March 28, 2023

ABC slobbers over "re-transitioning" former de-transitioner, lies about safety of cross-sex hormones

The demonic, Democrat-fellating TV network ABC has fully supported the ludicrous group of mental cases calling themselves "transgenders."  And now they've found a new "hero":  A biological woman who decided she wanted to be a man.  

But after taking male hormones for a couple of years she had second thoughts, and stopped taking them for awhile, considering herself a "detransitioner."  But eventually she changed her mind again and is now back on male hormones.  So ABC is absolutely giddy with excitement about how utterly wonderful that is.

Before the ages of 16-18, youth are treated with reversible treatments based on guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Oh, ABC assures us that the "treatments" are "reversible."  That has NEVER been established, yet ABC just ASSURED all Americans that the "treatments" are reversible.  Here's ABC again:

Irreversible medical interventions, such as surgeries, are typically only done with consenting adults, or older teens who have worked through the decision with their families and physicians over a long period of time...

Notice that weasel-word loophole "typically."  How many readers notice it?  The problem is NOT with adults choosing to take cross-sex hormones or submit to surgical surmutilation.  Hey, knock yourselves out.  Problem is with greedy or morally corrupt hospitals and doctors giving hormones and surgeries to kids under 18.

Just so everyone is clear, adults--who, for the terminally confused, were all kids before they got older--have long recognized that kids make crazy decisions, sometimes for dumb reasons.  That's why we don't give 'em driver's licenses before 16.  We don't let 'em legally drink alcohol before 18 or 21, depending on the state.  So it seems totally reasonable to pass laws saying they can't make life-altering decisions before age 18.

But ABC and the rest of the pro-tranny mafia disagrees.  And since the gruberment long ago gave the networks licenses to broadcast over the air, we can't keep ABC and the other networks from supporting whatever the Democrat Party wants. 



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