January 31, 2023

The Project Veritas undercover video of doc claiming to be a Pfizer exec

A few of you may have seen the story and undercover video of a guy claiming to be an M.D. and a high-level executive with drug giant Pfizer.  The guy claimed his company--again, Pfizer--was modifying the Chyna virus so they could develop vaccines for the modified viruses.

And he was clearly giddy--euphoric--about this.  Laughing about how clever it was.

All this was captured on video, and if true it seemed pretty devastating to Pfizer.

Then after that capture, the founder of Project Veritas walked up to the doctor's table, sat down and started asking him pointed questions about the claims he'd made.  The doctor totally freaked out.  You really have to see it to appreciate the total freak-out.  He knew he'd been caught, and he was furious about it.

Without getting into a debate over whether modifying Covid is a good thing, this clearly seems to raise the possibility that the company could quietly release such a modified virus and then get the biden regime to order everyone to take the new vaccine--which, by total coincidence, Pfizer had already developed.

So with that background, Pfizer pulled a classic PR defense move, issuing a press release at 8pm Friday night--too late to make any evening newscast.  And everyone knows lots fewer Americans watch news on the weekend.  So...they're trying to bury their own release.

Meanwhile an ARMY of leftists and hired defenders deployed in the comments of various websites implying that the video was actually scripted, a fake; or that the "doctors" didn't really exist; or that he couldn't be a Pfizer exec because he was too young, or a dozen other debunking tactics.  The idea was to give True Believers (i.e. sheep) anything that would let 'em believe the company wasn't doing what the doctor said they were.  

A casual reading makes it seem as though they're saying all is well.  But I want to walk you through part of it, to show what they didn't say--and would have said if none of this was real. First the press release:

Note that the first word in the thing was "allegations."  This is designed to make people believe the rest of the release refutes those unspecified allegations.  But they said nothing at all about the self-identified "doctor/executive."  If the guy was a fake, the first thing the company would have said was "This man has never been a Pfizer employee, let alone an executive with our company."  But they said nothing at all about the guy.

Next, they do deny ever doing "gain of function or directed-evolution research."  but then they go on to describe viral "variants," but are careful to say "working with others" to determine whether a "vaccine update" is required.  But we know from watching Fauci lie that corrupt scientists lie by calling some technical process something else, when the only difference is in the fifth decimal place, or you perform the process at zero Celsius instead of room temp.

So the key is that they didn't deny that the "doctor" was their employee, or that he had some knowledge of company plans and strategies.  That should tell you everything you need to know.


Boom: MIT professor calls for immediate suspension of all covid mRNA vaccines

FDA & CDC: "WELL, see, dis guy not a virologist, so he don' know nuffin' bout duh covid!  We iz duh experts, and we nevah wrong!  If we say it safe, it safe.  If we say you gotta get yo' six-month-old kid jabbed, you do it, or your kid can't go to school.  You vill obey, or be fired.  See? 

    "Wait, you say duh courts said we don't have duh power to do dat?  HAHAHAHAHAHA!  Too late!  We already did, and 70 million Americans who hadn't taken it were forced to take duh 'safe and effective' vaccine or lose their income and house.  But dat was NOT being "forced" to take duh jab, citizen.  No no no no!  We gave you a totally free choice, and almost all of you chose--freely--to be good, caring, socially-responsible citizens and take the vax.

    "What?  You say doze po' refugees entering the U.S. across our southern border aren't vaccinated?  Do you have proof of dat?  Nah, you don't, so shut up.  Plus, dey not U.S. citizens, so dey don' hafta obey our orders, eh?  And dey have "religious exemption."  No, I don't know what religion, but it don't mattah, dey gets it.  You can't get dat exemption.  You askin' why not?  Cuz we said not.

I expect this guy will be pressured to retract his statement within days, by being threatened with firing.

"You can't fire me, I've got tenure!"

MIT adminishits:  "Surprise!  There's a fine-print clause that says anyone can be fired, regardless of tenure, if you spread "disinformation."  And our wonderful Democrat leadership has declared that anyone who doesn't support every citizen taking the vaccine is spreading disinformation.  So...bye!"


Okay, if you actually care about reality (as opposed to Democrat control-propaganda) you can check out the MIT professor's links to dozens of studies showing the jab kills far more people than it protects.

But I know liberals and Democrats very well, and not one of 'em will check the source studies.  "Cuz dat all beez disinformation, citizen!  Dear Leader say duh vax totally safe, so it safe.  Dat all dere is to it.  Anyone who say not safe beez an 'agent of Putin.'  Or something." 

January 29, 2023

Assistant principal asks "her" teachers to donate money to pay cartel for smuggling illegal to her Rhode Island school

In the totally corrupt Democrat-ruled state of Rhode Island, an assistant principal at a public school used her official school email, title and letterhead to ask teachers she supervised to help raise $2,000 to break federal law.

Specifically, among the dozens of illegal aliens at the school was a recent arrival who had contracted with a people-smuggler from a Mexican drug cartel to smuggle the illegal into the U.S.  That was easily done.  Then with the help of the Democrats' free jet flights, the alien made it to Rhode Island.  Yay!

The amount of the smuggling contract was $5,000--an amount unaccompanied teens don't have.  And the cartel was now demanding $2,000 of that amount within a week.

Accordingly, assistant principal Stefani Harvey emailed all the teachers at "her" school asking them to donate money to pay the $2,000 demanded by the cartel.

Stefani Harvey probably doesn't know that helping someone enter the U.S. illegally is a federal crime.  But it's equally likely Stefani doesn't give a damn that doing that is a crime.  After all, everyone now knows that "laws" only apply to people who don't have special protected status.  For example, congresswhore Ilhan Omar committed immigration fraud by marrying her brother (while married to another person) to get him U.S. citizenship, and the Democrats have successfully blocked any prosecution for that crime.  

With that demonstrated, why would Stefani be worried, eh?

In addition, Stefani has three other faaabulous tickets to break laws without risk of prosecution:

Black, queer and female--the trifecta.  She won't be prosecuted for anything.. Won't be fired.  Won't even be criticized by any member of the school board.  It's like the laws are a joke---IF you're protected.

January 28, 2023

Some analysts think duh Chyna virus and Dem policies have started a fatal exodus from Dem cities

Duh wokies tell us dat "Math beez raaaacis'.  It's not, of course.  It's color-blind, just like a wrench is.  

What math IS is a tool, one that enables people proficient with it to correlate, explain and predict things.  Thus it has a  power, and the ability to DO math is what lets us predict the coming death of most of the big Democrat-run cities.

The death is accomplished by a thing called a "feedback loop."  That's where an *effect* of some policy or event in turn influences the same system the policy or event governs.

After duh Chyna virus hit, huge numbers of fairly high-wage workers were ordered to work from their suburban homes.  Many liked that, and many companies realized they didn't need the whole workforce in the office every day.

But if a company only makes, say, a quarter of its employees come in to the office on any given day, that hits the restaurant and retail businesses downtown hard.

The Democrats' tolerance of violence and crime also made living in the blue cities less attractive--and the huge riots and city-burnings of the BLM/George Floyd riots sealed the deal.  All these factors caused some workers to move to the suburbs.

When high-income earners move out, the city loses not just their city income-tax revenue (3.1 to 3.9% in NYC) but also the sales tax revenue they used to generate from dining and shopping.  The net effect is huge--billions.

A drop in office-space rent revenue reduces city income further.  Public transit revenue falls.

But one thing does increase: crime, as Democrat pols continue to releases muggers and carjackers without making them post bail.  This increase, in turn, prompts more residents to flee, worsening revenue loss.

Few shoppers are willing to step over junkies and walk down sidewalks littered with needles and human waste to enter a store, cutting sales tax revenue still further.

Now you probably haven't noticed, but cities spend every dollar from taxes and fees that they take in.  So a drop in revenue means the city either has to cut services or raise taxes--and both those increase the incentive for residents to flee--worsening the loss of tax revenue to the city.
So, do we see this happening?  Yes.

Nike is leaving anarchic, antifa-controlled Seattle. So is a Regal Cinema multiplex, located in the "CHOP autonomous zone."

The reason? Too much crime, too many homeless skels shooting heroin and sh!tting in the streets.  You'd think the city would clear 'em out, but the city does nothing--and liberal, Democrat voters seems to support that.

The Democrat mayor of DC, Muriel Bowser, is warning Biden that DC has seen a drop in revenue due to hundreds of thousands of people not having to come to their offices every weekday. She's asked Porridgebrain to order all federal employees back to their offices, because DC businesses can't survive without the normal daily foot-traffic.

Of course Porridge and his handlers aren't eager to force employees back to the office since that would undermine Democrats' claims that there's still a "continuing health emergency."  But perhaps more crucial for biden is that sending federal employees--overwhelmingly Democrat--back to the office would anger them and risk losing Dem control of the senate.

One of the best indicators that people are fleeing NYC is that in 2022 enrollment had dropped ten percent from 2020.

That loss translates directly into a loss of state money, which is based on enrollment.  City pols can't reduce the number of teachers without losing support of the teachers' union, so they'll have to get the money by raising taxes or cutting services.

So it turns out that the huge wreckage caused by duh Chyna virus has started a chain reaction: Democrat pols will be forced to raise taxes AND cut services, causing more people to flee, further reducing city revenue.

It's a vicious circle that doesn't seem likely to reverse any time soon, if ever.  

But hey, I could be wrong.  Besides, maff beez raaaacis'.


Is it reasonable for government to demand that every citizen support delusions or be jailed or fired?

Twenty years ago, if a person suffered from delusions, no sane person demanded that the rest of us play along with those delusions.  Demanding that the rest of us do that would have been considered...well, crazy.  No judge or ruler contemplated it.

But today, somehow a handful of people who've managed to worm their way into power are demanding that society play along with delusions.

Meet Anthony Loffredo, 33, who says he "felt he was born in a body he didn't belong in." Ah, yes.  So he chose to undergo many surgeries to turn himself into a creature that doesn't look human.

He's had his nostrils, ears and two fingers removed (to make a claw look, he says), and tattoos over his entire body--including his eyes.  Not the eyelids, but dye injected into the whites of the eyes to turn them black.

He had part of his upper lip removed, to produce a permanent teeth-baring snarl.  He had his tongue split, and a hole put in his lower lip large enough to stick his forked tongue through.  He's had numerous metal implants inserted under his skin on his head and arms to make himself look even more alien.

Of course since it's his body, he has the right to do all that.  So here's where the crazy gets crazier:  He now complains that "The Normies act like I'm some kind of weirdo!  Restaurants won't serve me."  He complains that people who recoil from his intentionally-made alien appearance are "close-minded."

If he was a U.S. resident the ACLU would already have filed a lawsuit demanding that restaurants serve this nutter, and demanding huge damages from any restaurant or bar that refused.

Hell, if he were a U.S. resident, Porridgebrain would have already appointed him to head a federal agency.

Point is, the wokies who we allow to run things have demanded that the rest of us accept and support delusions like this--and without a flicker of hesitiation. 

Now compare this mind-set to that of the "tranny mafia."  In the U.S. (and Canada, and the U.K.) schools and judges and the preznit and members of congress DEMAND that every citizen agree that men can really, seriously, actually become women, simply by declaring it.  Anyone who refuses to bow to this delusion--this lie--risks fines and (in Canada and the U.K) prison time.

Every Media outlet now falsely calls tranny males "she," and tranny females "he."  Cuz duh Media beez "woke," eh?

In days gone by no one ever proposed that all of society support delusions.  But now for some unexplained reason the government and Media and schools (govt again) all DEMAND that we bow to the lie.

So what's the substantive difference between Anthony Loffredo and the tranny delusion?  

Take your time.  I'll wait. 


"Classified documents? Is THAT all you care about, silly peasants?"


"Laws? Well for you, sure. But duh preznit can write or change any law he wants!"

Most Americans know about "laws."  Those are the things that will allow your rulers to throw you in jail or fine you if you drive drunk or speed or threaten someone.

When the U.S. was founded, the Founders intended that the "laws" were to apply equally to everyone-- even to your rulers.  Even to the "president."

(News flash to young Americans: The president is NOT allowed to make "laws."  Seriously!  Second flash:  Judges also are NOT allowed to make "laws."  Seriously.)

But gradually, year by year, the rulers--congresswhores, presidents and judges (yes, even in the so-called Supreme Court) began ignoring more and more laws.  If they'd quickly been executed--after trial, of course--we'd be in far better shape today.  But because no one had the balls to charge the rat-bastards for breaking the laws, they not only weren't executed, they weren't even charged with lawbreaking.

All of which has led us to abominations like "DACA," in which Emperor Obozo the First DECREED that he could change U.S. immigration laws to do whatever he wanted.

(News flash:  Hard as it may be for young Americans to believe, not only are presidents not allowed to *make* laws, they're also not allowed to *change* laws--cuz see, that's like making laws--which again, the Constitution says preznits are NOT allowed to do.  Yeah, it's hard to believe.)

Example: You may recall that Dear Leader--Porridgebrain--ORDERED companies to fire any worker who wouldn't take the vax.  News flash: The Constitution does NOT give the preznit that authority.  And sure enough, MONTHS after biden had his Labor Department issue that DECREE, the courts slapped him across his worthless, conniving, corrupt head, ruling he lacked that power.  

Unfortunately that came way too late for millions of American workers--most supporting families--who were forced to choose between taking the experimental jab and being fired.  But hey, tough, eh?  And not a single one has been allowed to sue Porridge for his illegal decree.  Cuz see, duh employees had a choice, right?  Absolutely free choice!  Free.  Yep yep yep.

(Liberals and Democrats: "Tough shit, peasant.  All *good* Americans eagerly took the vaccine, cuz duh preznit said vax good!  Lord Fauci said vax good!  And queen Walensky said vax good!  And den duh governors sayeth "You can't go outside your home unless you have duh vax passport!)

That story is just to show you an example of duh so-called "preznit" issuing an ORDER that he didn't have the legal authority to issue.  That time, the courts stopped him.  Just too late for the poor unfortunates who were forced to take the jab.

SO...now to the current story.

Last October, *very quietly,* the Porridgebrain regime changed U.S. immigration law, by ORDERING that a "limited number" of residents of the communist shithole of Venezuela could come to the U.S. without having to go to the trouble of getting a visa.  The only requirement was that anyone wanting to come here have a "sponsor" here.

News flash to naive Americans: Pro-communist "refugee resettlement agencies" (often operated by corrupt church groups) will "sponsor" anyone who wants to come to the U.S.--cuz dat beez reel virtuous.

When no one sued over this clearly illegal ORDER, Porridgebrain's handlers (the people who actually run the executive branch) quietly expanded the program, now ordering that 30,000 "migrants" *every month* from Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Haiti could now enter the U.S.--regardless of what duh "immigration law" said.  Cuz again, preznits can ignore any law dey don' like.

(News flash: that's not what the Constitution says.  But the Dems have been ignoring and trashing that document for decades.)

So instantly, thousands of residents of those shitholes began flying to the U.S.--because Porridgebrain had DECREED that it was now legal to do so.

Democrats: "We do NOT have open borders!  Duh border is mo' secure den EVAH!  Alejandro Mayorkas has decreed it beez true!  So neener neener neener!"

"Plus, Dear Leader's decree only authorizes deez pipo to live in duh U.S. for two years!  So not really same t'ing as allowing 'em to stay forever!  See, at duh end of two years duh awful, horrible Rethuglicans could send 'em back where dey came from!"

Except that never happens.  Too much pushback from liberals / Democrats.  Violent demonstrations.

Hey citizen, know what dis country needs?  More pipo from Haiti and Nicaragua and Cuba and Venezuela!  Like, 30,000 every month.  Or maybe 100,000.  Cuz since Dear Leader knows he can re-write any "law," changing that number is as simple as issuing a decree.



January 27, 2023

"We're experiencing technical difficulties...Please standby..."


"Why didn't the unvaccinated do more to warn us?"

Seen on the Net:

As the world struggles with the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, one question that's never been answered is why the unvaccinated didn't do more to warn us about the potential dangers of being injected.

Roughly 30% of Americans have refused to take the covid vaccination.  They seem to have somehow had inside information that wasn't available to the rest of us.  

A few of them posted things on the internet, but either what they said was too technical for most Americans to understand, or consisted of just unsourced claims, like "clot-shot" or "increased heart attacks" that sounded to crazy to be true.  And most of the unvaccinated said nothing at all.  So innocent blood is now on their hands.

As millions of caring, civic-minded Americans lined up to do the right thing--getting the COVID19 vaccination as the president ordered--most unvaccinated Americans quietly stood by and let them do it.  They didn't try to prevent it, even though they had inside information.

Again, we're discovering that the unvaccinated had access to crucial inside-information about the potential side effects of vaccines.  They knew the vaccines often caused severe allergic reactions, blood clots, immune-system damage and other serious health problems.

They knew that the vaccines did not prevent people from getting or transmitting the virus.  Yet they didn't do enough to warn us.

Most of the unvaccinated chose to remain silent--to look the other way as good, caring, civic-minded people took the vaccines as our president ordered.  The more diabolical even urged pro-vaccine people to "get boosted."

The silence of the unvaccinated was sociopathic and irresponsible, and it's time for the unvaccinated to take responsibility for their actions.  They should have done more to warn us about the potential risks--to share their insider information.

It's time for the unvaccinated to step up and do the right thing.  They must ask for our forgiveness.

Okay, this is satire.  But VERY believable, eh?  Bit by bit the wall of lies from gruberment officials and corrupt ghouls at Big Pharma companies is starting to crumble.  When enough lies have been exposed, I expect the NY Times or WaPo will print an "op-ed" piece just like the one above.

January 26, 2023

Hunter Biden "background check" form was actually a fraudulent application for...

A week or so ago, a copy of a "background check form" submitted by the "president's" crack-addled son Hunter appeared on the Net.  The fields on the form suggested it was the kind of check a landlord would do when someone applied to rent a residence.  

In the blank marked "Previous monthly rent" the applicant implausibly claimed that his "last residence" charged $49,910 in monthly rent.  Hmmm...

One imagines the prospective landlord regarded this with some humorous skepticism, but no matter.

Now we've learned the "background check" form actually was part of an application to lease an apartment--just not for Hunter biden.  Hunter had no intention of living there.

Instead the person who would live there was Hunter's relative Caroline biden, then 31, who was on probation (Bidens never go to jail) after being convicted of grand larceny for buying $100,000 in merchandise with a stolen credit card.

You know -- kid stuff, right?

Caroline was on probation in her home state--Delaware, which is totally controlled by her family--but decided she wanted to live with the "other" beautiful, rich people in California.  And to the "elites" getting your probation moved to another state is trivial, eh?  But oohhh, to get her probation transferred to California--which, like every other Democrat-ruled state, would do anything for Dear Leader--she'd need to prove two things:
   1.  that she'd secured an apartment in the state; and
   2.  that she had a job in that state.

So Caroline's uncle--allegedly the president--asked his crack-head son Hunter to help Caroline get an apartment.  Hence the application Hunter submitted in his name.  See, according to an email from Caroline to Hunter--found on that abandoned laptop that the Media claimed was "Russian disinformation"-- she said Joe thought Hunter was a "good influence" on her.
So Porridgebrain reportedly believed his crack-addict, whore-monger son was a good influence on his convicted-felon niece?  Just another example of his faaabulous brilliance, eh?

So now the family just needed to find Caroline a job.  With such a brilliant, talented girl, how hard could that be, right?  Well, except maybe for the felony conviction.

In emails Caroline constantly complained that "the majority of my family thinks I'm nuts and untalktoable," and that she "had to do everything on my fucking own."

Well, except for the president's son finding her an apartment, and the president finding her a job.  Other than that...

And this is at age 31, you say?

So the president arranged a barely-show job (like Hunter's so-called "job" on the board of directors of a Ukrainian gas company) with--get this--a company owned by one of Joe's largest campaign donors.  It paid $85,000 starting salary, with a guaranteed 10 percent bonus and stock options.

But to the consternation of Carolines' dad, his felon daughter refused to take the arranged no-work job, sneering that it didn't pay enough.

See, at 31 years old, Caroline Biden had only had cushy, no-work jobs arranged by people looking for favors from her senator uncle.   

The laptop shows Caroline emailed her father, whining "I cannot take this job. I have never made this little money in my life."  She said she couldn't take any job that paid "less than $180,000."

To the surprise on no one, Caroline bombed the interview, but wound up being offered an internship anyway, only because Biden's big donor knew she had to be offered something, no matter how poorly she did in the interview.

But the internship paid even less than the original $85,000 offer, so Caroline refused it.  So it appears she only made it to Pennsylvania, where she was arrested for driving in September 2020.  And again--surprise!--she was able to get a plea bargain and avoid serving time. 

(Wait...if she was on probation in Delaware, how did she get to leave that state to go to Pennsylvania, eh?  Don't ask.  Well, you can ask but no one will give you an answer, cuz...reasons.)

Amazing, eh?  Got out of another criminal charge (DUI) totally unscathed.  Like Hunter, she's just amazingly lucky, eh?

At this point Americans are so accustomed to revelations of biden family corruption that few Americans would be surprised if evidence surfaced that the family had been given a quarter interest in a Mexican cartel trafficking 14-year-old girls.

Source. Ace of Spades

January 25, 2023

If you think you really have "freedom of speech" in the U.S, think again

Supposedly (let that sink in for a minute) Americans have a quirky right to "free speech."

It's right there in the Constitution.  Ask your kids if they know where it is.  (Right next to the part that says "Church and state shall be separate," right?  No?)

But if the Left doesn't want you to speak, and uses its militant force to intimidate venues and police chiefs and mayors into not allowing you to speak, do you really have the right of free speech, or does that right only apply to leftists and their supporters?

Thousands of examples but here's one of the most recent:  A comedian known to be pro-life had contracted to do a comedy show in the sorry shithole of Rutherford, NJ.  But just minutes after the show was announced, the violent leftist group Antifa demanded that the show not be allowed to take place.

Hundreds of Antifa-affiliated Twitter accounts started bombarding the venue where the show was scheduled, threatening violence if it was allowed.  They also used Twatter on the account of the town's police chief, a man called John Russo, again threatening violence if the show was allowed.

At that point a police chief who wanted to do his sworn duty to defend the Constitutional right of free speech would have pushed back, flooded the area around the venue with cops and ordered them to arrest anyone who committe violence or threatened attendees.

But that’s not what chief John Russo did. Instead, he caved to the demands of the mob, warning the venue that the owners might face lawsuits for any injuries if they let the comedian perform.

When that didn't work, he told the owners he would shut down the show on “public safety grounds.” So ultimately, the venue was forced to cancel the show.

Then the next morning the Democrat mayor of Rutherford--a leftist named Frank Nunziato--bragged about what the city had done. He said it was his decision to use the power of the state to cut down comedy.

What the leftist mayor wrote shows how cunning the Left is.  He wrote, “Online intelligence led the police department to believe that the event had the potential for confrontation. Therefore after discussions with the owner, the event has been canceled.”

Notice the blame shifting:  According to this shit leftist "the event had the potential for confrontation.”  The truth, of course, was that the only "confrontation" came from the mayor's allies, Antifa.  But notice how subtly the mayor makes implies "the event" is to blame.  Classic.

It wasn’t the comedian who was going to confront or threaten anyone with violence. It was the radical left-wing group Antifa.  And yet the Leftists got the police chief and mayor to cancel the show.

So for the record: As long as Leftists rule cities and police departments, you don't have free speech unless the Left approves of what you plan to say.

That's not freedom of speech.


Amid a gas shortage, ruling EU morons plan to close the largest gas field in Europe, cuz...wait, what?

Every western nation is being ruled by morons.  (Actually every nation, but the citizens of western nations should know better and should have a way to change rulers.  But of course they no longer do.)

Latest example: The idiots ruling (ruining) the Netherlands have announced that they plan to shut down the largest gas field in the EU.

Wokie: "Wait, that could be because the field is "depleted" (has produced all the gas it can "economically" produce).  Yes, that's probably the reason."  

Nope, it's because the moron appointed as "state secretary for mining"--a  total simpleton named Hans Vijbrief--by the wokie gruberment believes extracting gas from the earth causes earthquakes.  And people who don't know jack about oil and gas production believe him--"cuz he from duh gummint, so he wouldn' lie to us, right?"

See, the government of the Netherlands is really sensitive to earthquakes cuz of that big one back in '75 that destroyed most of the large buildings in the country and killed 6,770 people.  So that's totally understandable, right?

Except all that's horseshit:  there haven't been any earthquakes of any worrisome size in the Netherlands in our lifetimes.  The worst they've recorded in a 5.8 in 1992, and seismologists are absolutely certain that was NOT caused by any drilling or gas production but by an active fault 20 miles below the surface.  

(If you're reasonably well-informed you should know at least roughly how deep most wells are drilled, eh?  Any idea?   Turns out most production is within two miles of the surface.  The scary, dreaded, OMG we're all gonna DIE  "fracking" is usually no deeper.  So oil and gas drilling and fracking has no effect at all on fault activity 20 miles down.)

Now: I grew up in "oil country" and my family has been in the biz for three generations.  I know oil and gas like you know neurosurgery or insurance or particle physics or whatever your area of expertise is.  And where I grew up we had three or four tiny "earthquakes" every day.

The key word there is "tiny."  You couldn't even feel 'em, but sensitive seismometers can detect 'em.  And by math magic, seismologists can tell you within a mile or so how far below the surface they originated.  And it was always 10 or 20 miles deep--WAY below any drilling activity.

And yet whenever the USGS issued a press release saying "we detected a magnitude 3.1 quake at a depth of 17 miles," citizens who knew NOTHING about anything would flood the local TV stations claiming it damaged their house and scared 'em to death!  And blaming oil drilling, or fracking.

Now, the communists who run Wikipedia are TOTALLY on board with this.  They use a cunning term "induced earthquakes" to make people who don't know better believe oil and gas production causes those little, deep quakes.  Take a look:

So yes, since 1986 the Netherlands has experienced about 1,000 micro-quakes.  Wiki:

This event count shows a remarkable exponential growth in time, which would possibly lead to one event per day in 2025. While moderate in magnitude, the sheer number of events acts as a physical stressor to living conditions."

Oooohhh, "exponential growth!"  You're all gonna DIE!  And it's a "stressor to living conditions." Except...at the very end of the 'graf Wiki throws in a line they're not smart enough to grasp the significance of:

After peaking in 2013 the number of induced earthquakes with a magnitude > 1.5 has been decreasing."

(For the math-phobic: a magnitude 1.5 "quake" is about what you'd feel if you were half a mile from a railroad track when a train was passing--i.e. you wouldn't feel a thing.)

But WAIT...drilling and gas production continued at the Netherlands field well after 2013.  So if the micro-quakes were caused by drilling and/or production, shouldn't that "exponential increase" have continued after 2013?

Of course.  But even Wiki notes it didn't.  Doesn't that wreck their scare story?  Sure.  They just don't realize it.  If they had, they wouldn't have told you the quake frequency decreased after 2013.

And note that the Wiki page at the above link does NOT mention the depth at which these micro-quakes originated.  They know, of course, and they know the depth is so great that the quakes can't have been caused by drilling...but they want you to believe the opposite is true, hence their scare term "induced earthquakes"--implying they're caused by drilling or production.

Turns out we actually know the cause of these micro-quakes.  There are actually two causes:  One is "subduction," where one tectonic plate is being overridden by another.  The moving plates "stick" for a few dozen years until enough spring energy builds up, then every so often they slip a bit.  If there's too much sticky, there's enough built-up energy to cause a big quake, like the infamous San Francisco quake of 1906, or Alaska of 1964 or northern Japan of 2011.

But there's also a second cause: high-pressure gas, produced deep within the earth, eventually reaches a pressure high enough to rupture rock strata above it.  The gas bubble then moves up until its pressure drops too low to bust any more rocks.  That's what accounts for the zillions of micro-quakes in oil and gas-producing areas.  

But do ya think you can educate the Dutch "state secretary for mining," (a.k.a. "extractive industries")-- or any government official?  

Hell no.  Not even close.  Those dumb sons of bitches think they know how it all works, and that you and I are dumb deplorable peasants.

The moron Hans Vijlbrief claims it is “very dangerous” to keep operating the gas field.  “We won’t open up more because of the safety issues…. I’m not going to do it because it means that you increase the chances of earthquakes, which I don’t want to be responsible for,” he said.

He goes on: “Everybody who has some knowledge of earthquake danger tells me it’s *very dangerous* to keep on producing [at Groningen]. I’m quite convinced it’s wise to close it down.”

Media to earthquake expert: "Are quakes dangerous?"  Expert:  "Sure."   What the reporter doesn't ask: "Is a magnitude 2 quake dangerous?"  Cuz that would blow up the scare-story.

The Netherlands field reportedly contains another $1 Trillion worth of gas that could still be produced.  At its peak the field produced over 50 billion cubic meters of gas per year.  But lots of "drilling-induced tremors" [bullshit, but the papers wrote it so...] have been registered around Groningen annually since the 1980s, with 160,000 claims filed for damage to property, so no government "minister" would DARE to allow such a ghastly thing to continue, eh?

After Russia invaded Ukraine and Porridgebrain demanded all countries stop buying Russian gas--and then blew up both Nordstream gas pipelines (link)-- the government of the Netherlands postponed plans to shut down the field entirely, but ordered its production cut to 2.8 billion cubic meters per year, for fear of "inducing" more earthquakes, Vijlbrief said.

Before sanctions Russia was by far the largest supplier of gas to Europe.  But with sanctions the amount of Russian gas has been cut to near zero.  Fortunately for the people of the EU, this winter has been a lot warmer than normal, so the disaster that would have otherwise happened has been avoided.  They got lucky.


January 24, 2023

Gruberment (FDA) uses National Public Radio to float a "trial balloon" for a decision they're about to implement

If you're an adult you may have heard of a thing called a "trial balloon."  (If you're under 30 you probably haven't.)

That's when some agency (either gruberment or a corporation) wants to do something but they're a tiny bit concerned that if they do, some of the peasants might revolt.  Cuz stupid deplorables don't know what's good for 'em, eh?

So the agency or company uses a trusted, warm/fuzzy source, like NPR or the NY Times, to plant a story ("float a trial balloon") describing the proposed plan NOT as done deal but merely (!) as "an idea."

See, if they tell the peasants the decision has already been made, it makes some right-wing conspiracy freaks think the Powers That Rule Ya routinely run the hell over you.  

So with the "trial balloon" floated, the agency waits to see how the public reacts.  If there's only a little outrage, they pull the trigger (i.e. do what they planned to do).  But if there's a HUGE outcry, they don't implement the idea right away, but use their Media allies to plant stories to convince Americans that whatever the agency is about to do is really a GREAT idea.

If you're a young American--or just a naive adult--this probably sounds too complex to be true. Yeah, well...and wearing a  mask keeps you from getting or transmitting duh Chyna virus.  And gettin' duh jab does the same thing.  Except all that is a flat lie, and they knew it.

Example # 594,695:  Dat warm, fuzzy, nevah-lie-to-ya NPR (communist rat-bastards) just floated a "trial balloon" from the FDA/Democrat regime, to show you what's coming:  They're gonna get you to think of the mRNA jab as just another harmless, effective "vaccine"--exactly like the flu vax--EVEN THOUGH it's totally different from the flu vax (cuz mRNA, eh?).

The plan--described by NPR--is that "very young children" [define please?  No?]  and "older people" would "still" get two "shots" each year.  And note the propaganda bit right after the word "year:"  

"Much like the flu vaccine." 

See, the crazies in the FDA know that Americans are familiar with the flu vax.  They know it's safe (at least safe enough not to worry about), and thanks to years of gruberment bleating, they're very willing to take it.  But the key here is to notice how deftly the story made you believe the mRNA vax was just as "safe and effective" as the flu vax:   They didn't SAY it was, but by using the phrase "much like the flu vaccine," every reader got the message they intended.

If you got that message, you're not necessarily stupid or gullible.  It's just that the master propagandists know how people think.  It's like the classic "You must act fast because quantities are LIMITED!!"

Here's another masterpiece:

Got it?  "Some researchers" think you can't just skate with "annual boosters," cuz "Covid hasn't quite settled into a seasonal pattern."  SO...to keep from dying "people may need to be boosted more frequently."  If Big Pharma (Pfizer) can get people to submit to two shots a year instead of one, that doubles their revenue, eh?  Yes.

And note the cunning, subtle propaganda after the phrase "protection against severe disease": "May only last four to six months."  And then the unattributed loop-hole "they say."  That is master-level propaganda.  And it works.  The takeaway: 'If you want to avoid "severe disease" you'll take TWO shots a year.'  We're no longer calling 'em "boosters" cuz our focus-groups show the gullible public doesn't find "boosters" a warm/fuzzy idea anymore.  



January 23, 2023

Interesting tale

From a commenter on another site:

In the early days of the plandemic two friends went to a local testing facility on their lunch break to be tested for duh Chyna virus.  They filled out the paperwork and waited to be called for the test.

Because the Media had already ramped up the "You're all gonna DIE!" panic, the line was long, by the end of their lunch break they still hadn't been tested, so had to leave to return to work.  Again, they were never tested--but had completed the paperwork.

A week later both friends received letters from the testing center saying they had tested positive for duh Chyna virus. 

If you think that was an accident you're too naive to breed.  

Fake positives were being reported to juice up the case numbers, to con the sheep into getting the jab. 

And it worked.

If a study found deaths from heart attacks were 15% LOWER among duh vaxxed, do ya think it'd be headline news?

Suppose an "official" CDC/FDA study showed that deaths from heart attack were DOWN 15% in people who'd taken the covid jab.

Think the NY Times and WaPo would make that headline news?  Think the CDC would be CROWING about what a HUGE benefit this was for vaccinated people--even if no one expected it?  

Think the Atlantic Magazine and Slate and Vice and Vox and HuffPo would ALL be crowing "SEE, even though no one knew the 'safe and effective' vaccine would have this benefit, the president was SOooo right to order every American...wait, sorry: to URGE everyone to take the vaccine.  (Cuz your rulers would nevah ORDER people to submit to an injection of an experimental vaccine, right?)

That astonishingly corrupt, senile moron biden would be saying "SEE, I told everyone to take the vaccine, and I was absolutely right!  (I did NOT order you to take it--even though I ordered your employer to fire anyone who refused--cuz that would be unconstitutional.)"

SO...turn that around:  If heart attacks were 15% HIGHER among vaxxed people, do ya think the NY Times and WaPo and Atlantic and Slate and Vice and Vox would make that headline news?

Hahahahahahahahaha!  I see you just arrived on the planet!  Enjoy your stay!

Nah, they wouldn't say a word about it.  You KNOW they wouldn't, because their job is NOT to tell you the truth, but to defend the Democrat party and get you to obey whatever those assholes want.

SO...like Porridgebrain, the rulers of Australia ordered everyone to take duh jab.  And now a new study shows deaths from heart attack among Australian citizens are UP 15%.

Democrat:  "So what?  See, the study didn't reveal whether heart attack deaths were up just among the vaxxed, or in ALL citizens!  So you can't draw ANY conclusions from dis!"

Really?  I see 90-plus percent of Australians have taken the jab.  Most people know correlation doesn't prove causation, but if the increase in deaths from heart attacks is NOT caused by the jab, what do you claim caused it?  Global warming?  An increase in sunspots?  A lack of sunspots?  Gas stoves?

Point is, you never heard about this study (link below), nor will you hear about it in the U.S. Mainstream Media--even though if the study had shown a DROP in deaths, every single Mainstream Media outlet and government moron would be screaming about this fantastic benefit.

But since it doesn't help the Democrats, you won't hear a thing about it from the U.S. media.

Here's the next hoot: The lying sons of bitches who rule Australia have a cunning "answer" to people who blame the significant increase in heart attack deaths on the jab:  They say the increase is actually being caused by...wait for it...covid!

This is plausible to sheep because it allow the sheep (all vaxxed) to avoid feeling anxious or (Heaven forbid) guilty for making their family members take the jab.  And besides, if the government says it, it must be true, right?

Okay, but someone then said "If the increase in heart attack deaths is being caused by duh Chyna virus instead of duh vax, why didn't heart attack deaths jump in 2020, before the vax existed, eh?"

And the answer from duh rulers?  "It's simple, peasant.  I'll explain it using short, simple words so you can understand it.  See, the spike protein adheres to the...OH MY, look at the time!  My government jet is due to takeoff in just a few minutes!  But you can call my office to get the explanation."

Short answer: If the 15% spike in heart attack deaths was caused by duh Chyna virus, we should have seen a similar spike in 2020.  No such spike was reported.  Figure it out.




January 22, 2023

Even after firings, many Twitter employees are apparently still strongly anti-Christian

Was reading some leftist comments on Twatter and saw one of those warnnings, "The following media includes potentially sensitive content."

Always curious to see what Twatter's leftist employees regard as "sensitive" or offensive, I clicked "show anyway."  Here's what the leftists thought was offensive:

 Why in the world would the leftists at Twatter think this was offensive?  Oh...yeah. 

January 21, 2023

New documents show CDC intentionally omitted serious adverse events from "V-Safe" post-jab surveys

Watchdogs have found yet another smoking gun showing CDC deliberately acted to hide tens of thousands of adverse effects of the vaccines from the public.

In November of 2020, with the rollout of the "vaccines" due the next month, the CDC was also readying a "survey system" called "V-safe" to ask people who got the jab if they experienced any injuries after taking the jab.

"Wait, isn't that called 'VAERS'?"

No, VAERS is for all vaccines.  V-safe was specifically created to check for reactions to the vaxes for duh Chyna virus.

Before the V-safe survey went active in December 2020 (when the first vaccine was authorized), the CDC knew from the drug company trials that myocarditis—heart inflammation--was an "adverse effect."  So you'd think that would have been one of the possible "check-boxes" in the V-safe survey, eh?

Yeah, well...according to a newly-released docs covering the evolution of the "protocol" for V-safe, the CDC didn't make that an option, along with several other known adverse effects.

Two weeks before the system went active, as of Nov. 19, 2020 the "protocol" for V-safe listed myocarditis, stroke, death, and a dozen other known possible adverse effects as known and serious.

But strangely, when the final "protocol" for the V-safe survey was rolled out just three weeks later ( December of 2020) it didn't list ANY of those KNOWN adverse effects.

About 10 million people had signed up to participate as of August of last year 2022.  Participants were asked (via a robot smartphone app) how they felt after getting the jab, whether they had a fever or common minor symptoms, whether they were unable to work or carry out normal daily activities, and whether they needed medical care.  

The app had checkboxes to report 10 minor problems such as fever and nausea...but there were no checkboxes for the known, serious adverse effects that had been in the protocol just three weeks earlier.

So since the survey carefully, intentionally didn't have checkboxes for serious effects--despite the initial protocol recognizing several known serious effects--how could participants in the highly-touted "V-safe" survey report they had experienced a serious adverse effect, eh?  

Easy: by writing them in narrative form in a free-text field.  

If you don't see where this is going yet, read on.

So of the ten million Americans who signed up to participate in the survey as of last August, how many would you guess wrote something in that field, eh?

According to the CDC, 6.8 MILLION.  

For the math-challenged that's over two-thirds of the population being surveyed.  Wow.

If you still don't see where this is going, hang on for a few more 'grafs.

The second smoking gun (after deliberately not including checkboxes for serious effects) is that *the CDC has refused to release any of the entries in the free-text field.*

Since that's the only place any serious injuries (not including the ten minor effects) could appear, a reasonable person might conclude that the agency was trying to hide the true number and percentage of serious adverse effects.

That's silly, right?  Cuz the agency has an excuse for not releasing the entries in the free-response field:  "Those entries could contain personally identifiable information."

Ah. So why not just "redact" (black out) that info?  The CDC claimed it was simply too much of a burden to review all the free-response comments to delete any "personally identifiable information."

That's plausible, since a staggering 6.8 million people had written comments in the free-response field.  But since, **by design,** that's the ONLY place you'd find the number of severe adverse effects, hard not to see the agency's "excuse" for what it is.

Critics then asked the CDC to provide a sample of a few hundred entries to see how often "personally identifiable information" appeared.  Plaintiffs claimed this would likely support their argument that the entries likely hold little or no identifiable information.  Not surprisingly, the CDC refused.

Critics wonder if the CDC was trying to get an honest look at whether the vaxxes were actually safe, or had instead  designed a survey that would allow them to claim the vaxxes were safe even if there were a much higher incidence of serious side-effects that would contradict the CDC's repeated claims that the vaccines were "safe and effective."

In other words, with no checkboxes for serious effects, and the excuse that enable 'em to refuse to release the 6.8 MILLION free-response entries that are the ONLY place serious effects could appear, it seems that this was all intentional.

The CDC did offer to review all the entries and convert described effects into medical codes.  Plaintiffs noted that after the CDC claimed scanning the fields for personal info would be too much of a burden, converting all symptoms to codes would be more time-consuming.

Plaintiffs speculated that the CDC was willing to do this-- even though it would be far more time consuming and complex than simply reviewing for PII--because the public wouldn't be alarmed by a listing of how often bland numeric codes appeared, and would allow the CDC to hide really distressing narratives from the public.

The judge in the case is Robert Pitman, an Obama appointee. 


"Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Meta fire over 10,000 employees each"--but the economy is booming

"Recession?  What recession, citizen?  Duh economy is *booming,* thanks to the brilliant policies of your faaabulous Democrat leaders.

"Well, maybe a few companies are...what's the term?  Oh yeah: "streamlining," "furloughing" a handful of employees.  Aren't those soothing terms?  "Streamlining."  That means a sleek object moving thru the air with less air resistance, so it uses less energy, eh?  Who wouldn't be inspired by hearing that, eh?  Cuz we need to cut our energy use, right?

"What do you mean 'How do I know that'?  Our great, wonderful Democrat leaders told us that.  Were you not paying attention?  You should pay closer attention when they speak, so you don't miss the points they want you to understand!  If you don't listen to them, how can you possibly know what's happening, right?

"Oh, you ask what companies are giving some employees "furloughs," and how many employees will be "streamlined"?  Uh...I don't know.  MSNBC and CNN said it was only a couple of minor companies, and only involved a few employees, so it doesn't sound very significant.

"Wait...what?  You say Google just announced it's firing 12,000, "due to a different economic reality"?  What's that supposed to mean?  Can't be due to a worsening economic outlook, cuz all the Media outlets keep telling us the economy is BOOMING!  So...beats me.

"And you say Microsoft is 'streamlining' HOW many employees?  10,000??  That can't possibly be true!  Wait...ya say the Washington Post says it's true?

"Well y'know once in awhile they're wrong.  After all, six months after the 2020 presidential election they admitted that the story about Hunter Biden's laptop was actually true, so...

"And you say the WaPo headline is "Microsoft layoffs suggest broader pain to come for the economy"?  Nah, that has to be a typo.  Cuz our Democrat leaders are saying everything is faaaabulous!

"And you say Meta (the official Truth decider formerly known as Fakebook) is "letting go" of more than HOW many employees?  Over 11,000??  Nah, I think that's a typo too. I think it's probably 1100.  Let's see if Mark can correct that...

"Wow, Zuck confirms 11,000.  That is SO bizarre!  None of this makes sense.

"And what's this you say about Amazon--owned by the world's richest man?  (The world's richest WAS the devil's agent Elon Musk, but 500 advertiser boycotts showed that egomaniac who's boss, eh?  Serves him right for firing 5,000 diligent, smart, unbiased employees!)  

"Ya say Amazon is 'streamlining' how many10,000??  Again, I think that's gotta be a typo.

"Gee, wrong again.  This is starting to look like Russian disinformation, intended to influence our next election!  Cuz with those four announcements that makes, what, 43,000 people fired, by HUGE companies that all the smart people at CNBC say are superbly run and very profitable.  Why would they do that when the economy is booming?  Cuz it IS booming, right?

"Okay, I just checked with my source in the 'intel community,' and 'they' say--and this is a direct quote--"This has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation."  See?  Told ya.  And anyone who repeats "Russian disinformation" is Putin's agent!

"Yeah, one of the reports above was in the NY Times, one was in the WaPo, one was from Zuck himself, but all those could be faked, right?  I mean, anyone can post anything on the internet, right?  Like that silly claim that the smart folks who run the WEF want us non-elites to eat bugs or something.  Just silly conspiracy theories posted on the net.

"So if you hear anyone repeating claims that these four companies have fired 43,000 employees, pick up the phone and call the FBI at 1-800-GET TRUMP (the last letter doesn't do anything, but it makes the number easy to remember, eh?) and turn 'em in.  Cuz we don't want Americans to think this tale is true, cuz some might think...you know.

"Besides, Musk heartlessly, cruelly fired 5,000!  Fired, I say!  That's just HORRIBLE!  Now *that* you can get upset about, cuz that really happened.  Not this Russian disinformation stuff.

Shill leftist org Associated Press writes clever propaganda to protect World Economic Forum

The Associated Press is a leftist shill site, so it fawns over he corrupt World Economic Forum now meeting in Davos., giving it the headline: "As elites arrive in Davos, conspiracy theories thrive online." 

Notice the emphasis:  Not on the ghastly elites who want you to eat insects while they continue to dine on the most costly steaks, but on "on-line conspiracy theories."  So right away you know you're looking at propaganda.

The shills at the AP continue, 

"Now, in increasingly mainstream corners of the internet and on conservative talk shows, 'The Great Reset' has become shorthand for what skeptics say is a reorganization of society, using global uncertainty as a guise to take away rights. Believers argue that measures including pandemic lockdowns and vaccine mandates are tools to consolidate power and undercut individual sovereignty." 

There's so much utter horseshit packed into that 'graf that it's hard to grasp.  First the AP sets the stage by saying any "skepticism" comes from "conservative talk shows."  First, to morons on the Left, the term "conservative talk shows" is a psychologically-loaded term that tells "sophisticated" leftists (which they all believe they are) that anything said in such forums (which the AP is getting ready to tell you) is a wacky conspiracy theory that no rational person could believe. 

The Left has even managed to turn the formerly neutral term "skeptic" into a pejorative:  Thus we have "global-warming skeptic," and "vaccine skeptic" to denote people who are supposedly "Science deniers," or the equally dismissive inference that skeptics refuse to "listen to the Science."

So the AP writes that "skeptics say" the Great Re-set" is a "reorganization of society," leading readers to conclude that it's NOT a "reorganization of society."  

Except that's a totally accurate description of what the WEF wants to accomplish.  Don't take my word for it — take Klaus Schwab's:  In his book "COVID-19: The Great Reset" he claims the book

"...is a guide for anyone who wants to understand...what changes will be needed to create a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable world going forward. ... [T]he purpose of this book [is] to... show the deficiencies...in our global system...."

Ah, "what changes are needed," eh?  "Deficiencies in our global system," ya say?  Sounds like a total reorganization to me.  Alleged "deficiencies" and "needed changes" probably explains that grandiose title "The Great Re-set," eh? 

But ol' Klaus and the other oh-so-smaht "elites" at the WEF have detected...shall we say, a bit of unexpected resistance among "ordinary people," so they enlist their shills at the AP to quickly assure wanna-be "elite" Democrats that anyone who disagrees with the alleged "necessary changes" is a right-wing domestic violent extremist" or some such. 


Here's another AP article showing the trick:

On the internet, social media users claimed leaders [just "leaders"??  No further identification?  Interesting] wanted to force the population to eat insects instead of meat in the name of saving the environment.

The annual event in the Swiss ski resort town of Davos, has increasingly become a target of bizarre claims from a growing chorus of commentators who believe the forum involves a group of elites manipulating global events for their own benefitExperts say what was once a conspiracy theory found in the internet’s underbelly has now hit the mainstream."

Wow, that's well done! "What was once a conspiracy theory found in the internet's *underbelly* has now hit the mainstream."  Haven't seen "underbelly" used by propagandists in a long time, but it's a perfect example of using vivid imagery to discredit opponents' ideas.

“This isn’t a conspiracy that is playing out on the extreme fringes,” said Alex Friedfeld, a researcher with the Anti-Defamation League who studies anti-government extremism. “We’re seeing it on mainstream social media platforms being shared by regular Americans. We're seeing it being spread by mainstream media figures right on their prime time news, on their nightly networks.”

That entire paragraph is horseshit.  A lie.  The Mainstream Media has totally fawned over the "elites" in the WEF, and has carefully ignored any mention of their stated goals--which unequivocally include drastically cutting the consumption of meat, since the "elites" claim humans eating any form of meat worsens "global warming" by producing more greenhouse gases.

Problem is, if government DECREES force ranchers and other meat-producers to cut their herds and flocks, as the Netherlands has already done, meat prices will unquestionably skyrocket.  In a shortage, users bid up prices.  (If your professor or parents don't think so, put me in touch with 'em.)

It's a thing you so-called "elites" constantly ignore, called "the laws of supply and demand."  It's not that y'all don't know those laws, just that you don't allow the Mainstream Media to inform moronic voters about them.  Which is how you get voters to vote against their own interests--voting to support your DECREES that will make meat to expensive for them to afford.  

They didn't take Econ at Hahvahd.  You did, and your actions in conning them into voting against their own interests is criminal. 

So when your "brilliant" policies result in meat becoming too costly for us commoners to afford, where do expect us to get protein, eh?  The answer "Well you're just shit out of luck" would result in a hail of sniper fire aimed at your lying, thieving, scum-sucking heads, so you have a ready answer:

"Good people who care about Global Warming will eat fake meat, made from soy.  Or insects.  Yes, bugs are *great* sources of protein, citizen!  You should try 'em!"

Yep, that's a great prepared answer.  But when the Media tested it on focus groups, for some reason that idea didn't play as well as the WEF had hoped.

Wow, shocker.  Seems like people preferred eating bacon and steak and chicken to insects.  Who could have predicted that, eh?  

Ooohhh, said WEF rulers, what to do now?  Got it: We simply get our shills in the Mainstream media to *imply* that any claim that we ever urged that is simply a "conspiracy theory" from the "underbelly of the internet."

That's SO cool!  See, if we at the WEF flatly denied saying it, some deplorable would drag out some video showing we actually did.  But this way it doesn't matter much if the video surfaces cuz we didn't deny saying it.  It's all on the Media.  And they do the same thing: "We didn't say the WEF never said it, we just said it was "a popular conspiracy theory from the underbelly of the internet," and then let readers draw their own conclusions from that.  See?"

Welcome to propaganda 101, folks.

Trial finally slated to start for illegal alien who tortured and finally killed a 10-year-old boy in Cali

If you live in "flyover country"--everyplace in the country between the shit-communist-run coasts, for the most part--you have no idea how bad the federal and state governments and their myriad corrupt agencies are.

You literally can't know, because the Mainstream Media deliberately doesn't tell you.  They don't tell you because the crap states are ruled by Democrats--like the fed gruberment.  And if enough Americans knew what was going on we'd likely be seeing thousands of government employees and politician being dragged out of their hidey-holes and...something.

If you're super-sensitive and would rather not know what's happening, don't read the rest of this.  But for those who hope to have a prayer of saving the country, you need to know what's happening.

I take no pleasure at all in reporting this.  It's ghastly and awful and should never have happened.  The demons who did this should be executed without a second thought.  But the perps are only part of the problem:  The great, all-powerful, tax-glutton gruberment had all the evidence it needed to save these kids from the daily abuse they were suffering.  But they obviously didn't.

This is what I'm trying to get you to focus on:  "Adults," who were supposedly being paid to rescue kids from torture, were willfully negligent.  Instead of doing their damn jobs, they just "phoned it in."  And as a result, the abuse continued.

Example # 594,958:  Five years ago, in the total shit-hole state of Cali a native of El Salvador--in the U.S. illegally-- found a stupid white woman with a home, and set up camp.

Next week the illegal is scheduled to go on trial for the horrific slaying of his girlfriend's 10-year-old son-- after horribly torturing the boy for months, with the help of his mother.

Illegal alien Kareem Ernesto Leiva and his American girlfriend Heather Maxine Barron are both charged with murder and torture in the death of her son, and with abusing two other children in the home, court records show.

Prosecutors allege the two beat, starved, burned, whipped and finally killed the 10-year-old.  

On June 20, 2018, the mother called 911 to report her son was unconscious.  Police found the boy not breathing and covered in bruises and abrasions. He also had circular burn marks on his stomach.  (Think: what would cause circular burn marks.)

At the hospital doctors noted he appeared "severely malnourished and dehydrated."  He died hours later.

The coroner found dozens of serious injuries, and ruled the death a homicide.

Court documents allege the boy was repeatedly held up by his feet and dropped on his head, forced to fight other children in the house, thrown into furniture, beaten in the face with a ping-pong paddle and slammed to the floor.

The day before the 911 call, Anthony was unable to walk or eat, but Leiva and Barron allegedly left him unconscious for hours.

Prosecutors claim the final, fatal blows came that evening when Leiva slammed the boy on his head multiple times.  The mother didn't call the police until the next morning, giving Leiva time to flee the residence with his children before authorities arrived."

Of course demons do demonic stuff.  There's only way to stop that, and the law says that's illegal.  So since ya can't kill 'em, "your" [sic] gruberment hires incompetent morons to "protect" kids from this--which is where government didn't do their job:
*For years* "authorities" had received reports of alleged child abuse, according to court filings.  But despite many interactions with county child services, "authorities determined investigations into *numerous prior child abuse allegations* were "inconclusive."

Barron was able to keep custody of her seven children, three of whom were fathered by Leiva, who also fathered five more kids with three other women.  According to authorities the illegal alien was especially abusive to his non-biological children.

The negligence of the "child welfare agencies" [sic] was so clear that when the family of the dead child's father (not the alien) sued, Los Angeles County paid the family $32 million to settle the case.

That should tell you that the totally corrupt county "supervisors" knew they'd lose in court.  They didn't want more voters to know how incompetent the "child welfare system" was, since some voters might put 2 and 2 together.  Geez, can't have that.

If you think this was the only example of total corrupt incompetence in "child welfare," you're too naive to breathe.  By *sharp* contrast, "child welfare" agencies and school systems will instantly take kids away from parents if the parents object to the school adminishits secretly encouraging a kid to go tranny.

The disparity between the way the system responds to those two situations--beating and torturing a kid to death versus encouraging a kid to go tranny while keeping that (and the school's encouragement) a secret from the parents.

Starting to get it yet?

Nah, probably not.  No matter.  "Don't worry, be happy."


January 19, 2023

Merrick Garland: I let Biden's attorneys collect classifed docs in his home cuz I didn't want to "complicate the investigation"

As a few of you may recall, last August biden's attorney-general Merrick Garland sent 40 armed FBI agents to president Trump's Florida home to search for and confiscate declared classified documents.

But by sharp contrast, Garland is letting Biden's lawyers -- most of whom don't even have security clearances--search biden's homes for undeclared classified documents because...Garland says he doesn't want to "complicate the later stages of the investigation."

Conservatives and other crazy people seem to think that's some sort of "double standard"--like, two different sets of laws or something.  Fortunately Americans have the Mainstream Media to set them...um...straight.

Apologies, that's now a bad word, but you get the picture.

biden's supporters brush those claims aside by bleating that biden's legal team's is "cooperating."  The Media also invents what it claims is another *huge* difference: the fact that biden's lawyers quickly informed the Justice Department of the documents' discovery.

Of course that bleat is a deliberate mislead: The damn communist-run National Archives *knew* about all Trump's docs because they'd been exchanging letters about 'em for months.  But you didn't know that, so it sounds like a big difference to you, eh?

A "legal expert" (Dem shill) hired by the MSM claims "One reason not to involve the FBI at an early stage is that the Justice Department would preserve the ability to take a tougher line later, including executing a future search warrant, current and former law-enforcement officials said."

Oh, so the "expert" claims the DOJ/FBI isn't getting a search warrant *now* to preserve their legal right to get one *later* if they had to.  Because as everyone know, the law says you can only get one search warrant.  You knew that--recall that you can't be tried twice for the same crime, right?  Same principle.

Wait, that's not the law at all. You can get as many search warrants as you need.  So to say you can only get one is a flat lie.

So why would the Mainstream Media find a so-called "expert" to *imply* that the DOJFBI could only get one search warrant, eh?

Starting to see yet?

Okay, so what's the harm if Merrick Garland decides not to "complicate" the investigation by using FBI agents to search biden's homes for classified docs, and leaving the job of searching to biden's attorneys (many of which don't have security clearances)?

Well the obvious is that in their drive to protect Dear Leader, a hired attorney who found a TS/SCI doc might just slip it into his coat without informing the DOJ.

Democrat: "That's *absurd*.  Attorneys and high officials are super-ethical and would never do that!"
Your youth, naivete and stupidity amuse us.  Americans under 40 are too young to recall that Bill Clinton's "National Security Advisor"--a slimy rat-bastard named Sandy Berger--covered for Clinton's sale of U.S. atomic secrets to China.

In April of 1996 Berger was briefed by the Department of Energy (which builds and maintains our nuclear warheads) that the Chinese government had somehow acquired the designs of a number of U.S. nuclear warheads.  You'd think that would be of *huge* interest to a president, eh?

Oddly, Berger evidently didn't think so, as he didn't bother to officially notify Clinton until July of 1997--over a year later.  

When this outrageous negligence was discovered, Republicans called for Berger to resign or be fired, accusing him of ignoring the Chinese spying at the highest level.

Strangely, Clinton refused, saying "The record is that we acted aggressively.  Mr. Berger acted appropriately."

Wait..."The record is that we acted aggressively"?  No one was fired or jailed or punished.  It was all but ignored by the media, and eventually everyone forgot.

Relevance: In September of 2003--after Clinton was out of office--Berger went to the National Archives, used his security clearance to demand access to a Top-Secret document, used his clout to demand unmonitored access to the doc in a locked room, then stuffed the doc in his pants and just...walked out with it.

A week or so later someone told him the Archives also had four *copies* of the document, so he went back and used the same method to steal all four copies.

When questioned about the removal of the documents Berger lied to investigators.

If you lie to the FBI, you or I would be jailed.  It's a felony.  So what about Berger, eh?  Zero.

Do ya really think this corrupt, treasonous fuck was punished?  Well...for him, a slap on the wrist.  He pleaded guilty to a single misdemeanor charge, was fined $50,000, sentenced to serve two years of probation and 100 hours of community service, and stripped of his security clearance for a lousy three years.

You or I would have been in prison for a decade.

In classic Deep-State form the Justice Department initially said Berger only stole *copies* of classified documents,  not originals.  That was later shown to be a lie.  But hey, duh Justice Department don't lie, right?  Especially cuz Berger was sentenced during the GW Bush adminsitration.  But of course the Deep State persists regardless of who's president.

But hey, citizen, nothing like this could never happen now, right?  Cuz duh Berger "incident" showed corrupt Deep-Staters that you shouldn't do dat, eh?

So back to biden: Merrick Garland didn't think it would be prudent to have FBI agents search biden's homes, evidently because he didn't think biden's lackeys would steal classified documents..."cuz government officials don't do that kind of thing," eh?
The fewer TS/SCI docs found in biden homes, the easier it will be to do the "no harm, no foul" whitewash Merrick is planning.

And you don't believe a word of that, eh?

Let's just trust Biden's hand-picked Praetorian to do the evidence-collection for law enforcement agents who are, theoretically, making the decision whether or not to prosecute him, based partly upon the expansiveness of the evidence discovered. 


New Mac operating system reportedly will scan your photos and alert cops if it finds anything..."suspicious"

Remember the fuss when Apple announced they were planning to have their software analyze every photo on users' iPhones-- and alert the cops if the software found a suspicious pic?

No?  Wow, what a surprise.  (Not.)

Well, Apple has now reportedly implemented that, only on the new MacOS, not on iPhones.  (Yet.  At least not that we know of.)

They did it without telling anyone.

And you can't turn it off.

Gosh, this seems unusual behaviour for Apple. It's not like they tracked all their users with unencrypted cookies, systematically locked users out of their own systems, or disabled third-party firewalls and network monitors that would let you track such activity.

Oh, wait, they did all those things.
