March 21, 2023

42% of all murders in the U.S. are committed in just 1% of U.S. counties--all of which are Democrat-ruled

Democrats demand that criminals be released without having to post bail.  They demand that rapists, murderers and robbers be released from prison after serving only a fraction of their purported sentences.

Then they claim to be mystified when crime goes up.

America's crime problem is really a Democrat problem.

So Democrat pols and their media allies are desperately trying to spin high crime rate--most of which is caused by their pro-crime policies--by claiming that rising crime is NOT due to their policies, but to Republican policies.

You think that can't be true, but take a look at just two recent headlines: “Red States Have Higher Murder Rates” and “Republicans Like to Talk Tough on Crime — But They’re the Ones with a Real Crime Problem”.

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman purports to prove that by claiming “Oklahoma’s murder rate was almost 50 percent higher than California’s, almost double New York’s.”

What Krugman carefully failed to note was that most of the state's murders occurred in just two counties--home of the state's two largest cities.  In last year’s gubernatorial election, the Republican candidate won most of the state while the counties with the two large cities voted for the leftist Democrat.

Of the state's 287 murders in 2020, 166 happened in the counties containing the two largest cities--counties which voted Democrat.

It turns out that 56% of America’s murders in 2020 happened in just 62 U.S. counties--all Democrat-ruled.

Dems: "Dat not fair!  Duh big cities have all duh pipo, so naturally dey haz mo' murders!

Okay, let's look at that:  1% of counties, with 21% of the population, have 42% of all U.S. murders.  Two percent of counties, with 31% of the population, have 56% of the murders.  

The 1% of counties where 42% of all murders are committed include such long-time Democrat strongholds as Philadelphia, New York City, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Dallas, D.C., Miami, Milwaukee, San Diego, St. Louis, Chicago, Houston, Detroit, Memphis, Phoenix, and Cleveland.

In Cook County (Chitcongo)--with the highest murder rate in the country--biden reportedly got 66% of the ballots counted.

In Los Angeles County--which has the second-highest murder rate--biden reportedly got 71% of the ballots counted.

In ghastly Philadelphia biden allegedly got 81%.  In New York City he supposedly got 76%.  In Detroit, 68%, and in Memphis, 64%.

Detroit had over half of all murders in Michigan: 379 of the state's 693 murders.  Maricopa County (Phoenix) had 299 of the 423 murders in Arizona.

Marion County (Indianapolis) has less than ten percent of Indiana's population, but nearly half of the murders in the state.  Again, less than 10% of the population but nearly half the murders.  Rational people recognize this as outrageous.  Democrats say it has nothing to do with their policies.

Milwaukee, with less than 10% of Wisconsin's population, had 65% of the state's murders--201 of the state’s 308.

Starting to see a pattern yet?  Most of the murders in the U.S. are committed in the big Democrat-ruled cities.

The CPRC study showed that while 56% of all U.S. murders were committed in just 2% of counties--all of which are run by  Democrats--52% of all U.S. counties had no murders at all.  And 68% of counties had at most one murder.

The numbers above clearly show that "America's crime problem" is actually a Democrat-big-city problem.  Moreover, since 98% of people living in rural areas have guns, it's clear that murders aren't caused by civilian ownership of guns as such.  Instead, the problem is thugs and killers with guns, and Soros-elected Democrat DAs refusing to put the killers away for life.

If you take Democrat-run cities out of the picture, the U.S. has less crime than the safest European countries.  Hmmm...

Big cities--almost all Democrat-ruled--are the problem.  The question is, what is it about Dem policies that make Dem-ruled big cities cesspools of crime?

It's a poser, eh?

Could defunding police be part of it?  Refusing to prosecute arsonists and looters during the BLM riots of 2020?  Legalizing the sale of formerly-illicit drugs?  Refusing to prosecute thefts under $950?  Dems have embraced all those policies.

And now they claim rising crime is caused by conservative policies??  This is lunacy.

NY Times brain-trust Paul Krugman admitted that “Nationwide, violent crime rose substantially in 2020. Nobody knows for sure what caused the surge.”  Oh you bet, Paul: "No one knows..."

There’s no mystery here: three decades ago researchers found that 90% of all crimes were committed by repeat offenders.  In the 90s we started locking up those career criminals.  Even liberal Californians passed the so-called "three strikes law" to increase sentences for violent career criminals.  (Democrat judges and pols eventually nullified it.)

But then about 10 years ago, as Democrats realized they could win votes by wailing about "disparate impact," Dem-ruled states began releasing career criminals.

Eh, no big deal, right?

Well, unless you were one of the 5,000 more people who were murdered in 2020 than the prior year.  Trivial.  At least that's what the Dems want you to think.

Outside of the big cities, America is a safe, pleasant place to live.  Unfortunately many of its Democrat counties are totally dysfunctional places, packed with broken families, criminal cultures and leftist politicians who pander to those criminals.

And the Democrat party and its media allies cover it up by spouting lies about "systemic racism" and "critical race theory."

And because over half of Americans believe those lies, the result is more crime, more death, more misery.



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