, so this so-called “realignment” was a cunning ploy to  transfer armed robbers and thieves from state prisons to county jails, instantly overcrowding them.  That soon spurred the release of thousands of repeat felons back onto the streets.

But who cares, eh?

That was 2011.  But the liberals/Democrats were just getting started.  Just 3 years later, in 2014, with the help of a huge amount of cash from various George Soros organizations, voters approved an "initiative" measure called Proposition 47, which decreed that all thefts of less than $950 would henceforth be simply misdemeanors.

Not surprisingly, the number of thefts of armloads of goods, where the thieves simply grabbed the merchandise in broad daylight and sauntered out of the store, skyrocketed.

Because such thefts were no longer felonies, cops stopped even investigating them.  As a result, businesses and homeowners stopped even reporting them, since the cops refused to do anything--because the new law, passed by Democrats, had made such brazen thefts a non-issue.  

That was 2014--and the Democrats still weren't satisfied that they'd done enough to encourage crime.  So just two years later the Dems put yet another initiative on the ballot: the "Public Safety and Rehabilitation Act of 2016 (Proposition 57), which would release thousands more inmates from prison after only serving a fraction of their sentences.  

District attorneys warned that the measure would put thousands of "career felons" with violent records back on the streets.  But of course Democrat pols ignored those warnings.  

And they still weren't done:  Just two years later, in 2018, Democrat legislators passed a law prohibiting violent teenagers, aged 14 and 15, from being tried as adults, no matter how heinous their crimes.

As anyone could have predicted, all these measures increased crime.  But because many victims stopped reporting the newly downgraded misdemeanors, Dems pols cunningly bragged that thanks to their actions, crime was actually *down.*  It wasn't, but the number of crimes *reported* stopped increasing.

So no one trusts stats on robbery and theft under the $950 limit.  So a more accurate picture can be obtained by examining violent crime--which has increased significantly.  Homicides are up over 31 percent in the first ten years of these so-called reforms. Aggravated assaults (including drive-by shootings) are up over 34 percent.

But who cares, eh?

Following the 2020 riots, Democrat pols used the emergency powers they'd seized after the Chyna virus plandemic to release another 10,000 inmates in state prisons, and local officials released thousands more from their jails.

And as you could have predicted, the vast majority of those released went right back to the easy "work" they did before: robbing and stealing.  Cuz in the unlikely event you got caught, you'd usually be released right away.  Easy-peasy.

As one 19-year-old "oppressed person" explained, "People see thing and want them."  Well there ya go, citizen.

So what's next for the Peoples' Republic of Cali, eh?  Can you predict?  Sure you can.  Soros-elected DAs like George Gascon will continue to refuse to prosecute violent criminals, either altogether or by downgrading a violent assault or drive-by shooting to "illegal possession of a firearm" or similar.  And moronic voters will continue to keep Gascon and DAs like him power.

And the demonic Democrat politicians of California, who enabled all this crime, will laugh at the stupidity of voters.

Source: Heather Macdonald in City Journal

March 19, 2023

Proficiency scores in New York drop hugely, so state board *changes* minimum scores for student proficiency

Subhead:  "State committee says the new, lower scores are the "new normal"

In New York, 2022 statewide test scores for grades 3 thru 8 dropped dramatically.  "Much lower."  In the once-sophisticated city of Schenectady, for example, not a single 8th-grader in the entire city school system scored "proficient" on the math proficiency test.

So in a state that prides itself on being oh-so-hip, so sophisticated, compared to the rest of us rubes, what do you suppose the state's "board of regents" did to fix that, eh?

Bet you already guessed!

Sure: they lowered the cutoff for declaring a kid "proficient."  From now on the cutoff will be 20% below the pre-2020 cutoff, due to the record-low average on the 2022 tests.  They actually call last year’s low scores "the new normal.”

Normal, eh?

The state committee quickly clarified that they must "reset scores because the tests will have new performance standards."

Wait, did that sound like word salad?  Yeah?  Oh well...

Duh "experts" in edjakayshun said there wuz "no doubt" that duh awful scores were caused by the state giving in to the demand of the teachers' union that all teaching be done on-line.

Oh wait...of course the state board of ed didn't actually blame the unions, cuz...reasons.  They used the mealy-mouthed rhetoric typical of liberal pencil-necks everywhere:  Don't say anything that might actually kick some ass that needs kicking, cuz...reasons.

The co-chair of a thing called the Technical Advisory Committee explained that her group must decide what is "just barely good enough” to go to the next grade, but then quickly added that kids who scored less than proficient will all be passed anyway, since holding anyone back a grade would hurt their feelings and risk pushback from parents notorious for anger-management issues.

Then after re-setting the cutoff scores, the committee considers how many students won’t be declared proficient if they set the score at that point.

She admitted there had been "learning loss" between 2019 and 2022, "but we don’t want to hold anyone accountable--especially teachers.  That would just be mean,” she said. “We’re at this new normal. So for New York we are saying the new baseline is the 2022 scores.”

“By setting new cutoff scores for 2023 as the 2022 scores, it will make it easier for every school to show improvement, right?  And that's what we want.  So this is the baseline from now on,” she said.

This summer the committee will do the same for the "U.S. history Regents exam."  They noticed that students felt that studying from the Revolutionary War was way too hard, so the schools began just teaching from the Civil War on.  But students felt that that was also too much, as did similar efforts to teach from WW1, then just from WW2.  So now "U.S. History" will cover from the election of Barack Obama--the Lightbringer, the one who made the rising sea level stop rising--to the election of 2016, where a Putin stooge colluded with Russia to steal the election from the faaabulous Hilliary.

Not surprisingly, all board members were totally in favor of that change, and it polled well with teachers too.

The state board calls these gradual changes "re-norming."  Teachers say this is needed because it's not the kids' fault that there was "learning loss" from 2020 to 2022.  In fact the committee took pains to explain that any learning loss was no one's fault, not even China's, because everyone knows the virus evolved totally naturally, like dough rising, or clouds.

Of course the usual anti-progress conservatives criticized the new standards, as expected.  One conservative claimed that once the cutoffs were lowered, the state would never raise them back to their pre-covid levels.  The committee neatly rebutted that by saying "Nonsense.  As soon as every student is proficient under the new normal, we'll start raising the cutoff score."

Another claimed the reduced standards left many students unable to pass admissions tests for more prestigious highschools.  But the director of the Alliance for Progress said that wasn't a problem, since the prestige schools were now reserving 40% of admission slots for those who couldn't pass the tests, because not doing that "wouldn't be fair," and would "diminish confidence in our education system."

The director said parents know “test scores aren’t a true reflection of learning,” she said, adding that changing minimum standards is nothing new.  She said when she was a teacher, educators would encounter students who were rated as proficient but were not truly proficient.  So there's absolutely nothing new here, citizen.

The director said state test scores have big consequences, since schools with poor scores can be labeled as failing, and that no one wanted to do that since it would hurt peoples' feelings.

Board of Regents member Frances Wills also questioned the proficiency tests, saying public confidence in education has declined since the state began testing  students in third through eighth grades.  "I think it's just awful that we make these stressed little kids have to take these awful tests," she said.  "They're meaningless."

She suggested what consultants are calling "adaptive tests," which are on computer.  In those tests if a student misses several easy questions, the test offers easier questions testing things the student already got right. Consultants also say their "adaptive tests" are specially designed to offer "alternatives to testing."  We asked what that means but didn't get a response.

She did say “You don’t want to put a test in front of a student that they can't pass, because that demoralizes them.  So we’re always looking for innovative ways to measure what students know.  I mean, everyone knows there’s more to a student than that standardized test.”

"For example, you can be a banker earning $3 million per year, or an airline pilot earning $150,000, and not be able to add.  Happens all the time.  That's why we have computers, to do the adding."

"Same with American history: When has anyone ever asked you who we won independence from, or which Amendment does what, right?  All students need to know is that on January 6th thousands of heavily-armed Rethuglicans, led by Donald Trump, mounted an assault on our capitol, trying to overturn a perfectly fair election.  And in trying to take over the government they killed a dozen unarmed Capitol Hill police officers." 


Thief body-slams 44-year-old Vietnamese woman to the sidewalk, paralyzing her. Care to bet on his sentence?

In Houston last month two "teens" watched a 44-year-old Vietnamese woman withdraw money from a bank, then followed her car for 24 miles before she got out.

At that point the male perp got out, ran up to her and grabbed her purse and wallet.  But when he didn't find the large sum of money in either, he picked up the small woman and body-slammed her onto the concrete sidewalk, paralyzing her.

The Houston PD initially ignored the ghastly attack, which was captured on surveillance video.  But Chinese-American WeChat users in Houston gave it enough attention that the Houston PD finally noticed.

Police say Joseph Harrell, 17, and Zy'Nika Ayesha Woods, 19, confessed to the attack.  The pair had evaded capture for over a month, but diligent work by the Vietnamese and Chinese community and a lucky break got the perps.

What kind of monster body-slams a small 44-year-old woman?  Oh, right...a "role model"

Harrell was also charged with aggravated assault in relation to a previous incident 12 days before he attacked Truong, when he stole another woman's purse.

After that earlier robbery the victim tracked the Airpods in her purse to a home.  When she drove by that location she saw the man who'd stolen her purse, standing in the driveway.  He was later identified as Harrell.

The unidentified woman called police, and she and her husband parked a few blocks away from the house and waited for police to arrive.  As they waited, they said Harrell approached their car and asked if they needed anything.  When the husband said no, Harrell pointed a gun at the pair as he walked off.

And I know you'll be absolutely shocked to learn that the body-slamming thief Harrell also has a juvenile criminal record.  Which a liberal judge will refuse to allow to be introduced at trial (assuming there is one, which is increasingly doubtful given Soros-elected DAs).

Houston cops say crooks and thugs are increasingly following customers from banks or high-end stores and assaulting and robbing them at another location.