March 21, 2023

I get just as angry when liberal Dem pinhead judges let white guys out when they shoot a black man

James Sotelo, 20 (white) admitted killed his friend Corey Thompson (black), shooting the victim 15 times.  

Sotelo also shot his own brother, but the brother survived.

Prosecutors asked that bail be set at $150,000--which I think is way too low, but...

But a liberal Democrat shit-head judge named Josh Hill lowered the killer's bond for murder to $100,000, which the killer posted and walked out of jail.

Thank, Democrats.

Then while out on bond for murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, he was picked up for unlawfully carrying a gun in an adjacent county.

As one would surely expect and hope, the Harris County DA filed to have the killer's bond revoked...  But the same shit-head liberal Democrat judge refused, allowing the killer to bond out a *second time,* this time with a $10,000 bond.

I've written a lot about moronic liberal judges--especially in NY, Chicago and California--releasing black thugs who kill whites, but race isn't the driver:  It's stupid judges who are soft on admitted killers, who promptly go out and kill again.  So I'm just as angry at this liberal pinhead in Houston, regardless of the races of shooter and victim.

RIP, Corey Thompson.



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