March 31, 2023

Nancy Pelosi (recently Speaker of the House) says our system requires the accused to prove they're *innocent*!

For young Americans:  the Speaker of the House is the top post in the U.S. House of Representatives--which is one of the two chambers of congress that passes (or fails to pass) "laws."

Again for young Americans:  Thanks to Democrats, the ludicrous, corrupt Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House--again, the top post in that chamber--from 2007 to 2011 and again from 2019 to 2023.  

Got it so far?  Good.

Now: a sane person would think that the f*ckin' top dog in the House would have at least a vague idea of how the Constitution and the U.S. legal system works, eh?  I mean, wouldn't you hope?

So...after the corrupt DA of NYC--a fat black corruptocrat named Alvin Bragg--indicted Trump yesterday, Nancy got on Twatter to proclaim this:

Wait...Nancy thinks that "everyone has the right to a trial TO PROVE INNOCENCE"???

For young Americans:  One of the most basic principles of American "jurisprudence" (law) is that everyone charged with a crime is "presumed innocent" unless proven guilty.  The accused does NOT have to prove innocence.  Instead the government is required to prove that the accused is guilty.  HUGE difference.

Got it?  Good.  

Now, the BIG question is: Does corruptocrat Pelosi really believe what she tweeted--that U.S. law requires accused persons to prove their innocence, instead of the gruberment having to prove guilt?  Is she really that ignorant?

That's actually quite likely.  Of course if she responds at all, she'll claim that she knew that, and simply had a brain-freeze or something equally amusing. 

Of course there's also another possible explanation: that Pelosi has dementia. In that case te question is, when did this condition appear?  My guess is a decade ago, after too many facelifts and botox injections.

Now, you can't believe Pelosi really said that, eh?  Cuz she SMAHT, right?  She beez duh Democrat chosen by duh uddah Democrats to bee duh Speekur ov duh House, right?  So dat mean dey thought she mus' be smaht, eh?  Or honest, or something, hopefully.  Anyway, if you don't believe it, click here to see her tweet.


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