March 26, 2023

What do you see in the clip below?

Got a minute and 15 seconds?  Watch the vid at this link.  It's all from live broadcast television.

What did you see?

Mainstream Media: "Oh you silly deplorables!  Dat all FAKE!  All staged by FAUX Newz!  Disinformation!  A subversive effort to make people doubt the brilliant guidance of Anthony Fauci (a.k.a. "Doctor Science") and the wise leadership of our wonderful Democrat president!  All staged by stupid, deplorable Rethuglicans like Marjorie Taylor Greene!  Yeah!"

Every member of duh Biden regime:  "YEAH, what the MSM said!  You shouldn't watch silly misinformation like this!  You deplorables don't know that reading things on TV is hard work!  Doze lights beez reel hot!  So people reading duh newz have always passed out on camera!  You just never noticed it before.  Yeah, dat's it!"

Mainstream Media and CDC: "And don't forget to take your boosters!"

Okay, satire aside: The biden regime ORDERED all Americans working for companies with 100 or more employees to get the shot or be fired.  Almost all American workers complied.  And because Americans believed the bullshit that the jab was "safe and effective," the moment the FDA/CDC gave "emergency-use authorization" for kids as young as 2 to take the jab, most parents rushed to get their kids jabbed.

For any who didn't rush to get their kids jabbed, Democrat-ruled school boards settled THAT by ORDERING parents to make their kids take the jab in order to attend school.  Tyranny, anyone?  Nah, it jus' like "mandatory vaccinations" that everyone has accepted for years.  Anyone who doesn't get their kid vaccinated is demonized as a "vaccine denier."

SO...IF lots more Americans are dying than normal ("wait, dat not happening", eh?), then would you expect the biden regime--which ORDERED the jab for everyone--to EVER admit error?  To honestly investigate the reason for all the excess deaths?

Of course not.  And sure enough, the regime has so far utterly, totally refused to investigate.  As far as they're concerned, this isn't happening.

So who's right?  The regime, with its ENDLESS excuses for why dis perfectly normal, or your lyin eyes? 

And if the evidence you see in the video above--and hundreds like it--is authentic, I predict that as Americans wake up and call for the lying, corrupt rat-bastards to be tried, prosecuted and executed, you'll see the regime begin throwing critics in prison--probably on alleged "national security" grounds--to silence critics and avoid being prosecuted.

"Dat crazy!  Dat couldn't happen!  Dis America, an' you can't throw people in jail without an indictment and trial and bail and disclosing all exculpatory evidence, and..."

Oh, you mean what the regime has done to 200 prisoners they arrested after Jan 6th?  Really?


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