March 22, 2023

Leftist rag wails that teen who sold fentanyl to another, who died from it, shouldn't be prosecuted, cuz...

If you wanna find one of the biggest causes of the drug epidemic in America, it's the staff of total leftist rags like the aptly-named "Vice."  They push the idea that illicit drugs are really okay, and wail about how awful it is that a few states have the gall to prosecute young teens for selling lethal drugs to other teens.  They claim this is cruel and un-hip.

"How dare anyone prosecute teens for selling lethal drugs," eh Vice?  So when that happened recently, here's how Vice wrote the headline:  Not "Teen dies after taking fentanyl bought from a 15-year-old," but...

15-Year-Old Facing 40 Years After Allegedly Selling Fentanyl to Teen Who Died
    --by Manisha Krishnan, February 21, 2023
To the destroyers at Vice, the REAL story here is NOT that a 15-year-old sold deadly fentanyl to another teen--who died from taking it--but that the poor, unfortunate seller is facing a possible long prison sentence for doing so.

Anyone wanna bet on the sentence the 15-year-old who sold the deadly drug actually gets?  I predict she'll be sentenced to not more than 18 months in juvie, thanks to destroyers like Vice (and every leftist on their corrupt staff).  She'll get a minimal sentence cuz Vice claims "the brain of a teen isn't fully developed, so they don't have the ability to make good decisions," eh?  

Well, unless we're talking about a decision the destroyers at Vice totally support, like 13-year-olds deciding to "transition" to the opposite sex.  In that case Vice quietly rejects their current claim that teens can't make good decisions, cuz...reasons.

Starting to see the contradiction yet?  They don't care if Americans notice that they constantly contradict their earlier positions, because the destroyers know most readers never notice the contradictions--which are cunningly buried by the Media.  Every time.

Subhead from Vice: "The girl...was selling fentanyl to pay off a drug debt"

So, see, citizen?  It wasn't her fault dat she sold...somethin'!  Cuz she wuz forced to sell...somethin' pay off a debt of some sort.  So how kin any mean ol' Rethuglican even think of prosecuting this po' chile' fo' bein' forced to sell drugs?  Cuz she had to, to pay off a debt.  See?

"A 15-year-old Wisconsin girl has been charged as an adult for allegedly selling another teen fentanyl that caused him to die of an overdose, in one of the more extreme examples of a death-by-dealer case."

See, dis' beez an "extreme example of a "death-by-dealer"case.  Cuz in other cases where people die from taking illegal drugs, doze are NOT "extreme."  See, dey jus' "normal" examples, not "extreme."  Yep yep yep.

"In Wisconsin, anyone accused of causing the death of another person by providing or selling drugs is charged with reckless homicide, a class C felony. It’s one of 16 states where children as young as 10 who are accused of homicide offenses are automatically charged as adults; it’s also one of three states where 17-year-olds charged with crimes are automatically considered adults."

Vice: "Dat jus' AWFUL!  We cain't have doze deplorable states prosecuting teens who sell illegal drugs that result in "extreme" deaths!  Cuz duh brain of duh teens ain't fully formed!  Cain't make gud decisions!  Well, know."

Oh, you think I'm putting words in the mouth of the destroyers?  Read on:

"But legal and medical experts told VICE News that trying children as adults, particularly when they may be using drugs, is unfair because adolescent brains aren’t fully developed. They also said charging people with homicide when they’re linked to a fatal overdose could exacerbate the overdose crisis by making people scared to call for help."

That last sentence is a hoot: The drug seller is almost never present when the buyer is dying.  So the "too scared to call for help" is pure drama...propaganda to hook stupid liberals.  And of course it works.

"Wisconsin is one of 23 states that has drug-induced homicide laws, and officials pursue those cases aggressively. The state is third in the country for drug-induced homicide prosecutions, and the majority of cases involved friends and family members of the people who died or low-level dealers."

See?  Yew don' wanna prosecute "friends" or fambly memberz, or even "low-level dealers," right?  Cuz if some po' kid sells less than 1000 pills, dey shud nevah be prosecuted.  Deez awful prosecutors jus' goin' aftah dis' po' young girl cuz she eazy pickins!

"The girl, who is just four feet tall and 100 pounds, lived with her grandmother...."

The destroyers who run Vice want to make readers push for the seller to get either no time in juvie, or a minimal sentence.  Cuz dey want drugs all through society.  An' duh defs?  Doze ain't a big deal, cuz "free will," eh?  See, doze ol' white guyz who wrote doze ol' documents said dis' a free country, so dat mean ya should be able to take any drug you want, eh?  So duh guy who bought duh pills had duh absolute right to ingest anything he wanted!  Free will, dudes!

"Police seized 775 fentanyl pills, almost $4,000 in cash, and weed cartridges from the girl’s room."

"Low-level dealer," eh?

"The girl said she was selling the pills in part to pay off a $500 drug debt she had racked up...."

Ah.  So a $500 "drug debt" and she's got $4,000 in cash in her room.  Makes sense, right?  Must be "compound interest" or somethin'.  Ask the crooks who ran Silicon Valley Bank--they can explain dat financial stuff.

"The girl eventually admitted [selling the pills to the dead guy] the night before he died."

And yet Vice uses "alleged sale" several times.  If she admitted it, the use of "alleged" seems like bullshit.  

And now--utterly predictably-- the article quotes an "associate law professor at the University of Wisconsin," Ion Meyn, saying statutes that charge young people as adults are “medieval.”  He says prosecutors must show that a teenager was “aware that they created an unreasonable and substantial risk of death,” which is at odds with how teenage brains work.  Well, except know.

Quoth Ion, “Adolescents are...reckless...because they are teenagers.... They can't control their impulses. They don't weigh consequences of their actions. They can’t resist peer pressure.”

You bet, destroyers.  You claim teenagers make poor decisions cuz dey "can't control their impulses" and "can't resist peer pressure."  And yet somehow this reasonable claim mysteriously vanishes when leftists claim teens are, like, totally qualified to make life-changing decisions to "transition" at age 13 or so.  In dat case dey totally mature, able to make sound, reasoned decisions.  Yep yep yep.

“In this case she was subject to an older dealer who was pushing her to sell these [pills] laced with fentanyl.”

Say, did the cops ever ask her who this "older dealer" was?  You'd think competent cops would have been VERY interested in finding out, right?  And you'd think the answer would be a prominent part of this story, even if she refused to name the "older dealer."  But if duh cops did ask her, dat part of duh story is of no interest to Vice.  Now why would that be, eh?

Here's Vice, again pushing for no charges:
"Dr. Jessica Gray, a family and addiction medicine specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital, said it’s not uncommon for people to sell fentanyl to pay for their own drugs.

“A teenager with an active substance use a medical condition and charging her with murder as an adult is really no solution,” Gray said.

Ah, a "substance use disorder," eh?  Much more soothing than "drug addiction."

"Gray said the frontal lobe of someone’s brain, which gives them pause before making rash decisions, isn’t fully developed until they’re around 25 years old."  “...they don't have enough of their frontal lobe development to be able to make smart decisions,” Gray said.

Well, except when they're making decisions know.  Den dey totes competent.  Dere about to be a new term fo' dis, called "situational competency."  Amazing, eh?

"Gray said drug-induced homicide cases can increase overdose rates [sic] because people will flee when they’re with someone who is overdosing rather than call for help if they think they’ll be severely punished."

The "assistant law professor" at totally liberal U.W. says if the girl was tried as a juvenile, she wouldn’t necessarily be detained "because her crime was nonviolent."

This is the position of liberal Democrat pols: Selling drugs isn't violent, therefore it shouldn't be prosecuted.  If users croak it's no big deal cuz "free country," eh?

Say, I'm starting to get it:  Fraud isn't violent either.  Neither is bribery of federal officials.  Neither is consensual sex with a minor.  Neither is insider trading.  So...see?  According to Dem logic, none of these should be prosecuted either.  How...convenient for the bidens, pelosi's, schumers and others. 

"Even if the girl’s lawyer succeeds in having her tried as a juvenile, her name and face have already been made public."  The executive director of Youth Justice Milwaukee said that’s one of the most concerning aspects of Wisconsin’s treatment of young people.

“Minors should have some sort of protection. And even in this case, if a minor is tried as an adult, they're still a minor. I should not be able to see their personal information. It's something that could be predatory,” she said.

See, kidz should be allowed to sell lethal drugs wifout anyone learning who dey are, cuz dey still "minors" so no one should be able to learn who dey are.  Cuz "could be predatory."

What dat word-salad mean, eh?  Duh destroyers at Vice don't care, cuz dey know readers see duh word "predatory" an' dey recoil.

Duh "executive director" sez it would make more sense to "engage in restorative justice with young people," cuz dat keep 'em from goin' to prison.  See, dat hep dem "understand the consequences of their actions."

This just gets better and better.  Vice is right in step with the Mainstream Media and the Democrat party.  But don't worry, citizen:  Drug deaths won't affect you or your kids or grandchildren.  Really.  Liberals would nevah lie to you, right?



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